COVID-19 Is Target doing enough to protect employees from getting coronavirus ?

Yeah, ours is 300ish, but our SD instructed us to alert them well below that threshold yesterday.

My biggest concern (relevant to my work area) re: social distancing is OPU/Drive-Up as many guests in my area are (yay) moving to the Drive-Up life. Picks were understandably insane yesterday (and that is perfectly fine; please stay in your car and don't bring yourselves and your germs into the store). The entire Style team did picks. I may have been the only person who's OPU trained who wasn't picking; the SETL kept me to help them form/enforce a plan to keep up with all the Drive-Ups ...

... over at GS with (counts) five other DUTMs at any given time. That doesn't count the legions of TMs doing picks and vying for the same wacos (them to give; us to take away).

This is no one's fault. I'm not ragging on my fellow TMs; everyone was doing the best they could. I'm just pointing out that it's damn near impossible to keep a six-foot distance when you're crammed into a small space with so many people.

(I also think the two-minute timer should temporarily go out the window, but another topic.)

Because of this, I'm wearing the washable masks with HEPA filter my friend so generously made me, and I'm gloving up. I haven't been shy when on SCO about (nicely) asking guests to stand six feet back if they need assistance, either.

At my store we had many people picking opu batches but to avoid too many people at GS stowing to hold or trying to bag things, the carts would be picked until put to hold and left at guest service paused and one person at guest service would resume the cart and bag all the orders and we would cycle the empty cart back to the next picker dropping off a completed cart. Worked quite well for us.
At my store we had many people picking opu batches but to avoid too many people at GS stowing to hold or trying to bag things, the carts would be picked until put to hold and left at guest service paused and one person at guest service would resume the cart and bag all the orders and we would cycle the empty cart back to the next picker dropping off a completed cart. Worked quite well for us.
I am going to suggest something like this for my store. I was at guest service doing OPU or DU for most of the weekend along with 2 other team members and then there were like 5 or 6 fulfillment team members occupying a small space. Thank you for sharing!
Really Target is not at fault in all this shit...they don't have federal protocols, uncharted territories, where I live in florida.. Half of the cases are in miami-dade, broward and palm beach counties ..all on the other side of the peninsula from me..hate to say it but if I am the governor I shut everything flights in or out.. & you can't travel if you live there...basically it's ...The escape from new York movie...your in...and you don't get out...brutal but isolation is the key here...people can't keep traveling....yes it's a police state but wtf?
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There is only so much a store can do to protect their employees. Sounds like you just don't want to work. You have the temporary $2 hr raise and even if you get sick at least you get the 14 week paid time off. In these times TMs have to work these abnormal hours to better serve the above average demand. I understand the frustration but its just the way things are right now. Suck it up. Cheers.
Our local Walmart was a good experience today, I picked up USB cable and a few small grocery items. They had quite a bit of t-paper and paper towels (3pm) Their A/P was controlling the number of customers going in and coming out. Constantly cleaning things, all in all a good afternoon. Target was a disaster. Everyone seemed relaxed and I saw no hoarding.
The point is that there is no way that a retail company can make it 100% certain that their employees won't catch COVID-19. 100% cannot be attained when working with the public. 100% cannot be attained even if you don't interact with the public but do interact with coworkers. A retail company can make it more safe, less likely to catch it, but there's no 100%. There's no 90%.

So there's two choices. First is quit. Your risk goes down but your income also goes down. Second is stay working. If the company is taking significant steps to lower exposure, such as sneeze guards, frequent cleanings, allowance of gloves and masks, part of the hours during close and similar measures, then risk will go down.

Could Target do more? Yeah. Is Target alone in not doing more? No. Ffs Hobby Lobby and Michael's have filed suit in all states that declared them non-essential and ordered closure, trying to get the court to rule them as essential. The car dealership I worked at is considered essential for the service and parts portion, but they still have a few sales reps meeting with customers in person to sell them cars, and sales rep's desks are about 2 feet across. I went by PetSmart today since the little darlings decided they hate their food (and cats will starve themselves if they don't like the food) and about all the safety features I saw were little painter tape Xs marking 6 feet all through the store. Probably closer to 4 feet though honestly. The cashier had no protection, no sneeze guard, nothing keeping people back. There were no cart wipes, just a hand sanitizer system installed near the carts.

If there are specific things they are failing at, that's definitely a concern. A general complaint that there's still risk inherent to being around people and no realistic solutions....yeah, that's more of a not wanting to work but not wanting the pay drop.
All I can say is that I will be returning to work tomorrow. While I've had mixed feelings about Target & COVID-19, I still am working at my Target store albeit with some wariness and concern.

Perhaps this is a personal faith issue as well. I believe there is an afterlife. We are not called to carelessly put our personal health in danger, but I am cautiously trusting in my faith beliefs as well as caution and common sense during this trying time. YMMV
I haven't seen our PML at all this week, now that you mention it. He may be on vacation for all I know. Translation: no plexiglas shields yet, have no idea if we even have them.
Target has shut down the Mobile Plus locations cause they’re worried about our health and the health and safety of the Guests.

but at the Marketsource stores it’s business as usual. They need to shut that crap down!

We got these DIY mask I think Target sent us. It basically cut up fabric from Target shirts. Can't damn breathe with it because it has like 6 layers folded in and the hair band thing is too tight for my weak ears lol
If you want to buy nitrile gloves instead of wait, your store might have the up&up ones back on the shelf somewhere. Corporate pushed a hold-release batch today in RevLog -- they're no longer a recalled item.
We have have had the shields in for a week. Our PML, well, I'll guess he gets to them when he gets to them. In the meantime hardly anyone will willingly hop on a register. So, SCO for everyone.

Drop a dime to the hotline, those were supposed to be put up immediately. Our PML is working adjusted hours basically coming in with the unload team doing here thing around the store and leaving about an hour or two after open. Today she was there til almost 1pm putting them up cause they came in yesterday after she left.

One downside to the guards, the hole around the pin pad is huge, we could literally stick our heads in the gap around the pin pad. It's something rather than nothing. 🙄

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