Is this Real Life? (A Market vent thread)

Once, we got a SuperT's order of bananas, as well as our own. For reference, we are a C Volume that orders between 8-10 cases of bananas an order. I think there were over 20 boxes on the SuperT's pallet alone, haha. Needless to say, we ended up donating a TON of bananas that week!
Banana bread, anyone?

A case of Popsicle sticks, 400 pounds of melted chocolate chips, some freezer space ---

"There's money in the banana stand."
After hearing the horror stories of an FDC store, I'm glad we're serviced by a DSD. The screw ups aren't as bad as what I'm reading here.
Lol yes. My store is serviced by Denton, TX. The pick labels and aisle locations are nice but the way the stuff is loaded (in the dual temp trucks) is the worst.
Then there's the way the pallets are built-meat on top of produce on top of dairy (and eggs). Good job, FDC! *slow clap*
After hearing the horror stories of an FDC store, I'm glad we're serviced by a DSD. The screw ups aren't as bad as what I'm reading here.
Lol yes. My store is serviced by Denton, TX. The pick labels and aisle locations are nice but the way the stuff is loaded (in the dual temp trucks) is the worst.
Then there's the way the pallets are built-meat on top of produce on top of dairy (and eggs). Good job, FDC! *slow clap*
I, too, am serviced by Denton.

Yes, they are morons who couldn't tell their ass from a hole in the ground.

Organic produce?
Who needs plastic seperator sheets when you have three temp zones and four coolers on a single pallet?
The Denton FDC can't load a truck that makes sense from a store perspective to save their life. My store is consistently loaded as the first stop with two other supers on board. We routinely have to off load 15-20 pallets in addition to ours every truck day. Instead of loading chilled:frozen:chilled they tend to load all frozen in the nose of the truck and then all cooler after that. Ugh. I shouldn't have to unload two other super Ts' cool pallets just to get to my one or two frozen pallets. Every single time.

Then there's times they do segregate the trailer chilled:frozen:chilled, but then we have produce in the tail, frozen in the middle, and dairy in the now I still have to unload 2/3 of a full truck. I just hope the other stops realize that their pallets have been sitting out of temp for nearly an hour or more most days. And that's just in my store.

And then produce stacked with meat (which has poultry on top of other stuff half the time), no separation for organics half the time, dry and cool produce stacked on the same pallets all mixed up with dairy, bananas that routinely come in gray which is a sign of being kept too cold at some point, heavy stuff (cantaloupes, milk, watermelons) stacked on top of fragile stuff (eggs, mushrooms, other fruit). The list goes on and on.

We send feedback forms for every single trailer. They never get better.

Also, many of the barcodes for frozen casepacks do not scan.
The Denton FDC can't load a truck that makes sense from a store perspective to save their life. My store is consistently loaded as the first stop with two other supers on board. We routinely have to off load 15-20 pallets in addition to ours every truck day. Instead of loading chilled:frozen:chilled they tend to load all frozen in the nose of the truck and then all cooler after that. Ugh. I shouldn't have to unload two other super Ts' cool pallets just to get to my one or two frozen pallets. Every single time.

Then there's times they do segregate the trailer chilled:frozen:chilled, but then we have produce in the tail, frozen in the middle, and dairy in the now I still have to unload 2/3 of a full truck. I just hope the other stops realize that their pallets have been sitting out of temp for nearly an hour or more most days. And that's just in my store.

And then produce stacked with meat (which has poultry on top of other stuff half the time), no separation for organics half the time, dry and cool produce stacked on the same pallets all mixed up with dairy, bananas that routinely come in gray which is a sign of being kept too cold at some point, heavy stuff (cantaloupes, milk, watermelons) stacked on top of fragile stuff (eggs, mushrooms, other fruit). The list goes on and on.

We send feedback forms for every single trailer. They never get better.

Also, many of the barcodes for frozen casepacks do not scan.

I suppose it makes me feel better that we are not the only ones with the same issues... west coast. At least they are consistent? 🙄
just wanted to update those who get tooo many B-A-N-A-N-A-S ... just tell your guest to go on the banana diet. lol

The Denton FDC can't load a truck that makes sense from a store perspective to save their life. My store is consistently loaded as the first stop with two other supers on board. We routinely have to off load 15-20 pallets in addition to ours every truck day. Instead of loading chilled:frozen:chilled they tend to load all frozen in the nose of the truck and then all cooler after that. Ugh. I shouldn't have to unload two other super Ts' cool pallets just to get to my one or two frozen pallets. Every single time.

Then there's times they do segregate the trailer chilled:frozen:chilled, but then we have produce in the tail, frozen in the middle, and dairy in the now I still have to unload 2/3 of a full truck. I just hope the other stops realize that their pallets have been sitting out of temp for nearly an hour or more most days. And that's just in my store.

Lol so much this.
I think the record for pallets we've had to offload at my store before getting our pallets off is probably in the 20-25 range! So much wasted payroll!
Good job, gf. You have a good ctl, which is plus. On vendors issues, partnered with your receiver & flagged them red for being late & having lack of product out. Thre is a lot of info on workbench about pa's. I would listen to your etl-hr & ctl on your stuff. Now, with fa stuff, talk to your etl-log to help get rid of fa stuff out of the freezer. The fa-tl needs to step up & fix the issues.
Couldn't have said it better. Keep up your hard work and stay close to your CTL.

If I'm not throwing away one or two cases every truck, it's pretty obvious they have new loaders.

Truck feedback forms are useless as tits on a boar. Been complaining about this for a solid year.

If I'm not throwing away one or two cases every truck, it's pretty obvious they have new loaders.

Truck feedback forms are useless as tits on a boar. Been complaining about this for a solid year.
when they come in super green leave them capped for one day then stack them at the bottom once opened, but open up the plastic so they can breathe otherwise they'll get spots while green.. You might need to check your sft, if the ambient room is below 60 they will always turn gray

If I'm not throwing away one or two cases every truck, it's pretty obvious they have new loaders.

Truck feedback forms are useless as tits on a boar. Been complaining about this for a solid year.
when they come in super green leave them capped for one day then stack them at the bottom once opened, but open up the plastic so they can breathe otherwise they'll get spots while green.. You might need to check your sft, if the ambient room is below 60 they will always turn gray
We're saying or bananas come off the truck gray.

It's a long standing issue from our shared FDC.

If I'm not throwing away one or two cases every truck, it's pretty obvious they have new loaders.

Truck feedback forms are useless as tits on a boar. Been complaining about this for a solid year.
when they come in super green leave them capped for one day then stack them at the bottom once opened, but open up the plastic so they can breathe otherwise they'll get spots while green.. You might need to check your sft, if the ambient room is below 60 they will always turn gray
We're saying or bananas come off the truck gray.

It's a long standing issue from our shared FDC.
.. Trailer feedback forum?
Then there was the time they sent us bananas that had never made it to the ripening room before they shipped them. They never ripened, but if course we had already sold a couple cases by the time they told us they screwed up and we needed to QMOS them since they would never ripen.

I've personally put in probably two dozen forms over the last year. Receiving or Flow TL have each done probably twice as many as myself.

Denton is a black hole.
You're on the same DC I have, you might need to question the drivers and how well they are sealing the freezer wall because I only get grays one box in a month if that
I understand that it's mostly automated. So I would guess a lot of these problems stem from Target thinking it is efficient.

Even our drivers complain about the terrible loads out of Denton.
The only problem I have with Denton is high risk food safety criticals up the ass.. And a badly built pallet from time to time... I dunno how far you are away from there but we're very far, maybe they have better precautions for further trips
Lol an hourglass.. But honestly, I have Denton and I very rarely get grays straight off the truck, I would start to question the drivers ability.. I've been at 2 stores, pa for 6mo and CTL for 4yrs, both Denton, very rarely have issues with bananas..
I don't work at a Super Target or P fresh....however we do have an expanded frozen.dairy section.Why cant they put the pick labels on the boxes? such a pain when you have to make labels for them before you back stock any bs .
For the past week when I order, the prompt for a qmos amount of highly perishable items no longer comes up. Is this happening to anyone else?
For the past week when I order, the prompt for a qmos amount of highly perishable items no longer comes up. Is this happening to anyone else?
My PA was overjoyed to see that while she was firing the order. I told her to break guardrail as necessary and enjoy the the minutes or so she'd save by not having to bullshit qmos numbers for half the produce section.

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