Is Being TL Stressful?

At my former job I had worked my way up to salaried manager. Stuck it out for a year and couldn't take it anymore so I stepped down to hourly manager. Spent three years in a department I enjoyed, then a new store manager came in and moved everyone around willy-nilly. Got stuck in a department I hated and still managed to hang in there for three years before I broke. I stepped down to a cashier position, that's how desperate I was to get out of that department. Despite losing a third of my pay, it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

I got promoted to an hourly management position again about a year later, in a department I loved, and that's where I finished out my tenure with the company. All of this was in the same store too, which was great because I hate commuting.
I took over Market in remodeled ST just before covid. Last 3 months absolutely were me down. Luckily just got back from a 10 days off.

Every year the expectation is to produce better results with less hours. It's a no win situation. You need a peer or two you can vent to.

One of my peers who trained me for POG TL years ago says "no feelings in retail". Ain't that the truth?
It's not horrible... I've been with Spot for just about 6 years. 3 as a Backroom TM, 1 as a "benched" TL, a weird year when I went on LOA to pursue another job, and just about a year as an official TL. I've been at the same store since, and have been a Market TL and now in Flex, which is the team I ran when I was benched. It's definitely challenging, as some of them have been on the team longer than you. They may still see you as part of the OG crew, which happens in my store. It's nothing too major, as performance conversations with them are pretty straight forward, and they definitely understand the position I'm in, but as long as there's that mutual respect it's no biggie.

I haven't been coached yet, I've had some meal violations, but nothing due to my performance. I've noticed a lot of TLs in my store don't really get coached, and we've only had one case of performancing-out due to the TL unfortunately getting burn-out, but that's an entirely separate post.

ASANTS, but the job is definitely challenging, in a weirdly good way. I come from the highest volume store in my district, pretty high up there in region, too. I've worked at other places, and the amount of planning, leading and executing I've had to do at Spot definitely made other job's a piece of cake.
Haha, you remind me of someone I used to work with. He was also a market TL who lead the backroom team as a captain and went on LOA for a year for another job before coming back.
My honest answer: it's not worth it if you have even the slightest bit of uncertainty. It's so different now than it used to be. Competence used to get you anywhere, and being able to lead while getting work done made you the star. Not anymore. You have to be perfect. They have slimmed down the number of ETLs and the work that ETLs used to do on salary is now filtered down to team leaders who have to juggle it in 40 hours of work (heaven forbid you get a second of overtime). And now, it's all so personality-driven. It's not enough to be good at your job, because it's so subjective. Your metrics could be blood red but if you're in good with the ETLs and SD, then you're fine. Your metrics could be green but if they don't like you for any reason, they'll make you miserable. It's so inconsistent. And the pay isn't anywhere near worth the stress and the headaches. If you truly feel you want to give it a try, then by all means, go for it. You may really enjoy it, and more power to you. Just make sure you're going in with your eyes wide open.
Haha, you remind me of someone I used to work with. He was also a market TL who lead the backroom team as a captain and went on LOA for a year for another job before coming back.
haha, you know, you’d be surprised to hear the stories of many long-term TMs/TLs. Surprisingly, many share the same story (not necessarily same departments). From my experience and conversations, we have some TLs that have been ETLs, TMs that have been TLs, etc. We also have a few TMs that have transferred from other districts who have also been benched previously! Not all have been at the same store, but our leadership has definitely seen all sides of Spot and have some stories to tell.
haha, you know, you’d be surprised to hear the stories of many long-term TMs/TLs. Surprisingly, many share the same story (not necessarily same departments). From my experience and conversations, we have some TLs that have been ETLs, TMs that have been TLs, etc. We also have a few TMs that have transferred from other districts who have also been benched previously! Not all have been at the same store, but our leadership has definitely seen all sides of Spot and have some stories to tell.
True! When did you become TL for flex? Something you said just reminded me of someone I worked with. When you said there was a case of performancing out a TL due to burn out. That was me at my store, and the TL that took over is a good guy that I've worked with since I started. I don't know, I could be wrong but, I think you and I might know each other, haha.

Check this out.
An update on TL expectations:
Have you been told 80% of your time should be ‘leading the team’ 10% tasking and 10% administrative (emails/planning/documenting). ?
That really SOUNDS fantastic but I am having a REAL hard time pulling it off ! Anyone find a way to make it work ?

My perfect day -
5 Hours - ‘Work alongside each of my 10 TM’s for 30 min - assisting, making connections, training/guiding,
.5 hour - meal,
.5 hour emails - (15 min. To Read at beginning of shift, 15 min send at end of shift - cause communication is key)
1 HR - planning/documenting/checking reports
1 HR task - the “extra“ thing that needs doing

My Actual Day -
5:15 Arrive, Perimeter check, move some carts in the parking lot, wait for cleaners, Unlock, Disarm
5:30 Punch in
5:30-5:40 Wait for 5:30 team to get in - Unlock door and give assignments
5:40-5:50 Print 4 grids, start an equipment sign out sheet, Get equipment, get keys for all
5:50-6:10 Wait at door to let 6:00 team In - give assignments , (sort re-shop while waiting)
6:10-6:20 Disarm receiving, unlock bays, Acknowledge truck, open compactor for cleaning crew, unlock fixture room, print pricing labels,
6:20-6:40 Wait at door to let 6:30 team in and give assignments (scan price change while waiting)
6:40-6:50 Try to complete Audit - easier recently - old Harlines audit Used to have 70-90 tasks !
6:50-7:10 Wait at door to let 7:00 team in - (read MyDay Communications on Zebra while waiting)
7:10-7:20 Let cash office person in - Really does takes at least 10 minutes to get in, get supplies, re-lock
7:20-7:40 Wait at door for 7:30 team (Used to drop 1for1’s now plan work for day Or print SPL labels, pog price accuracies while waiting)
7:40-7:50 Answer TM questions, check in on unload, get something for someone - always
7:50-8:05 Wait at door for 8:00 team - unlock store.
During this first 2.5 hours also answer all phone calls and record all call-outs
8:00-9:00 Back into and out of cash office, finish audit, cover for anyone late/call-out, remind tm of tasks (RTS, audits, 1:1 pull, SPL, answer all TM questions
Second leader arrives.......whew.

9:00-9:10. ONE MINUTE with each of 10 tm’s To catch-up, remind of tasks/training/meal compliance, check zones, Ensure workload Needed for day is completed

9:10-9:30. Emails/workbench news/Read addendum

9:30-1:00. Conduct interviews, Answer questions, meet vendors, assist guests, back-up cashier, find fixtures, find signing, print labels/pogs, plan transitions,
complete trainings, answer phones/transfer calls, PDD’s
1:00 Punch out

Didn’t complete any ‘task’, didn’t spend more than a minute with any tm, didn’t communicate with peers/leaders, no e-mail sent

All afternoon - answer texts from TM’s, ETL, SD
Yes. I get the same line. "Don't get pulled into doing projects", but when there's 60 hrs of transition workload with trucks every day and no added hours.. Guess who wins up setting the transitions?
An update on TL expectations:
Have you been told 80% of your time should be ‘leading the team’ 10% tasking and 10% administrative (emails/planning/documenting). ?
That really SOUNDS fantastic but I am having a REAL hard time pulling it off ! Anyone find a way to make it work ?

My perfect day -
5 Hours - ‘Work alongside each of my 10 TM’s for 30 min - assisting, making connections, training/guiding,
.5 hour - meal,
.5 hour emails - (15 min. To Read at beginning of shift, 15 min send at end of shift - cause communication is key)
1 HR - planning/documenting/checking reports
1 HR task - the “extra“ thing that needs doing

My Actual Day -
5:15 Arrive, Perimeter check, move some carts in the parking lot, wait for cleaners, Unlock, Disarm
5:30 Punch in
5:30-5:40 Wait for 5:30 team to get in - Unlock door and give assignments
5:40-5:50 Print 4 grids, start an equipment sign out sheet, Get equipment, get keys for all
5:50-6:10 Wait at door to let 6:00 team In - give assignments , (sort re-shop while waiting)
6:10-6:20 Disarm receiving, unlock bays, Acknowledge truck, open compactor for cleaning crew, unlock fixture room, print pricing labels,
6:20-6:40 Wait at door to let 6:30 team in and give assignments (scan price change while waiting)
6:40-6:50 Try to complete Audit - easier recently - old Harlines audit Used to have 70-90 tasks !
6:50-7:10 Wait at door to let 7:00 team in - (read MyDay Communications on Zebra while waiting)
7:10-7:20 Let cash office person in - Really does takes at least 10 minutes to get in, get supplies, re-lock
7:20-7:40 Wait at door for 7:30 team (Used to drop 1for1’s now plan work for day Or print SPL labels, pog price accuracies while waiting)
7:40-7:50 Answer TM questions, check in on unload, get something for someone - always
7:50-8:05 Wait at door for 8:00 team - unlock store.
During this first 2.5 hours also answer all phone calls and record all call-outs
8:00-9:00 Back into and out of cash office, finish audit, cover for anyone late/call-out, remind tm of tasks (RTS, audits, 1:1 pull, SPL, answer all TM questions
Second leader arrives.......whew.

9:00-9:10. ONE MINUTE with each of 10 tm’s To catch-up, remind of tasks/training/meal compliance, check zones, Ensure workload Needed for day is completed

9:10-9:30. Emails/workbench news/Read addendum

9:30-1:00. Conduct interviews, Answer questions, meet vendors, assist guests, back-up cashier, find fixtures, find signing, print labels/pogs, plan transitions,
complete trainings, answer phones/transfer calls, PDD’s
1:00 Punch out

Didn’t complete any ‘task’, didn’t spend more than a minute with any tm, didn’t communicate with peers/leaders, no e-mail sent

All afternoon - answer texts from TM’s, ETL, SD
You actually do quite a lot for a morning person I guess the “ perks” of being the only one in the building .
You actually do quite a lot for a morning person I guess the “ perks” of being the only one in the building .
I was gonna say, reminds me of what being the closing TL is like but for opening 😂 I wouldn’t mind my day looking like that
I've started listening to music on the way to work for an "attitude adjustment "🎶

Sometimes Christian music 🙏, other times Bob Marley🇯🇲 or a little 2Pac👊. Depends on what I'm walking into at work. Have had callouts the last three days, and heard my ETL calling my name over the walkie as I'm walking into the building.

How does everyone else deal with it?

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