Archived Issue with breaks at my store

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Absolutely you should receive your breaks! Your ETL-GE should NOT be lying to you about TM breaks. Don't be afraid to let them know that you are fully aware of Target's break policies. I would first speak with the GSA that seems to be the issue. As a GSA and future GSTL, I would say don't harass them about your breaks over the walkie until you've spoken with the GSA first, firmly and confidently, and then given them time to make proper changes. Try this when you come in for a shift: "Hi. I'd like to status with you about my break schedule today before it gets too hectic. My shift qualifies me for (X amount of breaks) and a lunch. When do you think my first break will be?) If they neglect to give you you any break, walkie for them to stop by the SD when they get a chance so that you can remind them in person, rather than over the walkie. If they meet your requests with anything other than accomodation for your alloted break(s) and lunch(es), go above their head. Ask the LOD to go to a different channel and let them know you need a break and is there anyone who can cover the SD.
You could take a "long lunch" 31, clock back in, then 30 more, or leave your station 30 mins early & take two 15s back to back right at the end of your shift because you are due them. The second option appeals to me more because that shows you gave them every opportunity to give your break at a reasonable time.
Actual both options you posted are also against break rules. You can not combine breaks or use breaks at the end of your shift.
But if they try to use that against me, I could always use the fact they didn't give me the breaks to begin with against them 😉
2 wrongs don't make a right.
@TheFrigidPenguin you need to talk to your ETL-HR and STL. It sounds like your GE is in on this whole no break situation. If it doesn't get fixed call the integrity hotline or there is also a web form (or there used to be).

This isn't right. After all of that if nothing gets fixed call your states department of labor. I'd also start looking for another job, because that doesn't sound like a store I'd want to work in.
Absolutely you should receive your breaks! Your ETL-GE should NOT be lying to you about TM breaks. Don't be afraid to let them know that you are fully aware of Target's break policies. I would first speak with the GSA that seems to be the issue. As a GSA and future GSTL, I would say don't harass them about your breaks over the walkie until you've spoken with the GSA first, firmly and confidently, and then given them time to make proper changes. Try this when you come in for a shift: "Hi. I'd like to status with you about my break schedule today before it gets too hectic. My shift qualifies me for (X amount of breaks) and a lunch. When do you think my first break will be?) If they neglect to give you you any break, walkie for them to stop by the SD when they get a chance so that you can remind them in person, rather than over the walkie. If they meet your requests with anything other than accomodation for your alloted break(s) and lunch(es), go above their head. Ask the LOD to go to a different channel and let them know you need a break and is there anyone who can cover the SD.

GSA should be giving a basic break schedule to every cashier/svc desk person when they come on shift for the day. If not ask, they have to make a grid in the morning.
When i use to work guest service if i dont get my first break before my 3rd hour of work ill just get on the walkie tell them im going then just go never got in trouble for it. Had arguements but etl and stl sided with me and end of story especially when we had a older gs tm who pass out from not being able to take her first break to take her medication
You should be allowed to take your breaks no matter the position.

There will be times that you won't get breaks exactly every 2 or so hours. But its Target policy that you should receive your appropriate breaks and lunches for a shift. There were times where I had to wait to the 3rd hour for Cash Office to finish their counts before I could take my first break. Then I can't count how many times I had GSTLs mark my breaks/lunches off but forgot to notify me.

If your GSA is putting you within 5 minutes of compliance...thats a NO NO. Its best practice to have your lunch within no more than 30 minutes or an hour of compliance.

But it is also your job to notify the GSTL or GSA that they forgot your break.

Photo document or xerox the break schedule for your shifts, or make a spreadsheet of the times when you go on lunch/breaks and the ones you missed, and present that to your HR. Also, make note if they strike out your breaks without you taking them.

Write down your break schedule, and if you don't get them within 15 minutes after the schedule time, just keep reminding the GSA every 15 minutes.
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