Is this Real Life? (A Market vent thread)

So our store got our regular C+S delivery plus the emergency order on Monday (around 5:30am). The entire store helped pushed the 25 pallets, and we got it done by 2pm. I wished we had that kind of help on C+S days on a regular basis! There were still holes after that -- our juices, deli salads, and ice cream hadn't been replenished (but ice cream was a vendor item).

Tuesday, the ice cream vendor tells me that they won't be able to restock our shelves until Thursday due to the company unveiling its new product, and all the delivery guys would be in attendance. Autofills and shooting outs were relatively simple as I pushed out whatever we had on hand (which was light at best).

Wednesday's C+S was a little larger than usual -- we received the stuff that we didn't get on Monday (also delivered around 5:30am). We had less help to push the 11 pallets due to the huge truck delivery that flow had to push -- we didn't get their help until after their lunch. So we had help from hardlines/softlines team members plus TPS and the ETLs in store. We got everything pushed by 12:30pm. Only the bakery table was light -- we didn't get our demi French bread and enough King's Hawaiian boxes.

I'm closing this evening, so I'll be in around 2:30pm to find out what kind of C+S delivery we got today (Friday). I'll be pushing whatever doesn't get done this morning -- hopefully the morning team gets it all done!

So our shelves look relatively full and clean now -- wish I had remembered to take pictures! Hopefully we'll have a DTL visit and/or Steritech visit soon...
The thing about market is that there's always a million things going on and no matter what you have planned, something is going to come up. You've just got to roll with the punches and keep moving forward. I was talking to the TL who took over for me while I'm out on LOA about how she was doing in consumables. She laughed and told me that she feels like a ping pong ball everyday. She had me cracking up because she now has the same focuses and pet peeves that I have when it comes to market. Finally, someone else knows how I feel on the daily!

One day I guess the Backroom team was talking about how great the stockroom looked because it was 100% clean and her first words were, "What does it look like in the coolers and freezer?" I've said those exact same words lol.
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The thing about market is that there's always a million things going on and no matter what you have planned, something is going to come up. You've just got to roll with the punches and keep moving forward. I was talking to the TL who took over for me while I'm out on LOA about how she was doing in consumables. She laughed and told me that she feels like a ping pong ball everyday. She had me cracking up because she now has the same focuses and pet peeves that I have when it comes to market. Finally, someone else knows how I feel on the daily!

One day I guess the Backroom team was talking about how great the stockroom looked because it was 100% clean and her first words were, "What does it look like in the coolers and freezer?" I've said those exact same words lol.
Last week the etl-log bragged they came clean on c&s. Opened the freezer and cooler. He was clean on the stuff from that day. Not the past two trucks...nice try, lol. My ctl just shook her head.
we have 2 tubs and 8 metros of backstock in our freezer. There is only 1 back room TM that will backstock in the Freezer. It is NOT as bad as everyone puts it out to be.

Just take 1 metro out of the freezer, take an empty metro go in get about 9 empty wacos bring them out of the freezer .... STO all open case stock into the wacos out side the freezer and then
take the full wacos back into the freezer and put back on the shelves. It is that simple you are not in the freezer that long and things will get done. Just do it !!
The CTL today was deepzoning the snack bar aisle. She did that and the crackers.


I was lurking by, didn't feel like doing healthcare, so I helped zone the fruit cups. So, two things on these.

Why the fuck do these break so easily like almost all the fruit cups were slightly sticky from a previous one breaking open and spilling.

THERE WAS MOLD. WE ENDED UP WITH A FULL HANDBASKET OF MOLDY FRUIT CUPS. I SCREAMED. I literally pulled one forward, saw the mold, jumped back and let out a little high pitched scream. WHAT THE FUCK. HOW HAS A GUEST NOT COMPLAINED.
Any tips for someone recently moved over to PFresh? I never got any formal training shifts, I've just had to learn as I go, fortunately the PA at our store (I believe there is only one now) is very helpful and willing to answer all my questions. There was a big exodus from PFresh recently, with 3 or more long-time TMs leaving. We are apparently going to get a CTL again after 6+ months without one.
we have 2 tubs and 8 metros of backstock in our freezer. There is only 1 back room TM that will backstock in the Freezer. It is NOT as bad as everyone puts it out to be.

Just take 1 metro out of the freezer, take an empty metro go in get about 9 empty wacos bring them out of the freezer .... STO all open case stock into the wacos out side the freezer and then
take the full wacos back into the freezer and put back on the shelves. It is that simple you are not in the freezer that long and things will get done. Just do it !!

I wish we could do that... It would make my life so much easier. But there are never any empty wacos and, even if they were, our label strips are on the racks, not the wacos themselves 🙁
The CTL today was deepzoning the snack bar aisle. She did that and the crackers.


I was lurking by, didn't feel like doing healthcare, so I helped zone the fruit cups. So, two things on these.

Why the fuck do these break so easily like almost all the fruit cups were slightly sticky from a previous one breaking open and spilling.

THERE WAS MOLD. WE ENDED UP WITH A FULL HANDBASKET OF MOLDY FRUIT CUPS. I SCREAMED. I literally pulled one forward, saw the mold, jumped back and let out a little high pitched scream. WHAT THE FUCK. HOW HAS A GUEST NOT COMPLAINED.
I hate fruit cups. We had a thing of applesauce when I started market that had exploded and molded onto the shelf. And it was so dried out you know it had been there weeks. But guests rarely complain, which is odd.
I wish we could do that... It would make my life so much easier. But there are never any empty wacos and, even if they were, our label strips are on the racks, not the wacos themselves 🙁
Time to print a batch of location labels and fix that...
Well, finally was told last night that I will officially be the new PA at my store. Our current one might become a team lead, but after NCNS'ing at the start of the year twice, and calling out on his interview day I'm not sure if he will be switching departments or not. Now I just have to wait a few days while they let the people know who applied that someone else got it. Hopefully most days I won't regret taking the position. 😛
Well, finally was told last night that I will officially be the new PA at my store. Our current one might become a team lead, but after NCNS'ing at the start of the year twice, and calling out on his interview day I'm not sure if he will be switching departments or not. Now I just have to wait a few days while they let the people know who applied that someone else got it. Hopefully most days I won't regret taking the position. 😛
Congrats. I don't regret taking it, as the only thing that changed for me was more pay and not getting hours cut.
The thing about market is that there's always a million things going on and no matter what you have planned, something is going to come up. You've just got to roll with the punches and keep moving forward. I was talking to the TL who took over for me while I'm out on LOA about how she was doing in consumables. She laughed and told me that she feels like a ping pong ball everyday. She had me cracking up because she now has the same focuses and pet peeves that I have when it comes to market. Finally, someone else knows how I feel on the daily!

One day I guess the Backroom team was talking about how great the stockroom looked because it was 100% clean and her first words were, "What does it look like in the coolers and freezer?" I've said those exact same words lol.

Prob jammed full of backstock that they think isnt important enough to do...I had 9 different vehicles of backstock between green racks, tubs and 3 tiers today 😱
we have 2 tubs and 8 metros of backstock in our freezer. There is only 1 back room TM that will backstock in the Freezer. It is NOT as bad as everyone puts it out to be.

Just take 1 metro out of the freezer, take an empty metro go in get about 9 empty wacos bring them out of the freezer .... STO all open case stock into the wacos out side the freezer and then
take the full wacos back into the freezer and put back on the shelves. It is that simple you are not in the freezer that long and things will get done. Just do it !!

The freezer at my store is usually negative 15 and is super cold but I usually just throw on some gear, wear a ski mask, 3 layers of gloves and im good for a while in there....My freezer right now only has a few things to backstock..we dont have much space so we have to keep it cleaner because if there is no room we couldnt fit our C+S loads into it
The CTL today was deepzoning the snack bar aisle. She did that and the crackers.


I was lurking by, didn't feel like doing healthcare, so I helped zone the fruit cups. So, two things on these.

Why the fuck do these break so easily like almost all the fruit cups were slightly sticky from a previous one breaking open and spilling.

THERE WAS MOLD. WE ENDED UP WITH A FULL HANDBASKET OF MOLDY FRUIT CUPS. I SCREAMED. I literally pulled one forward, saw the mold, jumped back and let out a little high pitched scream. WHAT THE FUCK. HOW HAS A GUEST NOT COMPLAINED. of my closers did that a few days ago...when he was zoning he just went through a few aisles and had carts and carts of QMOS.
Any tips for someone recently moved over to PFresh? I never got any formal training shifts, I've just had to learn as I go, fortunately the PA at our store (I believe there is only one now) is very helpful and willing to answer all my questions. There was a big exodus from PFresh recently, with 3 or more long-time TMs leaving. We are apparently going to get a CTL again after 6+ months without one.

Ask lots of questions if you dont understand how to do something or what to do. If you want a list of things to do on your shift ask them before that shift. If you are opening there are always tons of projects to do besides the obvious things like pushing out pulls, culling and doing the SDA..
Congrats. I don't regret taking it, as the only thing that changed for me was more pay and not getting hours cut.

Maybe they will bring CTL back at my store..If so I basically just get a pay raise, unless they screw me over and put someone else in there but I basically do everything a CTL does now anyway, wouldnt change much.
Maybe they will bring CTL back at my store..If so I basically just get a pay raise, unless they screw me over and put someone else in there but I basically do everything a CTL does now anyway, wouldnt change much.
The only thing my ctl does that I don't is delegate the pogs. And lod stuff.

I open, close and do c&s. I set pogs. I deal with vendors. I have run inventory. I've even had the chance to map the pogs.
Anyone have problems with their C+S push and backstock process...

Not too long ago we had 3 1/2 to 4 hour shifts for each C+S team member and we had someone from backroom switch over to backstock and purge out items for a few hours as well. This process was great because C+S BCODED the product, the backroom TM backstocked it and they were able to help fill the floor more in between backstocking. Almost every day it was completely clean with little backstock left over.

Flash forward to now.... it is 2 to 2 1/2 hour shifts where the push is all that matters and has to be completely done first with zero backroom TM switching over to backstock and whatever time we have left we backstock.

Almost every truck there is backstock in every room. Ill give yesterday as an example. They came back from lunch around 10:20 because they had to help flow truck a little longer than anticipated and were only scheduled til 12:30 to get the truck done. On Mondays we have the full Freezer, Dairy, Produce pallets to push out and Monday we had 1 pallet freezer, 1 pallet dairy, 2 pallets produce and only 2 racks available for backstock at the time of starting.

We managed to push mostly everything by 12:30 and I finished up what was left in produce after they were gone. When we push it out we BCODE each box and write the date on the front to help with making sure we dont have expiring product in the back. We/They bring a cage out to throw cardboard in and then are responsible for making sure it gets put away and cardboard in the bailer yadda yadda yadda. During the push I backstocked freezer so we would have another rack so that backstock got done but we still had a tub, green rack, and grey rack of produce, green rack of meat, and 1 rack of dairy from the push and 1 from friday that nobody bothered to backstock.

All the leaders just say oh they need to go faster and they are going too slow.....Am i crazy? Should my team be going faster. Everything in Market needs to be FIFO you cant just shove product in the spot and call it good in 15 seconds right?

They say this yet just from a year or a year and a half ago I have lost a person from the push and have lost 1-2 hours per person from push....Does nobody notice how impossible it is to get the WHOLE process done with the small ammount of hours given

I feel like ....this

right now no one has backstocked in the freezer in the last week i have 10 metros 2 tubs and 1 red tier cart all stuffed in the freezer of backstock .... please i need this to be done sometime this week.
When the FDC truck comes on Thursday not sure how they will get the 3 pallets in that tight freezer !!! lol its the ETL - LOGs problem, no mine.
I have kept the ambient PRO2, Meat Cooler, Produce Cooler PRO1 and Dairy Cooler clean of backstock.

Hours have been cut for the logitics zone and we have been smart huddling the leftover pallets, on Monday we did 1 1/2 dairy pallets as a smart huddle.

Today we had 4 TMs push 2 freezer pallets and 2 dairy pallets, then left about 1/2 of a dairy pallet.

I did the bananas 12 boxes, meat pallet and 3 produce pallets plus pushed 2 pallets of milk.
It's now on myPerformance. There's a link to "Fill Rate" on the food page. It's a more enhanced fill report. You can see HQ cases cut, cases filled, all cases ordered and some combination of them as well. You can also look at a single truck or pull reports over a longer period of time to see any trends on out of stocks. It takes a little time to get acquainted with, but I feel like it's a much more useful report, in that at one moment you can look at more than just what got cut from a single truck.
It's now on myPerformance. There's a link to "Fill Rate" on the food page. It's a more enhanced fill report. You can see HQ cases cut, cases filled, all cases ordered and some combination of them as well. You can also look at a single truck or pull reports over a longer period of time to see any trends on out of stocks. It takes a little time to get acquainted with, but I feel like it's a much more useful report, in that at one moment you can look at more than just what got cut from a single truck.
Will have to tinker with this in my spare time...I'm missing 2ct clementines and can't figure out if it's me or them that's the issue.
Anyone having any issues receiving the Spiral hams or the bagged gala apples (more specifically, gala bagged Michigan Apples)?

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