Archived ipods/ music for flow

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Mar 14, 2013
Is anybody else have flow with music privileges? Nuisance or motivating? I've seen it work for some but majority abuse it.
We can at wally world, but only in one ear so you can hear outta the other.

I was originally using spotify mobile on my phone, but it kept eating through my data and my phone randomly crashes from it, so got an ipod shuffle. Love it ;D
We used to be able to listen to music with one ear bud out while the store was closed. Now we're not allowed to because of Target policy. I can understand why, but with having one ear bud out with the music not blaring would defeat that reasoning. Too many idiots on my team turned it into a problem by not answering to our team lead because the music was too loud. It sucks because that's what got me pumped up to bowl out pallet after pallet.

Now I just sing horribly out loud in hopes that our ETL will let us listen to our music again.
I use Pandora and Tune-in Radio all the time when in the backroom. As long as my Team keeps it in the backroom and can hear a walkie it is ok to me. Keeps people busy and happy.
My store had the one earbud rule for when the store is closed but people abused it and now it is gone. People are playing their music on their phones and it is horrible. Some people's taste in music is ear bleeding horrible and not Target "brand"
our store allows earbuds in one ear, some people also cart around boom boxes and annoy everybody with their music
We use to allow TM to use earphone before or after the store opened, until someone was run over by the crown do to not being able to hear what was going around him. Now, its an immediate CA for unsafe act in our store. Everything is all fine and dandy, until someone gets hurt.....
Our store is pretty lenient on music. When they unload the truck they play music from a stereo. On the floor most people use headphones (one ear) or some play music through their phone speakers. As long as its not too loud and you can still hear what's around you.
My Target allowed you to wear one earphone during the hours the store was closed but the music had to be Target brand. I used to listen to my music and I had to go to iTunes to find "brand" versions of certain songs.
We had an ETL who made a CD for us to use during the truck unload. I remember it began with "Eye of the Tiger." I think it got worn out after a while. The backroom also had its own radio.
They also cranked up a boom box in electronics. One night one of my coworkers and I had to turn it off because music wasn't brand. I think they switched to a different station after that.
Walmart doesn't allow it but I have coworkers who do it anyhow.
Our store used to let you, but we have too many people who get into their own music and don't listen to the PA when lunch/break is called. Now the rule is hell no.
We are allow to listen to music before the store opens. I was just actually talking to our store HR-ETL and she has no problem with it. Most people at our store answer their walkies. Expect for maybe backup cashiering. lol
Wow..."brand" music?

We had the one earphone rule as well, and I would clip my walkie to the front of my hoodie so I could hear it when I was in the backroom or doing price change. Backroom lost the radio for about a month during remodel, so a bunch of us would bring in our iPods. It never was a problem and most of us were able to answer calls.

Flow they would play the radio over the PA, but it never sounded great, so I was glad to bring my own music. It would alternate between classic rock and country...the country got old REAL fast because the station they played had hardly any variety. I'm not sure how I would have survived without my iPod!
We do the one earbud thing at my store as well, and it's never been an issue for as long as I've been there. For overnight zones we've played music on the overhead, or people will use their phone's speakers. Really the only time we weren't allowed music was for inventory, which makes sense because we needed to be paying attention for skew (sp?) checks and whatnot. If I didn't have music to listen to while bowling pallets in the morning, I think I would die, especially doing the HBA ones... *shudders*
At our store we allow them to use Ipods as long as they have 1 ear open. Its always fun when you know the ones that try to cover both ears and hide it. You call break and they have no idea, 20 minutes later they come walking up into the huddle after break wondering why noone got them for break?
Wow..."brand" music?

Otherwise known as music without swear words or racial slurs.

if its on your headphones I dont see what the problem is, I listen to my music that may be deemed inappropriate but I dont have it so anyone else can hear it so theres no problem

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It makes sense if the music on the overhead radio was brand, but your own personal music shouldn't matter.

We did have a couple softlines flow TMs who would play music on a phone speaker while breaking out hanging and sing along. Loudly. It was usually the same country crap that was being played on the radio.

I was so happy when overnights ended because of that.
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