COVID-19 Is Target doing enough to protect employees from getting coronavirus ?

“The order will make it mandatory for businesses that interact with the public to use cloth face coverings for their employees starting Saturday; that includes grocery stores, pharmacy's and gas stations” in San Diego county. Will see where Target is going to get the masks or these “cloth face coverings”...
I saw someone the other day looking like a Wild West bank robber, men's bandanna folded diagonally and tied on.
I saw someone the other day looking like a Wild West bank robber, men's bandanna folded diagonally and tied on.
I've received a handful of guests at checkout whose face coverings matched that description. This gets me wondering: if one of these so-called bank-robber-attired guests actually tries to point a gun at us - actually does try to rob us - will Target allow us to spit at them with our potentially COVID-19-containing saliva?😳
Whenever I plan to cover my face in public like especially with a ski mask, I always wear a reflective safety vest. I've had to walk to work in the dark in 25 degree weather and I didn't want any nosy popo up in my grill. Gotta let em know that you know that they know that you're there, you know?
Don't know is this is the right thread but Target in WA is soon™ going to allow and might even distribute high quality face masks and gloves. plus we've been grounded until at least Star Wars day. and occupancy limits in the stores.

well it is something I guess but until I can punch a fool for standing to near me and breathing Elune knows what all over me it's not enough. okay I may just want to punch a few guests. Not to many just a couple every now and again.
The fact that Target has not rolled out a plexiglass divider for registers in TYOOL April 2020 shows how little they give a shit about employees. Wiping down touchpads, screens, etc does nothing when Karen mouth breathes in your direction as she tells you how terrible her day has been with the kids being home all day is.

Those are coming, our PML is checking every time FedEx or UPS does a drop if they came in. So they are on the way.
So a guest told our HR that by me wearing a mask scares her so our HR told us we couldn’t wear them anymore and is ignoring our requests do to people at home

Karen can go fuck herself. Cause my reply when told my mask was scary(and it's bloody angry mouth that you see on fighter planes) was that your fear doesn't trump my need to live. and when you can provide me with a N95 mask(which mine is) then we will talk.
I have my mask to go out. Gotta be safe these days.
I wonder if Spot would let you wear one of these at work?
It would be one way to guarantee the guests customers would keep up their social distancing.

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I can't really say if Target's doing enough because literally every day I clock into work after one day off I have about 10 new rules to enforce upon my team, 5 rules that were changed, and 3 things I immediately have to do before I actually run my buisness.

I just want them to rip the bandaid off already and block everything off except food, paper, HBA, and some cosmetics. (Hygenic products like face washes etc. Are okay). I don't even really think they should do this it just seems like we're taking baby steps to end up in that spot anyway.
We just go out in our regular red-and-denim attire. Our drive up jackets/vests have all been removed.

It's still too cold and rainy here to remove the coats, unless they want me to go out in my non-red coat. It was snowing the other day!
We started "limiting" guests in today. Nearly 400 people in one store doesn't really seem like a limit to me, but I'm no expert. I really do hope we get masks soon, though. I have my own I plan on wearing from now on and I'm hoping it will help me insofar that I won't have to fake smile at the selfish douches who ask me about bathing suits we have in stock in the middle of a GLOBAL PANDEMIC
Yeah, ours is 300ish, but our SD instructed us to alert them well below that threshold yesterday.

My biggest concern (relevant to my work area) re: social distancing is OPU/Drive-Up as many guests in my area are (yay) moving to the Drive-Up life. Picks were understandably insane yesterday (and that is perfectly fine; please stay in your car and don't bring yourselves and your germs into the store). The entire Style team did picks. I may have been the only person who's OPU trained who wasn't picking; the SETL kept me to help them form/enforce a plan to keep up with all the Drive-Ups ...

... over at GS with (counts) five other DUTMs at any given time. That doesn't count the legions of TMs doing picks and vying for the same wacos (them to give; us to take away).

This is no one's fault. I'm not ragging on my fellow TMs; everyone was doing the best they could. I'm just pointing out that it's damn near impossible to keep a six-foot distance when you're crammed into a small space with so many people.

(I also think the two-minute timer should temporarily go out the window, but another topic.)

Because of this, I'm wearing the washable masks with HEPA filter my friend so generously made me, and I'm gloving up. I haven't been shy when on SCO about (nicely) asking guests to stand six feet back if they need assistance, either.
We started "limiting" guests in today. Nearly 400 people in one store doesn't really seem like a limit to me, but I'm no expert. I really do hope we get masks soon, though. I have my own I plan on wearing from now on and I'm hoping it will help me insofar that I won't have to fake smile at the selfish douches who ask me about bathing suits we have in stock in the middle of a GLOBAL PANDEMIC

The issue I have is not the 400 people, is that we are getting entire families just fucking browsing and everyone is over in Pfresh which is directly across the race track from paper chem, which is bordered HBA/Cosmetics it makes that side of the store very crowded. So limiting numbers doesn't do much. We need groups busted up, entire family at the door "nope just one of you allowed in."

And my mask was approved by the STL cause I ignored HR when he said it wasn't appropriate. I wore it STL walked by and said "That is badass." so I will take that as an approval. 😈
Since our county requires workers to wear masks, Target provided our team with cut out white cloth material. Supposedly the masks will be delivered on Tuesday. Bur in order to be compliance with our county, we have white cloths or you can wear your own masks. We were also provided gloves.
2 more down.

I visited Wally World yesterday for a few moments. They had two staff closely watching incoming customers for health issues as well as making entries for the in-store customer totals, while watching outgoing customers to show exits (as well as probably do an AP check). More important, their "Coronavirus" audio message included the following which Target should adopt so we can avoid having guests spend more than a few minutes doing nothing inside the store: "Loitering inside or outside the store is strictly prohibited."
When a Target employee tests positive for coronavirus, Target and other stores issue a standard reply : we will deep clean and sanitize the store according to the CDC. I was curious what this meant since the virus can stay on surfaces for quite some time. The CDC recommends to close off all areas used by the ill person and waiting 24 hours or longer if possible before beginning to clean and disinfect and opening doors and windows to improve air circulation. Interesting... Why not get ahead on this and do what the airlines do...deep clean with misting foggers. What da hell, they should be selling them !
wahhhhh my store sucks ass which definitely means the entire corporation’s response is also bad despite doing things on almost exactly the same timetable as their only major competitor which i will then cite as a company doing significantly better 🙁

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