Is this Real Life? (A Market vent thread)

They added a new task in an already super busy and super short shift: spray and wipe down fridge/freezer handles everyday. I timed myself and that is an additional 30-45 minutes out of my already busy schedule.
Corona's hit the state and it's been crazy, but nice benefit to it, they've been having everyone jumping in one big swoop to push the line so we can actually focus on pulling stuff and keeping things stocked. Might also get time to deep clean some uglier looking shelves
We use the stuff we use for organic for everything in pfresh that’s the liquido from eco lab.

It’s in a station near the back room cleaning sink just mix with water just like degreaser.
Our C&S pallets today were a total letdown lol only 8 boxes of bananas and pretty much no fresh meat. We did get 2 pallets of the G&G water in on the truck today though but they were gone in like an hour
Our C&S on Monday was dairy and freezer. They send an email to let us know what's coming. Next truck is tomorrow. We have no produce and only t bone steak and salmon. No chicken or turkey.
We got a shit ton of milk from the vendor but on C&S we didn’t get really any dairy at all. We have no butter, no eggs, etc. OM is a sad sight
Anyone have eggs? We haven’t gotten eggs in on our truck for over a week now 😱
Most of my dairy truck was specialty milks. We are dead out of so much. Still have cheese though. No yogurt, no juice, lots of cold coffees, no creamer, no sour cream, light on butter (Kroger had it on sale so they have a ton still), no eggs, bacon is light, no deli pasta, completely out of meat. Brought in extra turkey, ham, and corned beef just to keep up presentation.

Nothing in freezer except diet and specialty food. Turns out even when there’s nothing left people don’t like cauliflower pizza.
Asuras not all production is being turned off. Bakery has a list of items that can still be baked. All cake decorating and cake/cupcake production is temporarily discontinued. For deli production is shut down but you are still able to slice and package meat and put it out in your coolers.
C&S sent us minimal shipment Of eggs on Friday. The regular 18 pack was gone in two hours and we were just about wiped of the standard pack. Tomorrow will be fun to see the decimation of P Fresh.
C&S sent us minimal shipment Of eggs on Friday. The regular 18 pack was gone in two hours and we were just about wiped of the standard pack. Tomorrow will be fun to see the decimation of P Fresh.
I don’t ever get an OM2 or anyone in market in general after 6 so it’s been fun coming in every day and seeing produce completely wiped out

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