Is this Real Life? (A Market vent thread)

Did anyone else get a larger than normal FDC truck today ??

We receive 1148 pieces 13 pallets. 4 1/2 dairy, 2 freezer, 1 banana , 1 meat, 4 produce. This is 1 1/2 more dairy and 1 more produce. Why so much yogurts when most was backstock. And too many naked bolt house juices.
Did anyone else get a larger than normal FDC truck today ??

We receive 1148 pieces 13 pallets. 4 1/2 dairy, 2 freezer, 1 banana , 1 meat, 4 produce. This is 1 1/2 more dairy and 1 more produce. Why so much yogurts when most was backstock. And too many naked bolt house juices.

I had a shit ton of yogurt backstock on Thursday's truck. Is there a big sale next week or something?
I know the Dannon 4 packs the ones in the rectangular long box are on sale.

Also does anyone else get LIVE Plants on their food trucks. ?? This is our 3rd shipment we have been getting 5 boxes 8 plants in each box fall mums, every Friday truck. We put them all over the check lanes on top of the drink coolers.
Also does anyone else get LIVE Plants on their food trucks. ?? This is our 3rd shipment we have been getting 5 boxes 8 plants in each box fall mums, every Friday truck. We put them all over the check lanes on top of the drink coolers.

I've only seen poinsettias for Christmas and lilies for Easter at my store.
Also does anyone else get LIVE Plants on their food trucks. ?? This is our 3rd shipment we have been getting 5 boxes 8 plants in each box fall mums, every Friday truck. We put them all over the check lanes on top of the drink coolers.
Yeah we've been getting them and putting them in the same area. They don't seem to be selling very well, which is odd for this area and the complete opposite of what's happening with plants at my grocery store.

Maybe it's because we have a Lowes and Home Depot in the same shopping center?
We also have been getting the live plants. We placed them besides the pumpkin in the middle of the aisle by pfresh and it's selling well, I think. I didn't see a lot of it lately so I am just assuming that it is selling.

We also have a Home Depot nearby.
We also have been getting the live plants. We placed them besides the pumpkin in the middle of the aisle by pfresh and it's selling well, I think. I didn't see a lot of it lately so I am just assuming that it is selling.

We also have a Home Depot nearby.

We have a home depot next to our store too. Also another target near me has a home depot next to it. Wonder what's up with that
Long time spectator, first time poster here. A couple months ago at my store we completely changed our produce ordering process. The PA's were no longer in charge of ordering and the upper management, our ETL and TL of market, decided that we should order less. They really didn't give me and my fellow PA's (there are 4 of us in total) any reasoning for this, they just sort of did it. From what I can tell, it seems that they want to order everything that we need for each individual day so that the coolers are empty when the store closes.

Well, the coolers are empty when the store closes. In fact, they start to clear out at around our first peek (12pm-1pm). We are not a Super Target, but the foot traffic in and out everyday could warrent that title. So yeah, we just don't have much in terms of produce on a daily basis and we have to flex like CRAZY everyday.

I was just wondering what the process was like for other stores and who is in charge of ordering as well.
I still order because we dont have a CTL and my ETLs are clueless on anything in market

Do you have a lot of stock outs at your store for produce? Do you usually order less than the forecast? I'm trying to figure out if it is just my store that has been told to order less.
Long time spectator, first time poster here. A couple months ago at my store we completely changed our produce ordering process. The PA's were no longer in charge of ordering and the upper management, our ETL and TL of market, decided that we should order less. They really didn't give me and my fellow PA's (there are 4 of us in total) any reasoning for this, they just sort of did it. From what I can tell, it seems that they want to order everything that we need for each individual day so that the coolers are empty when the store closes.

Well, the coolers are empty when the store closes. In fact, they start to clear out at around our first peek (12pm-1pm). We are not a Super Target, but the foot traffic in and out everyday could warrent that title. So yeah, we just don't have much in terms of produce on a daily basis and we have to flex like CRAZY everyday.

I was just wondering what the process was like for other stores and who is in charge of ordering as well.

Ours is the opposite. They order way too much of stuff we don't need. 3 boxes of that salad nobody buys, 6 packs of green grapes but no red, mountains of clementines. They always say they need to keep a lot of backstock so the floors are always full (target logic, right?), but when you are over ordering stuff people don't buy and there's nobody there to flex anything out it just all clogs up the produce room then gets thrown out.
Ours is the opposite. They order way too much of stuff we don't need. 3 boxes of that salad nobody buys, 6 packs of green grapes but no red, mountains of clementines. They always say they need to keep a lot of backstock so the floors are always full (target logic, right?), but when you are over ordering stuff people don't buy and there's nobody there to flex anything out it just all clogs up the produce room then gets thrown out.
TPC is your friend. Learn how to TPC so you sell that stuff nobody buys. I TPC things some times 50 % off. My bi color grapes 2 lb clam shells are at 1.99 this week we have way too many of these.
How do you tpc it? Do we need permission to mark it down?

Ask a PA/CTL about TPC'ing

It is hard to explain ordering balance/TPCing,

My rule of thumb is Overorder stuff that sells and you can TPC slightly and get rid of fast (to maintain, full"ness"?. At my Store it is Strawberries/Raspberries by far.

I would also like to implement a rule of thumb to never order anything that doesn't sell thus eliminating it off the POG, (At my store it is Fresh Ginger Root (WTF?) I highly doubt both the PA/CTL knows how to do TPC. I know more than the PA and our CTL came last year and so far, I haven't seen him tpc anything. The only one who knows already left the company. I'll try asking the old CTL

TPC'ing isn't exclusive to consumables, at least I don't think it is, so somebody should know how to TPC. Also I am a PA and I know how to do it and my CTL taught me.
TPC'ing isn't exclusive to consumables, at least I don't think it is, so somebody should know how to TPC. Also I am a PA and I know how to do it and my CTL taught me.
I believe it's fairly exclusive to perishables (Produce, Meat, Deli, Bakery and sometimes Dairy). There are other methods of marking things down (like QRP and promotion maintenance) but there isn't usually another reason to do so beyond competitor matching. This is to say that I rarely have success TPCing anything in dry.
I would also like to implement a rule of thumb to never order anything that doesn't sell thus eliminating it off the POG, (At my store it is Fresh Ginger Root (WTF?)

We discontinued selling the ginger root a couple months back and there have been so many complaints. People really love their ginger root where I'm from.
Double truck meant lots of work for our 4 person dry market team today. Not even gonna lie, walking out crossed my mind for a second when I saw all the truck push on the floor, but I need a job. Flow looked so sorry for us lmao. I pushed the autofills and joined my CTL and another former BR TM pushing the truck. Former flow TM was in the back all day backstocking 4 pallets right from the truck, and backstocked all the shit we brought him lol. My CTL ended up asking me to stay an extra hour today and shave that time off saturday since there isn't a truck. We all worked our asses OFFFFFF. ETL AP actually said he was surprised we got through so much. Well that's what you get when you have a few of the best TMs (in my opinion) on the team. But the team needs more people... Ugh. I never stopped moving today

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