Archived Is a pocket knife a weapon?

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Watching it all
May 1, 2015
In the team member handbook there's a notation regarding the carrying of guns or weapons.

Is carrying a pocket knife classified as carrying a weapon??
Anything can be a weapon.

I carry a pocketknife @ Spot.
Ap would ask to borrow my equipment keys and stop and investigate the little knife I had on the chain everytime they borrowed them. I was eventually asked to not use it anymore and now I have a little razor keychain blade I got from a taxes place.
I am sure some would but then again 3/4 of the store walks around with box cutters so go figure.
If you're using it to do your job than it probably would be. At our store were not allowed to use regular razor blades because they're considered a "weapon"
ASANTS ok when I worked backroom I use to use a Swiss Army knife was never an issue to we got a new Ap Etl who said is was considered a weapon and tried to have me written up
Yes. I would ask management if it would be okay to carry a pocket knife so you won't get written up or fired
I remember hearing somewhere that a knife isn't considered illegal if it's blade's length is less than your palm's width. I may be wrong though.
I use a pocket knife which uses interchangeable razor blades. The blades are slightly larger than the ones in Target-provided box cutters, but still just a razor blade. I haven't been questioned about it in my 2+ years, but then again I'm not whipping it out anytime someone asks for a box cutter.
I know of several people that I work with, that carry folding pocket knives. Since I lost my Kershaw Blur, I carry my Kershaw Kuro... ETL AP had mentioned in passing at a huddle in 4Q that we should only use the blades they provide but other than that, no one has ever said anything. Multiple TLs have seen my knife too. Idk. 🙄

(edit: I feel slightly safer when I have to walk the 15ish minutes to the train when it gets darker too)
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It's a tool that can be used as a weapon, so I wouldn't say it's a weapon outright, but that's just me. I often have a pocket knife on my person but I don't use it at work. I use a folding razorblade for my box cutting. I also have a smaller folding razorblade as a backup or a loaner if anyone on my team forgets theirs. A few TMs on my shift use knives, but I don't personally think they're the right tool for that job. I couldn't tell you what the policy is on using them at my store, though. Never looked into it.
I remember hearing somewhere that a knife isn't considered illegal if it's blade's length is less than your palm's width. I may be wrong though.
What is and is not a legal knife will differ state to state, but there's no way this is a legal standard anywhere. A knife that's legal for say Lebron James would then be illegal for me.
You could stab someone with a sharp stick.. when is it going to be illegal to have anything in your hand?
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