Is this Real Life? (A Market vent thread)

This week I am scheduled under presentation to work on the resets. So far I have reset the produce table and reset the bake table. The freezer aisles were done last week, except for one revision the one that the pog name is PF Snack or something like that with the hot pockets and stuff. yeah they didnt do that one at all nor leave any communication. I challenged my ETL about it, and when i came in at 4am i seen the PTL setting that pog today. tomorrow is the big day for us, resetting the open case produce, meat, deli. All i know is myself and the rest of the pog team (there's 6 of them) will all be in pfresh tomorrow morning.
Well so far our produce tables have been re-set wooo! Presentation was supposed to start the rest of Pfresh on Monday, but the STL came in & had a fit over something & said that they needed to re-set mini seasonal, which wasn't supposed to be set until next week. So tomorrow lunchmeat & fresh meat are getting set. CTL said they would try to get to the open case produce/juices/salads on Friday morning. No clue on our bakery tables.
Bakery tables are due next week.

My transition has been a disaster. You can't even move around in the coolers and freezers right now. POG team tried to set everything at once, so of course everything was half assed. Yesterday I walked into entirely empty runs, mold on shelves all over the department, crooked shelves, pogs that weren't finished, and unable to even walk into the coolers or freezer. And no one had a clue what was going on when I asked what happened.
Plano reset our Produce/Fresh Meat today. There is a lot more mix between produce/meats now in the 2 aisles now. We gained a second 4 foot juice section.
FYI, the new sandwich wedges no longer come in with the frozen, it comes in with the dairy. Date is on the case packs, but not the product, needed to use date gun to date the sandwiches.
My god are those sandwiches packed with sodium, sugar, and fat! I also find it interesting that now PFresh stores have the deli section competing for the same sales against food ave.
hello! 🙂 how did every bodies p-fresh transition go?? Everything is all set, but we still have a lot of backstock in the coolers, and I also now have 7 3-tier carts of d-code and nop items. yayyy -_-
hello! 🙂 how did every bodies p-fresh transition go?? Everything is all set, but we still have a lot of backstock in the coolers, and I also now have 7 3-tier carts of d-code and nop items. yayyy -_-
needed to use date gun to date the sandwiches.
yeap we used the deli, yellow labels and dated them... the tm's are buying them like krazy.
HQ sent a lot of them, and only has 5 days left on sale by, we'll be qmos a lot of them.
hello! 🙂 how did every bodies p-fresh transition go?? Everything is all set, but we still have a lot of backstock in the coolers, and I also now have 7 3-tier carts of d-code and nop items. yayyy -_-
transition is all set here too, and lots of backstock. Already see a revision coming for some items. They gave 2 inches of space for celery, gives room for about 3 stacked on top of each other.
I thought it was kind of odd that the sandwiches came in slacked instead of frozen. Like HQ is wanting to increase QMOS.
I'll have to eat more on my lunch breaks then >_> I'll be very sad if they end up completely removing them, finally something decent that isn't frozen for lunch.
hello! 🙂 how did every bodies p-fresh transition go?? Everything is all set, but we still have a lot of backstock in the coolers, and I also now have 7 3-tier carts of d-code and nop items. yayyy -_-

Lunchmeat & fresh meat got set yesterday. I had to put up the signing & scrounge for more pushers. Presentation left all the spots with no product completely empty. The open case produce still needs re-set. So much backstock. And today was a truck day. So glad I have off.
But seriously, we lay them flat and stack them at least two high (to the top of the fence, or to where it isn't falling on the floor but still looks presentable).

For questions about correct product placement and fit you can always refer to the paper or online planogram. The schematic will show how product should be faced, if it should be stacked, and how high if it should be stacked. Of course many stores follow the idea of pack it, stack it, or rack it so it's on the sales floor, presentation and data integrity be damned.
Just thrown with no particular care onto the shelf. You must also make sure that at least one big has a hole in it and leave m&m's scattered throughout the aisle. This is the proper way to stock candy.

Instead of M&Ms, those gigantic bags of gummy bears that nobody buys.
Just thrown with no particular care onto the shelf. You must also make sure that at least one big has a hole in it and leave m&m's scattered throughout the aisle. This is the proper way to stock candy.

Instead of M&Ms, those gigantic bags of gummy bears that nobody buys.

I beg to differ. I buy them with a gigantic bottle of vodka and make vodka gummy bears 😉
So on the newest schedule, I have a closing shift in "Consumables - Sales Floor" (thanks, MyTime), but I'm a little rusty when it comes to some of the P-Fresh procedures. Would anyone be willing to walk me through the closing routines?
Basically you should complete push and in between start your zone. That's pretty much wht goes on at my store. You really don't want to get behind in zoning,if you think your falling behind ask for help...
so after the reset we now have 2 (4ft sections) of the naked and bolthouse jucies and the new GTS drinks, which on of the GSTLs swears by, I'll have to give them a try but
at $3.49, I guess I'm paying for the GLASS bottle. Sure they don't fall of my metros.
I know they will sell fast at my store.
So on the newest schedule, I have a closing shift in "Consumables - Sales Floor" (thanks, MyTime), but I'm a little rusty when it comes to some of the P-Fresh procedures. Would anyone be willing to walk me through the closing routines?

If its anything like my store..... Complete Reshop...Zone the entire section of G which includes all of the paper products in aisle G1-G5 and then the rest of the consumables zone G6-G44. Work out all the pulls. Work out milk. Backup Cashier a few times. Complete the LOD Sales Walk and then meet with the LOD to have them sign off on it. Complete a 4X4 Walk Sheet and hand in to LOD at closing. Check off the Pfresh Routines and Cleaning and do whatever hasnt been done yet. Meat Coupons towards the end of the night. Cull for products expiring the next day.

And if you are like me, get asked AFTER 5 to call a vendor so they can try to come and fill out the front lane coolers even though all their merchandisers are home anyway. Apparently nobody noticed when the opener was there when the Vendor might actually be able to do something, sigh, and then proceed to have to fill both of them up along with an endcap that just set because you have ALL the time in the world in market where everything is all sunshine and rainbows!! 🙂 (just playing around but I did manage to do that along with everything else. I was exhausted the other day after I got off. Closing shifts always seem 100x more exhausting than opening)
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So on the newest schedule, I have a closing shift in "Consumables - Sales Floor" (thanks, MyTime), but I'm a little rusty when it comes to some of the P-Fresh procedures. Would anyone be willing to walk me through the closing routines?

My typical shift is 2:30 to 10:45, so I'll go with that. Usually I walk in and do the 2:00 pulls because they're never done (sometimes you'll have the pulls from all day! woo!). By the time I finish that the three's are usually out. Do those and then refill bananas. Write down what milk you need to put out. Do the fours and put milk out. Take and break and go to huddle or vice versa. Then do the 5:00's. Zone until lunch. Come back and zone some more. Do the freezers, coolers, and horseshoe the best. I try to finish zoning one hour before close so I have time to refill milk and bananas, that makes it easier for the morning people. Check off the items on the checklist and have the LOD sign it (you'll probably have to remind them two or ten times). If you have time, do a quick cull/qmos, but don't worry about it too much because they do it in the morning. Move the qmos bin by the compactor so it gets emptied. Then do reshop for your area from behind the service desk. When you finish that, ask the LOD where they want you. If it's close enough to time to go home you can probably just hang out by the fitting room and talk to the softlines team like everyone else. 😉

Good luck. Hope I helped. 🙂
Thanks, team! I'll have another person closing with me who's P-Fresh trained, but he'll probably be focusing on dry market because he has a shorter shift, so I'll probably just have to worry about P-Fresh.

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