Scary Socialist
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- Oct 24, 2013
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You must be c&s. My food comes on FDC out of Columbus OH and we can order up to midnight tonight to get it on our 4 am Thursday delivery.WHAT THE HELL THE ORDER TIME CUTOFF IS 11AM NOT 5PM FUCKFUCKFUCK I AM SCREWED THIS THURSDAY
I transferred stores and was shocked to find out that my new store's PAs push and zone dry. I have no clue how I would've been able to do those when I was a PA.
4 hours with NO coverage wtf that will chase guests away.So on the newest schedule market is ...
Opener 6-10:30
Closer 2:30-7
This should go well....
WTF? that's terrible. At my store we work 8-hour shifts. The opener works 6:30-2:30 and the closer 2:30-10:30. On weekends we have a mid-shift 11-7. My store is not even high volume but also not low.So on the newest schedule market is ...
Opener 6-10:30
Closer 2:30-7
This should go well....
My usual cutoff is 5pm for c&s.You must be c&s. My food comes on FDC out of Columbus OH and we can order up to midnight tonight to get it on our 4 am Thursday delivery.
We ran 6am to 2:30 abd 5pm to 10pm four months after I went to signing. The only closer they could sucker has another job abd can't come in earlier weekdays. Then they were confused on why no zoning got done...So on the newest schedule market is ...
Opener 6-10:30
Closer 2:30-7
This should go well....
Do you all still do afternoon Fresh and Full, or even culls at all?
(For reference, my store is A volume, I believe.) When I first started working in market about a year ago, we rarely pushed dry market cafs and we were always doing afternoon culls, cleaning tasks, even weekly date audits by area (Monday for deli meat, tuesday for cheese, etc.). Now my store we don't really do afternoon culls or any of that other stuff because we are expected to push all dry cafs now.
Last week, I was closing (we close at 11pm) and the mid left at 5, so I was pushing dry cafs exclusively from 3 to about 830. Then I pushed out what was left of pfresh cafs, which I finished around 10. I come back to the line and they apparently saved a dry caf for me... Thanks team. The LOD came to me later and politely asked that next time I tell her around 8 if I'm not gonna get to my zone. My CTL, who was working closing hardlines and who overcommunicates to an absurd extent that drives etls and everyone else crazy, was even aware of my sitch and yet did not mention it to the LOD.
My CTL (who has been in market for less time than even me) maintains that culling while pushing produce in the afternoon is an adequate substitute for actual culls. Honestly I don't even care anymore, I used to work so hard to keep produce looking good but I've given up and so has everyone else in the department. Even the new PAs who replaced the amazing ones before don't do legit morning culls most of the time now. There is so much expired product everywhere and I often feel embarassed for the stuff guests find on the shelves. It's disgusting but the way management treats pfresh its no wonder - they care a lot more about the full than the fresh part, and dry cafs take priority over pfresh cafs because all the lods obsessively micromanage the line, while the backroom coolers are effectively "out of sight, out of mind."
Part of the whole point of fresh and full was to force management to care about pfresh for at least 15 minutes a day, so now that we no longer do it it's so easy for them to ignore us utterly.
I talked to my etl hr and his response was basically "well you are making sales so no one really cares." At least he was honest.
It's no wonder there has been so much turnover, and why everyone in market at my store hates being there and tries to avoid it as much as possible. They stopped giving one person market shifts because they slacked off so much that the pissed off my CTL, another TM who slacks a ton begged the etl hr to stop giving him market shifts and puts up every one he gets now, another new tm (who wanted to be a cashier but got put in market based on her experience in a produce warehouse) is pregnant and probably won't come back after she has her kid in a month. They are continuously shoving people over into market from hardlines who quickly realize the shitshow they have been thrown into and attempt to fight it.
Same thing here.. They moved eggs to my promo endcap which doesn't hold NEARLY as many eggs as the two racks I used to have. Currently sitting on 2 pallets plus a metro unit. What makes it worse is all the cage free and organic eggs only get 1 facing so you're lucky if you can get a whole case out.Anyway, apparently there are like 30 boxes of eggs in the backroom cooler right now, stacked like 4 or 5 high on two tubs, which seems like a bad idea? A lot of it is new eggs kinds (cage free and organic egglands best) that have not actually been set yet, but were supposed to be on the 17th. We have literally like 5 boxes each of cage free and organic egglands best for some reason... Something tells me the food bank will be getting a crapton of eggs soon.
Yeah we have had it for about 4 months now and it does not sell get ready to Qmos that shit.oh look we have wallaby's yogurt now
As for too many eggs just donated 20 boxes to the local food bank. They will have omelettes for weeks.
I thought it was just alright. I would rather have noosa over wallaby.does the wallabys yogurt taste good
Yeah we have had it for
ours is flexed right now. When was your reset done still waiting on our reset ?I thought it was just alright. I would rather have noosa over wallaby.
We picked up Smari 'icelandic yogurt' with the reset and it's not bad.. It's supposedly a cheese yogurt hybrid so it's really really thick.
I chipped away at some of the POGs last week (killing the SPs, moving eggs, milk, drinkable yogurt, condensed string cheese and moved sour/cottage). I went in with POG on Monday and all we had to do was yogurt, butter, dessert and cheese. Other than being short 5 shelves ( 😱 ), I wrapped up the capacities and SFQ tweeks today.ours is flexed right now. When was your reset done still waiting on our reset ?
You have to order the shelves yourself, but you need to partner with your pmt to find out what model coolers you have.I chipped away at some of the POGs last week (killing the SPs, moving eggs, milk, drinkable yogurt, condensed string cheese and moved sour/cottage). I went in with POG on Monday and all we had to do was yogurt, butter, dessert and cheese. Other than being short 5 shelves ( 😱 ), I wrapped up the capacities and SFQ tweeks today.
Still pretty damn peeved that it took them a week and a half to answer my mysupport about if they were sending me shelves (they didn't)