Is this Real Life? (A Market vent thread)

we tried typing QMOS in RF apps and it didnt work like a month ago.....
unless your doing defectives.... then thats different

hey anyone got a DPCI for Roma Tomatoes that are packaged? we had them back in jan i think, and they sold well enough that i want to give them another shot, but the only DPCI i can find is for per lb roma tomatoes and thats not going to sell at my store as we dont have scales.
Would someone mind explaining how to qmos with the my device and/or pda? How do I know if it gets put back in the cooler for food share or put in the bin?
Here's how I do QMOS on the myDevice.
1. Scan the item or search it to bring up it's page.
2. Tap the item name and scroll down.
3. Tap the "toss" option at the bottom.
4. Select why you're QMOSing the item and type in the quantity you're QMOsing into the available field.
5. Tap "toss" (I think. I don't have one in front of me right now) if you don't have any (more) scannable items to QMOS. If you have more scannable items to QMOS (maybe a "guest" left their grocery shopping behind because the lines were too long!) then scan the SAME item again. Now you can trash it and scan the next item, which will automatically be tossed! When you're done... tap "done," which is where "toss" was displayed before you scanned the first item a second time!
6. Curse the Target gods and pour out a venti dark roast for your fallen brethren.
we tried typing QMOS in RF apps and it didnt work like a month ago.....
unless your doing defectives.... then thats different

hey anyone got a DPCI for Roma Tomatoes that are packaged? we had them back in jan i think, and they sold well enough that i want to give them another shot, but the only DPCI i can find is for per lb roma tomatoes and thats not going to sell at my store as we dont have scales.

I wish we had packaged. I've never seen them. We sell a ton of romas, but the cases they come in vary so wildly it's impossible to get an order just right. One truck, we get an eight pound box, next we get a twenty pound box. We will sell roughly forty pounds on a good day. That's five cases of the small ones. If we order small, but get big, we have a surplus of sixty and it fucks everything up.

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we tried typing QMOS in RF apps and it didnt work like a month ago.....
unless your doing defectives.... then thats different

hey anyone got a DPCI for Roma Tomatoes that are packaged? we had them back in jan i think, and they sold well enough that i want to give them another shot, but the only DPCI i can find is for per lb roma tomatoes and thats not going to sell at my store as we dont have scales.
Print the store order detail report. If its not on there, its not orderable.
How do you do p fresh qmos? And how do you know where to put it after?
Follow @Deli Ninja's instructions above to qmos on a myDevice.

At my store they donate it if it's not leaking or gross looking. For us, stuff to donate goes in boxes on top of milk crates just inside the cooler doors.

For some reason I don't think they donate dairy, but it might just be our food bank partner or me not paying too close attention.
You guys are great thanks! Is marking in regular merchandise defectives the same process (using QMOS in RF apps)? Do you need to print labels with a printer like you would if you were marking them out at guest services?
when using the mydevice, no, it doesnt print labels its just subtracted from the system. but we were told that if we are going to donate to make sure we do so through defectives and sticker it. so weve been doing that.

Print the store order detail report. If its not on there, its not orderable.
yeah but you CAN order items that arent on that list. my store only has baby red potatoes, which didnt sell. SO i got the DPCI for yukon golds. they move albeit slowly but they move. tri color slaw was also a dog, brought in baby kale. BANG so yeah the order guide isnt exactly an end all be all. like we can carry sliced mushrooms, but they arent on plano not on the guide .... but orderable! so i do.

came back from 3 day weekend ...
my TL said to me i was right! nutty TM DOES throw everything away! 12 cases of yellow bananas went into the trash. the new garlic? trash. ALL the non green avacado? gone.
so! until my TL has a chance to retrain nutty TM, if that time ever comes as their attendance is so poor the red cross is about to serve it coffee, nutty TM is banned from produce. yay!
yeah but you CAN order items that arent on that list. my store only has baby red potatoes, which didnt sell. SO i got the DPCI for yukon golds. they move albeit slowly but they move. tri color slaw was also a dog, brought in baby kale. BANG so yeah the order guide isnt exactly an end all be all. like we can carry sliced mushrooms, but they arent on plano not on the guide .... but orderable! so i do.
sort by DPCI and everything active for your store will show, including those not of planogram. Doing it this way also eliminates duplicates for items on multiple pogs.
came back from 3 day weekend ...
...nutty TM DOES throw everything away! 12 cases of yellow bananas went into the trash. the new garlic? trash. ALL the non green avacado? gone.
so! until my TL has a chance to retrain nutty TM, if that time ever comes as their attendance is so poor the red cross is about to serve it coffee, nutty TM is banned from produce. yay!

My STL is all about keeping the floor FULL! He trained our newest PFresh opener to order enough to fill the floor and have 1-2 cases in the back, even though we get FDC trucks EVERY DAY!!! Was gone for 4 weeks training for SB at another Target, so I haven't really been able to take to him about it yet.
My STL is all about keeping the floor FULL! He trained our newest PFresh opener to order enough to fill the floor and have 1-2 cases in the back, even though we get FDC trucks EVERY DAY!!! Was gone for 4 weeks training for SB at another Target, so I haven't really been able to take to him about it yet.
that sounds like a nightmare as the salads would always be qmos but full on the floor.
Need to adjust and order for what sells and TPC what doesn't sell, keeping an eye on expiration dates and order accordingly.
I need this sign

Ours came yesterday, and shockingly were already built when I came in. The item detail report wasn't working for me yesterday but I need to get our fast movers set up today.
My STL is all about keeping the floor FULL! He trained our newest PFresh opener to order enough to fill the floor and have 1-2 cases in the back, even though we get FDC trucks EVERY DAY!!! Was gone for 4 weeks training for SB at another Target, so I haven't really been able to take to him about it yet.
My STL is the same exact way. Once he made us order so much salad that we ended up donating an entire 6 ft tall pallet of unopened salad because it all expired at the exact same time. None of it made it to the shelf.
We got ours today 3 pallets. 24 u boats.
All they need is the handles put in the bottom

Cant wait to start using them it will make dairy so much easier. Where do you put the eaches that are back stock ?
I already stole a U-Boat for our Grocery Model Pusher extravaganza.. (there were like 8 with nothing on them, so I figured I would swoop in).

Interesting to call them U-Boats as their closest association is with Nazi Germany.
I am glad to say I am the first one to actually utilize a U-Boat in my Store. I was quick to swoop in and grab one...

(It is full of Pushers.)
We got ours today 3 pallets. 24 u boats.
All they need is the handles put in the bottom

Cant wait to start using them it will make dairy so much easier. Where do you put the eaches that are back stock ?
Hold onto a box to keep them organized until you go to backstock them. 🙂

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