Is this Real Life? (A Market vent thread)

@commiecorvus I wish you can see the rollout guide for this. We're supposed to flex product, use a portable printer and print out a label, attach a flip label holder over the OOS product, and put the label in the holder. Their rationale is people buy more stuff when it looks full. Guess when else it looks full... WHEN WE HAVE THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF PRODUCT IN THE STORE WITH THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF STAFF!!

Hi, I'm new here. I've been with Target over a year and a half now, and I've been in the grocery department for almost a year now. My store is doing exactly what @daninnj is talking about: flexing product to fill outs, printing out labels, and attaching a flip label holder over the OOS product. The DTL is going to visit my store tomorrow to see how this rollout looks...
Ya Market is always a huge percentage of sales even though the Margins are really low. It always makes me laugh when they expect so much out of Market but slowly they keep dropping support and expect us to do more and more and more.

I honestly dont know how anyone cleans in their market section. If you are routinely being able to do the monthly cleaning you must have full support of your store, never have to backup or help C+S push and your backroom helps you out a ton
I've found for some of it, it is actually easier to order replacements rather than clean things.

My shelves are pretty dirty and nasty. Under the fan and platinng we had milk/juice spill down and spread out over like 6 ...4 foot sections. To clean just 1 section took me forever one day because it was thick and coated on and almost impossible to remove in a timely manner. Had to unscrew and turn off the fan and get under the actual shelving where the product is. Still havent finished it. Been months....

Dont know when im supposed to get to it.

Push out ALL morning pulls from 6:30 and 7:30 batches
Complete SDA + QMOS
Deep cull + QMOS
Huddle at 8 plus working Huddle then break
LOD Sales Walk

Fill Milk which apparently is invisible in the backroom to all but me. Came in today and found out it wasnt pushed at all yesterday. Guess who got to push out a whole flatbed of it today..this guy. Also fill eggs while doing this. On Tuesday and Friday we have our milk deliveries and it is routinely 150-200 gallons of Milk to push out to the opposite side of the store. We also have to take the milk from the pallets and put them on flats so its not prepped or anything to work out we have to form our own push. Whats even better is when there is inevitably a spill and you have to clean it up either on the shelves on the floor or one of the gallons on the pallet. Happens 90% of the time and its always so much fun!!!

Backstock all of the morning pulls because I guess backroom is "too busy" or something to do it, ever.

Actually break down my cardboard and put it in the bailer. Not just leave full cartons stacked on top of another in a tub for the closing Market TM to take care of like one of my fellow PAs does.

Do reshop + fill baskets since half the time it will sit empty for half the day unless I do it.
Backup cashier and help answer call boxes and guest questions. More than half of which are not even market related.

Meet with Vendors about upcoming POGs, Survey, and whatever signing or labeling issues that might be occuring. Once a month I set all the wine Sidecaps, ECs, etc.

Receive C+S truck and stage in appropriate area. We are usually the first or second stop so it takes a long freaking time to unload the truck, especially when they have pallets sideways and on both sides. Nothing more frustrating than having your freezer be on the right side and most of your other product on the left.....

Work out C+S M,W,F. Usually have to help out from 10-2 or so on each of those days. Its just expected that I have to work out the truck in order to be done on time even if we ask for more help they never give it to us. Now that it is on flow days its gotten amazingly bad. People coming back late from Lunch not even getting started until after 11 and then only being scheduled til 2 and taking a break in there as well. C+S also BCODES EVERYTHING that we work out so when it comes to the back it allready has the label to backstock, backroom doesnt even have to do it..oh but wait...there is no actual backroom because we have a C+S person backstock all of it for is expected that person do the 12,1,2 pulls for all of Pfresh...must be nice to be backroom huh?

Do the order. I launched in Pfresh so I am still in the habit of actually checking everything in the backroom for dates and freshness and all that. It usually takes me a little longer but thats because I am a lot more thorough on ordering than everyone else and I make sure we arent out of product for days on end like we ALWAYS are when somebody else does the ordering

Thats just the normal stuff that happens on a daily basis for the most part. That doesnt include

Freshness Friday in which I have to QMOS the 1-2 cart full of product.
Having to prep for visits which we had 3 out of the last 4 fridays...go us
Having to zone paper
Having to cover electronics breaks

and a bunch of other things I cant remmber
Yup. I made a spreadsheet for ordering so I can take a quick inventory before every order. Even the other PA using it doesn't prevent us from running out or over ordering in their day. Sadly. Since they started using it it's a bit better though. I can do it order in thirty minutes if I have to with few things getting missed.

Today I pulled milk dated last month off the dang shelf. Which means no less than five people missed it. Me and my mid shift weekend persons least, but definitely all off us. Ugh.

@pfreshdude I feel your pain. I do most of what you mention above, and I have the added bonus of compost (hence my moniker). They rolled out composting in my district late spring/early summer. Before then, QMOS went straight to the compactor. Now with compost, the processed QMOS has to be depackaged and 1) if it's liquid, get poured down the drain; 2) if the product hasn't expired, set it aside for donations (which get picked up Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays); 3) if the QMOS is expired/damaged/spoiled, we have to put them in compost bags/bins. The bins need to be emptied either when it gets full or at the end of the day -- they get tossed into a compost bin outside (which itself gets emptied once a week).

Add that new flexing to fill active outs thing that's being rolled out... More work to do in the same amount of time.
@compostguy I understand that the process must be a pain in the butt but as long as Spot actually sticks to it and doesn't just pretend to like it does with the recycle I'm really impressed.
It sounds like a good program.

@daninnj that is no way to run a railroad much less a grocery.
How the frell do they expect people to find anything or stock it when it comes in?
Do they really care about the department at all or understand how to make it work properly?
So we already do the flex thing in meat, produce and bakery. Although a shitty job of it. Just s flipper with a cover up label though.

And my little old codger insists on the dang tilted meat. And our regional team lead thinks it's great. Wtf?! I still put it flat all the time.
@compostguy I understand that the process must be a pain in the butt but as long as Spot actually sticks to it and doesn't just pretend to like it does with the recycle I'm really impressed.
It sounds like a good program.

Oh, I forgot about recycling... When processing QMOS now, there are 3 bins: Compost, Recycling, and Trash. Anything food, soiled paper, etc. goes to compost. Anything with the recycling symbol (plastic bottles/packages, aluminum cans, etc.) goes to recycle. Anything else goes to trash. For example, a single yogurt cup. The plastic yogurt cup goes into recycling, the tin foil on top of the cup goes to trash, and the yogurt itself goes to compost. The worst part is having to depackage multiple items in a single package (e.g. cheese slices or sticks -- you have to unwrap each one, throw the cheese in the compost and the wrapper in the trash). I'm all for compost, but the process is so long and tedious.
@compostguy I understand that the process must be a pain in the butt but as long as Spot actually sticks to it and doesn't just pretend to like it does with the recycle I'm really impressed.
It sounds like a good program.

Oh, I forgot about recycling... When processing QMOS now, there are 3 bins: Compost, Recycling, and Trash. Anything food, soiled paper, etc. goes to compost. Anything with the recycling symbol (plastic bottles/packages, aluminum cans, etc.) goes to recycle. Anything else goes to trash. For example, a single yogurt cup. The plastic yogurt cup goes into recycling, the tin foil on top of the cup goes to trash, and the yogurt itself goes to compost. The worst part is having to depackage multiple items in a single package (e.g. cheese slices or sticks -- you have to unwrap each one, throw the cheese in the compost and the wrapper in the trash). I'm all for compost, but the process is so long and tedious.

oh my god...I think i would asked to be put into a different department unless they gave us more hours or changed what we did if I had to do that. I have enough as it is..I dont have a TL over there or dependable TMS and the schedule is all over the place.
@compostguy I understand that the process must be a pain in the butt but as long as Spot actually sticks to it and doesn't just pretend to like it does with the recycle I'm really impressed.
It sounds like a good program.

Oh, I forgot about recycling... When processing QMOS now, there are 3 bins: Compost, Recycling, and Trash. Anything food, soiled paper, etc. goes to compost. Anything with the recycling symbol (plastic bottles/packages, aluminum cans, etc.) goes to recycle. Anything else goes to trash. For example, a single yogurt cup. The plastic yogurt cup goes into recycling, the tin foil on top of the cup goes to trash, and the yogurt itself goes to compost. The worst part is having to depackage multiple items in a single package (e.g. cheese slices or sticks -- you have to unwrap each one, throw the cheese in the compost and the wrapper in the trash). I'm all for compost, but the process is so long and tedious.

oh my god...I think i would asked to be put into a different department unless they gave us more hours or changed what we did if I had to do that. I have enough as it is..I dont have a TL over there or dependable TMS and the schedule is all over the place.

I spent half of my shift processing compost today: the usual 2 carts of compost from culling/SDA, 1 cart from guest service defective returns, and 4 carts of donations that weren't picked up (I guess the donation folks took the week off). Ended up processing five bags of compost (which another market team member and cart attendant had to take outside to the compost dumpster during a rainstorm -- glad it wasn't me!). Merry Christmas to me! 😛
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@compostguy I understand that the process must be a pain in the butt but as long as Spot actually sticks to it and doesn't just pretend to like it does with the recycle I'm really impressed.
It sounds like a good program.

Oh, I forgot about recycling... When processing QMOS now, there are 3 bins: Compost, Recycling, and Trash. Anything food, soiled paper, etc. goes to compost. Anything with the recycling symbol (plastic bottles/packages, aluminum cans, etc.) goes to recycle. Anything else goes to trash. For example, a single yogurt cup. The plastic yogurt cup goes into recycling, the tin foil on top of the cup goes to trash, and the yogurt itself goes to compost. The worst part is having to depackage multiple items in a single package (e.g. cheese slices or sticks -- you have to unwrap each one, throw the cheese in the compost and the wrapper in the trash). I'm all for compost, but the process is so long and tedious.

oh my god...I think i would asked to be put into a different department unless they gave us more hours or changed what we did if I had to do that. I have enough as it is..I dont have a TL over there or dependable TMS and the schedule is all over the place.

I spent half of my shift processing compost today: the usual 2 carts of compost from culling/SDA, 1 cart from guest service defective returns, and 4 carts of donations that weren't picked up (I guess the donation folks took the week off). Ended up processing five bags of compost (which another market team member and cart attendant had to take outside to the compost dumpster during a rainstorm -- glad it wasn't me!). Merry Christmas to me! 😛

Are you the only person in Pfresh during your shifts? If so that sucks...dont really ever get anything done huh?
Oh, I forgot about recycling... When processing QMOS now, there are 3 bins: Compost, Recycling, and Trash. Anything food, soiled paper, etc. goes to compost. Anything with the recycling symbol (plastic bottles/packages, aluminum cans, etc.) goes to recycle. Anything else goes to trash. For example, a single yogurt cup. The plastic yogurt cup goes into recycling, the tin foil on top of the cup goes to trash, and the yogurt itself goes to compost. The worst part is having to depackage multiple items in a single package (e.g. cheese slices or sticks -- you have to unwrap each one, throw the cheese in the compost and the wrapper in the trash). I'm all for compost, but the process is so long and tedious.

oh my god...I think i would asked to be put into a different department unless they gave us more hours or changed what we did if I had to do that. I have enough as it is..I dont have a TL over there or dependable TMS and the schedule is all over the place.

I spent half of my shift processing compost today: the usual 2 carts of compost from culling/SDA, 1 cart from guest service defective returns, and 4 carts of donations that weren't picked up (I guess the donation folks took the week off). Ended up processing five bags of compost (which another market team member and cart attendant had to take outside to the compost dumpster during a rainstorm -- glad it wasn't me!). Merry Christmas to me! 😛

Are you the only person in Pfresh during your shifts? If so that sucks...dont really ever get anything done huh?

Yesterday I wasn't originally scheduled in Pfresh -- I was scheduled for ad takedown (6:15pm-10:15pm). I get a call asking if I could come in to do a Pfresh shift (we had C+S trucks back to back on Monday and Tuesday, the Tuesday one usually comes on Wednesday, but came a day early because of the holiday), so I figured why not, it will help get the department caught up. When I got in, the two morning guys had already clocked out, but let me know that C+S push was completed. Fine, I'll just do the autofills and do the flexing to fill active outs, but when I walked into the ambient room, it was filled with carts of compost! So I let the LOD know that I was going to spend my shift doing compost since that really needed to be done -- there were two more TMs coming in (one for dry market, the other for open market). I let the other two TMs know to take any market calls while I stayed in the back and processed all the compost out. Normally it doesn't usually get that backed up -- we're supposed to process our own compost during our shifts, but the morning team ran out of time due to the huge amount of C+S (and that the usual help from the flow team didn't happen because they have been coming in earlier to do holiday truck push -- 6 truck days a week this holiday season, so C+S is usually done by the market team). The donation folks are usually really good about taking there stuff, but I guess they had the week off, so I had to add that stuff to the compost pile. I just hope the compost bin is emptied soon (a truck comes once a week to empty it).

Added bonus: I got to listen to (Christmas) music while I was processing compost in the back, out of the way of guests. 😉

The scheduling goes like this:

On C+S days (M, W, F) we have two TM in the morning, one midday, and two closers (one for open market, one for dry). On non C+S weekdays, 1 morning, 1 mid, 2 closers. On weekends, 1 morning, 2 mids, 2-3 closers.

The problem in recent weeks (say a week or so before Thanksgiving), our Pfresh TL took LOA for personal reasons (he's returning this Saturday). Add the fact that another TM just quit (his last shift was last night), and now we're down to the bare minimum of TMs in the department, so any call outs or time off requests and we're screwed!
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oh my god...I think i would asked to be put into a different department unless they gave us more hours or changed what we did if I had to do that. I have enough as it is..I dont have a TL over there or dependable TMS and the schedule is all over the place.

I spent half of my shift processing compost today: the usual 2 carts of compost from culling/SDA, 1 cart from guest service defective returns, and 4 carts of donations that weren't picked up (I guess the donation folks took the week off). Ended up processing five bags of compost (which another market team member and cart attendant had to take outside to the compost dumpster during a rainstorm -- glad it wasn't me!). Merry Christmas to me! 😛

Are you the only person in Pfresh during your shifts? If so that sucks...dont really ever get anything done huh?

Yesterday I wasn't originally scheduled in Pfresh -- I was scheduled for ad takedown (6:15pm-10:15pm). I get a call asking if I could come in to do a Pfresh shift (we had C+S trucks back to back on Monday and Tuesday, the Tuesday one usually comes on Wednesday, but came a day early because of the holiday), so I figured why not, it will help get the department caught up. When I got in, the two morning guys had already clocked out, but let me know that C+S push was completed. Fine, I'll just do the autofills and do the flexing to fill active outs, but when I walked into the ambient room, it was filled with carts of compost! So I let the LOD know that I was going to spend my shift doing compost since that really needed to be done -- there were two more TMs coming in (one for dry market, the other for open market). I let the other two TMs know to take any market calls while I stayed in the back and processed all the compost out. Normally I doesn't usually get that backed up -- we're supposed to process our own compost during our shifts, but the morning team ran out of time due to the huge amount of C+S (and that the usual help from the flow team didn't happen because they have been coming in earlier to do holiday truck push -- 6 truck days a week this holiday season, so C+S is usually done by the market team). The donation folks are usually really good about taking there stuff, but I guess they had the week off, so I had to add that stuff to the compost pile. I just hope the compost bin is emptied soon (a truck comes once a week to empty it).

Added bonus: I got to listen to (Christmas) music while I was processing compost in the back, out of the way of guests. 😉

The scheduling goes like this:

On C+S days (M, W, F) we have two TM in the morning, one midday, and two closers (one for open market, one for dry). On non C+S weekdays, 1 morning, 1 mid, 2 closers. On weekends, 1 morning, 2 mids, 2-3 closers.

The problem in recent weeks (say a week or so before Thanksgiving), or Pfresh TL took LOA for personal reasons (he's returning this Saturday). Add the fact that another TM just quit (his last shift was last night), and now we're down to the bare minimum of TMs in the department, so any call outs or time off requests and we're screwed!

That would be so nice...I have no TL, and we only have 1 opener and 1 closer and we have to take care of ALL of Market...oh and we have to basically do C+S when that is pushed out too.
I would love to have one person in dry market and one in open market. Our team is pretty small, CTL, one PA (although I'm interviewing soon to be the 2nd, hopefully), plus two more TMs. I close 5 nights a week usually, while the others can't work on certain days for various reasons so they basically trade openings because they can't close most of the time. For the last few weeks we had enough hours to have a mid scheduled, but the CTL said we're losing that the first week of the new year. My new schedule also has me till 30 minutes before close instead of actual closing. Nice to be out early, but I'll miss the bit of hours.

It would be interesting to have compost at our store, but I can't imagine having enough time to get my stuff done if that was added in.
My Pfresh TL returned to work Saturday, and the Pfresh team morale was boosted tremendously! We got everything done (including compost). I think our team was stressed out when we didn't have our TL (or our ETL-SF, who left right before Thanksgiving, had really been supporting the Pfresh department -- our store still hasn't replaced her yet). I'm really happy he's back -- our department really needed that adrenaline kick. However, our compost bin is filled to max capacity, haha.
So I pushed out all of our holiday bakery stuff onto the bakery tables and filled it up to maximum capacity before leaving yesterday, hoping it will sell out soon because I have Valentine's Day boxes to push very soon (once plano resets the labels for the table). I was inspired to fill up the table after visiting another store (not in my district) that had their bakery table filled to max capacity (save for the Archer Farms pumpkin spice breakfast bread shelf which was bare, but that's because that bread itself is done for the season -- guess they didn't have time to flex). I've never seen so much King's Hawaiian bread on a facing before -- color me impressed!

In compost news, the donations guys showed up yesterday, but could only take one cart of donations, leaving two carts behind which I will have to compost, since they won't be coming around until Monday. ARGH!

Does anyone carry the 73%/27% purple label ground beef? I'm not sure if it's new product or product that was accidentally sent to us -- we had to flex it out to the empty 85%/15% shelf.
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yep we have the red, green, blue and purple 1 lb packages of ground meat.
We have had it since September when all the 2lbs went away and the only patties we carry are the green ones.
So I pushed out all of our holiday bakery stuff onto the bakery tables and filled it up to maximum capacity before leaving yesterday, hoping it will sell out soon because I have Valentine's Day boxes to push very soon (once plano resets the labels for the table). I was inspired to fill up the table after visiting another store (not in my district) that had their bakery table filled to max capacity (save for the Archer Farms pumpkin spice breakfast bread shelf which was bare, but that's because that bread itself is done for the season -- guess they didn't have time to flex). I've never seen so much King's Hawaiian bread on a facing before -- color me impressed!

In compost news, the donations guys showed up yesterday, but could only take one cart of donations, leaving two carts behind which I will have to compost, since they won't be coming around until Monday. ARGH!

Does anyone carry the 73%/27% purple label ground beef? I'm not sure if it's new product or product that was accidentally sent to us -- we had to flex it out to the empty 85%/15% shelf.
We have the purple label ground beef. We have red, green, blue, and purple. It's nice having four because there is always one color that sells out fast, and then we have enough of one of the others to flex out (usually).

We already have our Valentine's Out, we had it out before Christmas. I moved all of our leftover harvest and Christmas bakery to a front endcap to try and move it out the door. We have number labels for bakery, but sometimes will put out a bit extra of things like the demi French bread because I hate having the bakery table perfect and then calling for the walk and having it be empty by the time the LOD finally makes it over.
So I pushed out all of our holiday bakery stuff onto the bakery tables and filled it up to maximum capacity before leaving yesterday, hoping it will sell out soon because I have Valentine's Day boxes to push very soon (once plano resets the labels for the table). I was inspired to fill up the table after visiting another store (not in my district) that had their bakery table filled to max capacity (save for the Archer Farms pumpkin spice breakfast bread shelf which was bare, but that's because that bread itself is done for the season -- guess they didn't have time to flex). I've never seen so much King's Hawaiian bread on a facing before -- color me impressed!

In compost news, the donations guys showed up yesterday, but could only take one cart of donations, leaving two carts behind which I will have to compost, since they won't be coming around until Monday. ARGH!

Does anyone carry the 73%/27% purple label ground beef? I'm not sure if it's new product or product that was accidentally sent to us -- we had to flex it out to the empty 85%/15% shelf.
We have the purple label ground beef. We have red, green, blue, and purple. It's nice having four because there is always one color that sells out fast, and then we have enough of one of the others to flex out (usually).

We already have our Valentine's Out, we had it out before Christmas. I moved all of our leftover harvest and Christmas bakery to a front endcap to try and move it out the door. We have number labels for bakery, but sometimes will put out a bit extra of things like the demi French bread because I hate having the bakery table perfect and then calling for the walk and having it be empty by the time the LOD finally makes it over.

Ya we flexed all of our xmas bakery out before xmas at Savor Spot, a small space over on a B endcap by the kitchen utensils, seasonal and the bakery table. We sold alot of it before xmas too. We barely had any in the backroom, most of what we had came in the Friday before xmas. Valentines has been set since Sunday on the bakery table.
So far behind on bakery. I'm sure there still in Xmas cookies in the freezer on one of the 17 back stock carts in the freezer. Today I plan on pushing dairy back stock from the last 4 trucks we have 13 carts of just dairy back stock. Just cannot keep up with the trucks not enough TMs
So far behind on bakery. I'm sure there still in Xmas cookies in the freezer on one of the 17 back stock carts in the freezer. Today I plan on pushing dairy back stock from the last 4 trucks we have 13 carts of just dairy back stock. Just cannot keep up with the trucks not enough TMs

I don't think we even have enough vehicles (let alone space) to accommodate 13 vehicles of dairy backstock.
So far behind on bakery. I'm sure there still in Xmas cookies in the freezer on one of the 17 back stock carts in the freezer. Today I plan on pushing dairy back stock from the last 4 trucks we have 13 carts of just dairy back stock. Just cannot keep up with the trucks not enough TMs

This is crazy! How do you keep dates rotated? How can coolerry/freezers be researched? How does anyone get in the cooler/freezers to pull? We only have 9-10 metro racks in total. I can't even imagine dealing with all that unlocated back stock. How has your head not exploded?
Just one cart at a time. We had 5 reb tubs and 8 metros in our dairy cooler today 2 of us managed to get it down to 1/2 of a metro. Now the freezer still has about 11 tubs/metros/toppers/smart carts, whatever we can find to put back stock on. All in all we have a total of 15 metros. We just sell so much so fast We get a pfresh truck FDC 4 days a week Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday
So tonight was an interesting experience. This was the second night I was closing in market (I started as market closer, then moved to the mornings as opener for months -- I'm closing five nights in a row), and today I focused solely on filling the bakery table (while another team member focused on C+S lunch meat pallet). I first pushed the autofills, then I pushed what was on the frozen pallet from C+S. After that, I shot outs for what was lacking, and I pulled my own outs (I didn't mind going into the freezer, since the backroom team had just backstocked everything, and I was able to move relatively easily in there) plus I repushed any bakery stuff that was on carts that hadn't been backstocked that were behind those damned turkey pallets. End result was the bakery table was close to full capacity -- the only things we didn't have were the white/wheat dinner rolls -- I had nothing to flex into that area.

I didn't have to worry about compost tonight (save for a few items I found from tonight's zone). 🙂

Tonight we had three market closers -- one dry, one zoning the freezers, leaving me with the "U" and the coolers (lunch meat, cheese/eggs/coffee creamers, juices/yogurt). So as I zoned and culled, I focused on filling any holes by shooting outs or SUBT and pulling/pushing them immediately. I managed to get the "U" filled, helped unexpectedly when a guest asked for Oscar Mayer bacon that was on sale but had an empty shelf -- I went back and found it on a C+S pallet (we had one lunch meat/two dairy pallets that hadn't been broken down yet -- flow team is in its last week of starting at 2am so they couldn't help out with these until tomorrow) and made the guest happy while filling up the empty spots in the bacon area. Then I filled the sour cream area (which was bare -- guests have been buying that stuff like mad this week -- must be making all those dips for holiday parties). After finishing the zone, the shelves looked nice and full -- I hope we can have that many people closing in market on a regular basis -- I can get my zone done plus fill the shelves!

Sorry this isn't really a vent -- it's more like expressing my happiness! 😀
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I was away from the store for a week during the holidays. I came back and the whole flex process has turn to shit! Whoever is there during the daytime is now just putting blanks over the OOSs and expanding the product next to them. I knew corp's way wasn't gonna last long in my store!
So tonight was an interesting experience. This was the second night I was closing in market (I started as market closer, then moved to the mornings as opener for months -- I'm closing five nights in a row), and today I focused solely on filling the bakery table (while another team member focused on C+S lunch meat pallet). I first pushed the autofills, then I pushed what was on the frozen pallet from C+S. After that, I shot outs for what was lacking, and I pulled my own outs (I didn't mind going into the freezer, since the backroom team had just backstocked everything, and I was able to move relatively easily in there) plus I repushed any bakery stuff that was on carts that hadn't been backstocked that were behind those damned turkey pallets. End result was the bakery table was close to full capacity -- the only things we didn't have were the white/wheat dinner rolls -- I had nothing to flex into that area.

I didn't have to worry about compost tonight (save for a few items I found from tonight's zone). 🙂

Tonight we had three market closers -- one dry, one zoning the freezers, leaving me with the "U" and the coolers (lunch meat, cheese/eggs/coffee creamers, juices/yogurt). So as I zoned and culled, I focused on filling any holes by shooting outs or SUBT and pulling/pushing them immediately. I managed to get the "U" filled, helped unexpectedly when a guest asked for Oscar Mayer bacon that was on sale but had an empty shelf -- I went back and found it on a C+S pallet (we had one lunch meat/two dairy pallets that hadn't been broken down yet -- flow team is in its last week of starting at 2am so they couldn't help out with these until tomorrow) and made the guest happy while filling up the empty spots in the bacon area. Then I filled the sour cream area (which was bare -- guests have been buying that stuff like mad this week -- must be making all those dips for holiday parties). After finishing the zone, the shelves looked nice and full -- I hope we can have that many people closing in market on a regular basis -- I can get my zone done plus fill the shelves!

Sorry this isn't really a vent -- it's more like expressing my happiness! 😀

Thats awesome...I wouldnt mind closing as much if it was like that. I hate zoning with a passion so closing especially sucks for me when I have to do it because we are required to zone the ENTIRE side of Market G6-G39 and the back wall. Just 1 person. Each aisle is also at least 8 four foot sections unlike most of the store aisles which have 6 four foot sections.

This is on top of the normal Pfresh routines at night.

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