Archived Just done with my interview :D

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Yeah if you get an email saying that we will not be offering you a position, it's exactly what it says. Target has a setup that whenever I turndown an applicant (for any reason, be it for a lack of availability before the interview, poor work experience before the interview, turndown after an interview) they send the applicant an email automatically after the turndown stating that Target will not be offering them a job at this time. In fact, if you're on JAS and you check the applicants' application history after you turn them down, you will see about a day or so after you turndown that there is a line that says "turndown communication." So, for example, I TD an applicant before any interview because they can only work one day a week for three hours so I mark it as insufficient availability...the next day it'll say "Turndown Communcation Sept 30 11:21 AM" or something. That's the email. So that's kind of how the process works.
we do all the hires on the same day interview with tl then interview with an etl if its a management position you have 3 interviews .

they make the offer then and there give you paperwork for your drug test and if you pass the test you get the job
Everyone I have ever talked to about working at Target has been hired the same day of their interview. I know I was.
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