Is this Real Life? (A Market vent thread)

BigEyedPhish here are the routines we've developed to help with dated product in the backroom:

I walk the produce and meat coolers every morning for TPC opportunities and before I order to do a mini inventory.

Every morning after the autos are pulled, backroom drops and pulls a manual for the following: PRO1, PRO2 and MTCL. On truck days, they add in Dairy, Meat and Deli. Does this completely fill those groups? No, but it helps.

Our truck team then scans for backroom locations while pushing everything except freezer. This alleviates farther out dates getting pushed to the floor. Yes, it's time consuming, but I have a very seasoned food truck team that gets through it quickly. This has really really helped since we started it a couple months ago. Occasionally when the truck comes late we have to choose not to scan some things.

I work a truck one day a week, pushing it with them, then I backstock everything myself. This really helps keep me aware of what's in the coolers.

Everyone who backstocks is trained how to properly do this by dates i.e. if you have a case of Strawberry Yoplait in sec D01 and you're backstocking another one, put it to the right of that case.

I get really vocal when there is backstock left in the cooler/freezer from the daily autos and cafs. Got to get it located! Occasionally on Saturdays, they won't be able to finish backstocking the truck, usually just the freezer. One of the food truck people gets added in to come in on Sunday and do it.

We are a C volume PFresh with trucks anywhere from 350-700 so how this would work for busier stores I don't know. I am lucky to have a really great food truck team. Most of them have been doing it since we remodeled 2 1/2 years ago and they work their butts off. They keep me informed when they see large quantities of short dated product. I also have a great back-up PA.

Whew, this was long. Hope this gives you some ideas though.

This wouldn't fly at my store as our Flow team has had a hell of a time helping out at all in Market... We usually get C&S at around 6am and we are lucky if we are done pushing it by 10am... let alone get it all backstocked...

I am in an AA Volume store with market easily our highest volume area. our trucks are usually in the 600-1200 range. The only time I really get time to ever walk the backroom is right before I shoot my order (I know what to TPC in the backroom from doing this as well).

Lately we have been tasked with pushing all of the overnight pulls as well which is usually a full metro of freezer, a full metro of Dairy as well as a 3 tiered cart, half to a full metro of produce, and maybe half a metro of meat.
I had checklane candy as well, what I did was, I printed a batch of labels for what checklane candy was in the SDA and gave a few copies of it to the GSTL to have their cashiers go through.. This after I just cleared the checklane crap that was in the SDA at 1 checklane..

SDA tasklists of 105 tasks are no fun.
So this was the SDA the other day. I always thought the list was never supposed to be more than 50 items combined between the floor and backroom?


9:46 AM your are doing the SDA late, I have to have it done by 7:15 Am ... but as long as it is done by 11 AM your store will not get dinged.
I had 50 the other day, 47 were at checklanes for gum and candy. lol
BigEyedPhish here are the routines we've developed to help with dated product in the backroom:

Lately we have been tasked with pushing all of the overnight pulls as well which is usually a full metro of freezer, a full metro of Dairy as well as a 3 tiered cart, half to a full metro of produce, and maybe half a metro of meat.
I always push the morning auto cafs, that takes the longest and our store gets 1000-1500 truck 3 days a week.
so busy I put 8 miles in 8 hours on my fitbit.
So this was the SDA the other day. I always thought the list was never supposed to be more than 50 items combined between the floor and backroom?


9:46 AM your are doing the SDA late, I have to have it done by 7:15 Am ... but as long as it is done by 11 AM your store will not get dinged.
I had 50 the other day, 47 were at checklanes for gum and candy. lol

Technically speaking, I wasn't actually the one doing it that day, I just jumped in to help out 😛 But before I left market I would do it early around 7am, or after my first break depending on what day it was (our list is usually super small or non-existent on weekends and non truck days for some reason).
I had 4 days in a row in the 70's and 80's. Lots of expired candy. Tuesday it took me 1 & a half hours to do the SF. Always bad at the 1st of the month
I never had one above 32 in 4 years unless it had short dates that my pa or I put in.

Has everyone's been checklane candy? That's the only thing I've had, in massive numbers, since this started happening
Ya Monday, Tuesday and Thursday all had checklane candy on SDA is usually not even above 25 and one day it was 58, then 45 then 49...rediculous.
So this was the SDA the other day. I always thought the list was never supposed to be more than 50 items combined between the floor and backroom?


9:46 AM your are doing the SDA late, I have to have it done by 7:15 Am ... but as long as it is done by 11 AM your store will not get dinged.
I had 50 the other day, 47 were at checklanes for gum and candy. lol

Technically speaking, I wasn't actually the one doing it that day, I just jumped in to help out 😛 But before I left market I would do it early around 7am, or after my first break depending on what day it was (our list is usually super small or non-existent on weekends and non truck days for some reason).

SDA is the very first thing I do in the morning...grab my walkie, pda and a cart and do the SDA. Then I QMOS it all and then do pulls. Saturday I had like 30 cartons of half gallon SB milk that was on the endcap much fun!!!!!

Fridays are a challenge though. Have to do SDA, QMOS SDA, Pulls, Huddle, Freshness Friday, Break, QMOS freshness friday and backstock my morning pulls all before 9 because that is when C+S starts pushing and they need all the green racks clear. OH and theres milk that comes in also that needs pushed...all 150 or so gallons. OH and Culling...OH and usually meat coupons that werent done. Then the order has to get done and I have to help push C+S...I just love Fridays. Steritech decided to come on friday last time too, horray. And we ALWAYS get transition and revision items on Friday even though my Plano team doesnt even set it til like Wednesday

Friday, Friday...sigh....I hate fridays
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Welcome to my Saturday. I wish I only got 150 milks I get about 450 gallons of milk on Saturday plus a 14 pallet FDC. Truck. These past three Saturdays are just killing me only 1 or 2 flow tms scheduled to push this is a joke!!
Every time headquarters decides to add an entire area to the sda over a week it blows up the sda. We've had 42+ all week. We rarely see more than 25. Took me an hour Thursday. But I pulled peanut m&ms from 2012. Yummy.

I always do the sda right after my cull to get it off the floor before we open. It's in the routine for 10:30. My one pa often doesn't get to it till after his lunch. The other does it right before lunch. I figure it's easier before we open and why leave expired food on the floor if you can remove it?

We used to do manual cafs the night before orders, but it didn't help and it really cut into the closing routine. I do a inventory before ever order. Counts by case pack and dates for arrival and when it has to last till. Works well if you know what we need for that time frame. Not so much if you just order more of the sale items, even if they won't sell.
Welcome to my Saturday. I wish I only got 150 milks I get about 450 gallons of milk on Saturday plus a 14 pallet FDC. Truck. These past three Saturdays are just killing me only 1 or 2 flow tms scheduled to push this is a joke!!

Thats alot of milk O_O....also unlike alot of newer stores my Pfresh backroom is in the back of the store and Pfresh is in the front so I have to go through mini seasonal/seaonsal and then through all of dry market to get to the Pfresh area
Every time headquarters decides to add an entire area to the sda over a week it blows up the sda. We've had 42+ all week. We rarely see more than 25. Took me an hour Thursday. But I pulled peanut m&ms from 2012. Yummy.

I always do the sda right after my cull to get it off the floor before we open. It's in the routine for 10:30. My one pa often doesn't get to it till after his lunch. The other does it right before lunch. I figure it's easier before we open and why leave expired food on the floor if you can remove it?

We used to do manual cafs the night before orders, but it didn't help and it really cut into the closing routine. I do a inventory before ever order. Counts by case pack and dates for arrival and when it has to last till. Works well if you know what we need for that time frame. Not so much if you just order more of the sale items, even if they won't sell.

Ya its way easier if you have checklane stuff...I made that mistake on one of the days and had to backup like 3 times while checking dates...and this was before 10.
Yes check lane sdas were loads of fun this past week, 79 0ne day.
Found some outdated Hershey bars from October 2010!! They were in the bottom of a box in one of the higher number checklanes rarely used.
Yes check lane sdas were loads of fun this past week, 79 0ne day.
Found some outdated Hershey bars from October 2010!! They were in the bottom of a box in one of the higher number checklanes rarely used.

I didnt find much ...found a few here and there that were a few months old but thats it...most of the stuff I found was from August
Attack of the checklane SDA again today lol.

Just thought I'd share this here...My store is piloting a new ordering process, by which I mean that we are ordering even less now. So in addition to not ordering salads, garlic, and non weighted fresh meat, we no longer order cut fruit, cut vegetables, or herbs.
99 problems, wow I guess ours will be here soon too. Right now I have no room in the freezer, with 8 metros of backstock from Saturdays and Tuesday's truck.

hmm, they all look like those damn Market Pantry turkeys which do NOT sell. ALL that sells are the Butterball Turkeys.

I also don't see much bakery backstock in that freezer, we have 2 aisles of bakery backstock, lol.
Attack of the checklane SDA again today lol.

Just thought I'd share this here...My store is piloting a new ordering process, by which I mean that we are ordering even less now. So in addition to not ordering salads, garlic, and non weighted fresh meat, we no longer order cut fruit, cut vegetables, or herbs.

I wonder how long it'll be until everything in Pfresh is HQ replenished. It certainly seems like that's the route they're going.
I wonder how long it'll be until everything in Pfresh is HQ replenished. It certainly seems like that's the route they're going.

wow, I can't wait for this to happen. We already are out of salads every couple of days. If this happens then I'll run out of berries and grapes, HQ doesn't have a clue how to order, I always order over the guardrails.
We still order berries, grapes, apples, oranges, cauliflower, tomatoes...all bulk produce by the each, but we don't order any cut veggies or fruit tubs/trays, no bags of veggies/trays.

We're just going to have to make sure that our OHs are 100% (I'm probably going to have my PA start shooting research the morning of an order so that the counts update in time for drops at the FDC...or maybe just daily to be safe) and that our rotation is 100% all the time. The replenishmen system is supposedly going off the amount they sent with each exp date and assuming a perfect FIFO when it look at our OHs. Supposedly anyway.
@sigma7 you should check to make sure each pallet has your store number on them. Just incase, you might have gotten some other stores Turkeys.

We only got 2 boxes of MP Turkeys today.

Also, time to TPC those Turkeys to 49 cents per lb... start weighing them now, lol.
OH NO 🙁 dont tell me autoshipments have begun on turkeys 🙁 I ordered the MP breasts because they are on TPC but we only sell butterball for the most part..
I'm not putting my Turkeys out till Plano sets the revisons for the bunker... hmmm that will take awhile.
I still have the new Clausen pickles hanging out in the meat cooler for over a week now.
Also have some new turkey dinners that are still NOP hanging out in the dairy cooler "deli" shelves, waiting for plano to do their revisons.
I sure wish Plano had enough TMs to get all their revisions done.
They're all ours. My FDC has old prices, so they shipped them all out to stores to relabel. Getting another push the week after next. Apparently the FDC sees nothing wrong with this.

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