Is this Real Life? (A Market vent thread)

^Vaguely reminds me of a time when I was pushing a three-tier with stuff chatting with another TM when all of a sudden the cart stops. I try pushing it again and it won't budge. Apparently I tripped a child and he landed on the bottom shelf of the three-tier. Most surprising of the situation is that the mom had a shitfit toward the kid not watching where he was going and didn't say anything to/about me.
Anyone else have any issues with the last truck of last week? We are a Tues/Thurs/Sat truck store, but last week was Tues, Wed, Sat. We had someone do the order for Saturday very early Thursday morning (like 1 am). And when the truck got here Saturday we realized that anything that we as PA's order didn't come in...went to do the order yesterday and the last order was still hanging out in the system.
I am having a conflict with my milk vendors. The milk vendor suddenly said that they no longer the milk they deliver to the dairy cooler in the backroom. Our driver said that we (target employees) are supposed to push it to the coolers. He also said the milk drivers are not suppose to touch the target flats after they put the milk on them. I have been with p fresh since Nov 2010. Since I started, the milk vendor have ALWAYS pushed the milk flats/pallets from receiving to the backroom dairy cooler?

Does anyone know what the best practice is for who is supposed to push the milk flat/pallet from receiving to the backroom dairy cooler? I cant find anything on workbench with this.

Sounds like a heaping pile of crap to me. Heck, our milk vendor takes it upon himself to move our pallets out of his way when he drops his delivery off (not sure if he's actually allowed to do that though). Of course, the way our backroom looks there isn't much of an alternative... Every other food vendor who needs the use of our pallets or flats has free reign on them, as long as they use them properly and safely. Could you imagine if we had to push flats for every single vendor that came in our store? We'd have to designate a team member to it full-time. Now, I don't know if each vendor has their own set of policies they have to abide by though, or if something changed and now they can't because of liability reasons? I don't know. But they've always pushed the milk off their truck themselves into the cooler since I've been there, and every other store I've been in is the same. I've heard some toy vendors say they aren't allowed to put cardboard inside the baler, which may or may not be true, but I've never heard about not being able to touch flats. Definitely talk to your CTL and STL about this.
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The cardboard part is true.
Vendors aren't supposed to use the stores machines which includes putting the cardboard in the bailer.
Most of them do anyway but the lazy ones can use that as an excuse.
The cardboard part is true.
Vendors aren't supposed to use the stores machines which includes putting the cardboard in the bailer.
Most of them do anyway but the lazy ones can use that as an excuse.

At my store, they have no problem loading up the baler. The part they have trouble with is breaking down their boxes. :rage:
So we are having a lot of trouble with keeping our counts/on-hands accurate. Today during my order the PDA told me we had 11 casepacks of a kind of grapes when we had 3, 3 bags of sweet onions when we didn't have any at all. And when we research to zero it out, it seems like the counts aren't updating all of the time either. I don't think the problem is happening with QMOS, although it is possible things aren't being pulled or backstocked correctly... but beyond that we're not sure what else it could be. Has anyone else struggled with this at all? We've even taken a manual inventory of produce and meat twice so far and updated the correct counts, yet it seems like it does nothing. Has anyone at all struggled with this in their own store?

Also, can we make this thread a sticky? Softlines and plano/signing get one 😛
Well 4 months ago, about a week before I was promoted to PA we got a Steritech visit and got an 86% percent

My first Steritech visit as a PA we got a 93%

And my 2nd Steritech visit (today) we got 100% *flexes*.
So we are having a lot of trouble with keeping our counts/on-hands accurate. Today during my order the PDA told me we had 11 casepacks of a kind of grapes when we had 3, 3 bags of sweet onions when we didn't have any at all. And when we research to zero it out, it seems like the counts aren't updating all of the time either. I don't think the problem is happening with QMOS, although it is possible things aren't being pulled or backstocked correctly... but beyond that we're not sure what else it could be. Has anyone else struggled with this at all? We've even taken a manual inventory of produce and meat twice so far and updated the correct counts, yet it seems like it does nothing. Has anyone at all struggled with this in their own store?

My store has had this same issue. With the grapes, it says we have 60 total (10 per box) when we maybe 20 on the floor with none in the backroom room. When doing the order, it suggests we order 0-1 cases when we need at least 6 to get through to the next order.

There are three reasons this could be happening.
1: We are receiving a different brand (same weight, different packaging) of grapes. In order to fill the location, you put more than the capacity says. This can go on for weeks and mess up our numbers.

2: We could be receiving a lot of mispicks that are not being corrected and my supported. This can mess with the numbers.

3: You are ordering said product but not all of it is coming in on the truck. Example: you order 2 bags of sweet onions; on the next truck, you only receive one bag. No one catches it and the system thinks you have 2 bags when you have one.

Wouldn't this not matter because the Capacity goes by eaches, and not cases? I wouldn't also think it would matter as the number that have been pulled should be in the system.
My store has had this same issue. With the grapes, it says we have 60 total (10 per box) when we maybe 20 on the floor with none in the backroom room. When doing the order, it suggests we order 0-1 cases when we need at least 6 to get through to the next order.

There are three reasons this could be happening.
1: We are receiving a different brand (same weight, different packaging) of grapes. In order to fill the location, you put more than the capacity says. This can go on for weeks and mess up our numbers.

2: We could be receiving a lot of mispicks that are not being corrected and my supported. This can mess with the numbers.

3: You are ordering said product but not all of it is coming in on the truck. Example: you order 2 bags of sweet onions; on the next truck, you only receive one bag. No one catches it and the system thinks you have 2 bags when you have one.

We got a bunch of cases of mispick eggs on the truck a couple of weeks ago, and it messed up our counts for weeks. When it finally zeroed out and came up on the drastic count report, it then doubled our onhands and it was wrong again. That could be a possibility... It really screws with our score for ordering though, but we no longer have a FBP in our district because of the cuts, so I'm not sure if anyone actually pays attention to that metric anyways.

And way to go, BigEyedPhish!
How would that affect the counts, though? I would imagine that would affect the accumulator/fill rate, but not the actual on hands.
Has anyone else had issues the the TINV audit program after they've done inventory? With the one we just did and the one last quarter, the program would come up with errors, not allow us to send the audits to the PDA, our store would not automatically be selected every time we went to a new screen, etc. We finally got everything done but the errors added probably at least 10 minutes to our time.

I hate inventories during turkey time! Between people weighing them under the wrong weight range, not using the relabel function on the scale correctly, and price tags that fell off, turkey counts are always gonna be off and need an audit! At least our hams didn't need auditing.
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As to overpushing, I think (could be very wrong though) it tells the system there is less in the backroom than there should be and any system-ordered stuff is ordered because the system thinks there's the amount to capacity on the floor. If you have 50 packs of grapes, the OHs is 50 and the sf capacity is 25. If you stuff 30 on the shelf, there is 20 in the backroom. The system thinks there's 25 on the shelf and only 20 in the backroom because it has no way of knowing there's actually 30 on the shelf. I don't know what point I'm trying to make with this. It confuses me; not sure if the system thinks 5 packs are lost.

There was a thread way back when on the old board about this; it was pretty explanatory; unfortunately I don't remember it. I believe FS was the one who explained it.
Well the purpose was that it was suppose to work hand in hand with the way things would pull in the summer update. It would take you to WACOs if enough were in the WACOs to meet the fill and skip the WACOs and go for a case pack if that is what it needed. So it was not intended for the future it was suppose to be a part of last summers update. Of course none of that worked and created a big mess leading to it being removed over the next two updates leaving only the counting behind. Maybe they will try that entire system again when they work all the issues out and thats why they left the counting in. Although to be honest I really think it was just so somebody could claim that the summer update was not a 100% failure.

As far as I was aware the casepack logic was turned off... but when it pulls it still looks at WACO vs WACO to determine which one its going to pull from... but that is besides the point...

If you ask me... I think the BIGGEST reason we are adding this system into stores is because it is a more accurate way to keep a perpetual inventory system! I completely agree, the old system was far simpler (and in my opinion efficient) way of doing a backroom, but there are alot of lose ends with that way, and we only find mistakes once the items run out! I think Target is waiting for this new system to settle into place and letting stores sort out how to keep a green accuracy score, and then they are going to implement a system that combines the information from the backroom counts with OH numbers! Think about it... Right now if Instocks counts something on the floor with a RIG and the OH number is 50, they count 4 on the floor and there are 16 in the back... why doesn't it flag to find the missing 30 or just fix it for us? Its useful information that isn't getting used in the accumulator!
I think this link dan is referring to.
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Our counts on everything somehow end up off as well. I know we will go in and research something if we aren't getting it for some reason. But other than that, we usually just let it go. When it comes to ordering, we focus on what we order, and we know which items tend to be off and what we need to order.

And as a side note, our C&S truck was so late the last time I honestly was doubting it was going to show before the closer came in. I hate winter.
good luck on getting your C&S truck done before the next one. This time of the year, STL and ETL's only concern is Seasonal, Toys, and Electronics, if sales are above the goal then all other areas will suffer !! Don't let it get you down just put up with it and do your best. I'm counting down the days till the madness is ALL over. Once Christmas hits most of the madness will be gone by the begining of January, so only about 13 more days. Take it one day at a time.
We have so much Freezer backstock at our store,, we are about 1 and 1/2 days behind on the truck push, we just started to rent a FREEZER TRUCK to keep all the freezer Pallets that we never finish pushing from the deliveries. I overheard that it cost over $1,000 per day to rent this freezer truck, wow, Target is willing to pay for a truck but not willing to pay employees to push the truck push into the freezers on the floor, where most of it will fit. Our freezers on the floor are so sooo empty, I should take a picture and post it for all to see, but am afraid AP will catch me. We have only managed to get meat, dairy and some produce pushed each truck day. I feel that the freezers are an after-thought, like after-Christmas.

Does anyone else have left over PFresh truck push from 2 deliveries ago ??
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I ordered again today and got the exact same count as I did on Wednesday and the week before for grapes, when there's nothing in the backroom. We've double and triple checked to make sure this stuff isn't hiding out as a ghost somewhere, and to our knowledge its not.. Same issue with some of the Del Monte packaged fruits, and a couple other things I can't remember. I'm not sure how much it affects the grand scheme of things, but it certainly is frustrating. We'll give those count update forms another shot and try MySupporting it again and see if something happens I guess.

We've been fortunate so far that our leadership has been sticking to food over everything when it comes to the trucks. Hopefully that continues for a long, loooong time here, because it sounds like it's not the norm for a lot of places, when it should be. I'm just looking forward to not having to weave my metro racks through a mass of shoppers when I exit the backroom through seasonal. Those things are awkward enough to maneuver as it is sometimes.
We have so much Freezer backstock at our store,, we are about 1 and 1/2 days behind on the truck push, we just started to rent a FREEZER TRUCK to keep all the freezer Pallets that we never finish pushing from the deliveries. I overheard that it cost over $1,000 per day to rent this freezer truck, wow, Target is willing to pay for a truck but not willing to pay employees to push the truck push into the freezers on the floor, where most of it will fit. Our freezers on the floor are so sooo empty, I should take a picture and post it for all to see, but am afraid AP will catch me. We have only managed to get meat, dairy and some produce pushed each truck day. I feel that the freezers are an after-thought, like after-Christmas.

Does anyone else have left over PFresh truck push from 2 deliveries ago ??

We've had crazy amounts of backstock from a couple deliveries ago sit before, but not deliveries. By that point the backstock should have been re-pushed anyways, but you know how that goes. How big are your trucks usually?
we receive 3 trucks a week Tues. right now about 10/11 pallets, Thurs. right now about 10/11 pallets and Saturday right now 13/14 pallets.

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