The annoying thing is that my store, we never have expired milk. Moldy fruit? Please, that's off the shelf.
Maybe if Target would properly fund their grocery departments...
Fat chance of that happening. I wonder if HQ actually knows the real reality of how stores are allocating payroll to their pfresh departments because I have heard my HR tell me directly HQ allocates X ammount of hours for market and we get 30-50% less hours of X for market.....
Not sure what my store or the company expects when we get about 87 total hours in market but we are expected to
Do Working huddle and mid day zone which can take anywhere from 1 to 1 1/2 hours EACH day
Push out Mcclane with no help
Do reshop for market
Zone ALL of market not just Pfresh and Coolers/Freezers
Backstock all of the pulls...backroom doesnt have to do this
The majority of guests helped are OUTSIDE of market and can take some time
Still have to backup cashier, grab carts, fill baskets, and occasionaly cover electronics
Sometimes have to salesplans which involved demerching, pushing to home, pulling, setting and pushing
Then you have the actual market tasks which include
Receiving C&S and staging in appropriate cooler
SDA which is usually around 50 items
Push out all morning pulls along with the afternoon pulls
Meat Coupons
Filling/Ordering ice
Filling milk/eggs
Pair with SFT for ongoing issues in coolers either on floor or backroom(happens so much)
Vendor Survey plus getting info for all vendors on upcoming sets
And probably other things I am forgetting
According to that article Pfresh/Market accounts for 20% of Targets Revenue but I feel like nobody gives a shit about it