Archived Just transferred to another Target store, are the others like this?

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Yesterday was a disaster. Was told to zone about 12+ aisles in 4 hrs. By the end of the shift I was close to giving up as the last aisles were ziploc bags which were disorganized. Happy to help guests get items from the back or find a specific item, even doing a little cashiering. But It is hard to zone that many aisles plus do side work in 4 hrs. Didnt even wanna take my break so I could finish. Oh well, only 12 weeks of this
Don't tell anyone, but I have taken a really short breaks many times. They don't give any schedules for that and most leaders don't seem to care if I take it or not. They only care about me getting my work done, but I should be able to have enough time to take my full fucking break without having to worry about that, god dammit.
Don't tell anyone, but I have taken a really short breaks many times. They don't give any schedules for that and most leaders don't seem to care if I take it or not. They only care about me getting my work done, but I should be able to have enough time to take my full fucking break without having to worry about that, god dammit.

I take my full break regardless. I know I'm not going to finish all my work--why add more stress?
Don't tell anyone, but I have taken a really short breaks many times. They don't give any schedules for that and most leaders don't seem to care if I take it or not. They only care about me getting my work done, but I should be able to have enough time to take my full fucking break without having to worry about that, god dammit.

I didnt want to take my break as I had the task of zoning still on my mind with so much to do. Gave up going to backstock, put all reshops back in their carts by the guest serivices
that's miserable. Is it diff sections each time? I'd suggest going through and getting the most obvious abandons out, then facing the aisle. I just spent 30m or so on our ziploc section, but it wasn't entirely thrashed. I thought that was bad. Yeesh. I like being the expert of an area, I do the same thing each truck. If it's OTC, it's a9-a18, if it's paper it's 2 valleys and like 8 sections on the back wall. I hate cashiering, though, and having to stop what I'm doing to get a pick is SUPER irritating. Are your leads upset about the zoning? You can only do what you can do, and my leads point that out if they notice I'm getting stressed. I think as long as you're trying, they should be mostly supportive...but that could just be my store. I get along with all the leads, and they're pretty even handed with everyone. Oh man, I skip breaks sometimes. I always take my morning break, but if I have a second one, I'll just forget it. Or if I'm doing a 4hr shift I'll skip it if I'm focused on getting the work done. I know I deserve it, but I'd rather just finish and be done. I've had a few too many instances of coming in 2 days later and having to finish something that I hadn't been able to before, and I get this...squicky feeling when I can't finish a job, regardless of knowing someone else will finish it no issues later.

I have a few advantages with the stuff. I started as a CA, so I was immediately register trained. They had me join the PLANO team a couple months after I changed to truck, so I have that down. No one told me you had to scan the price change labels in the price change app to activate them, though, so that was a mess at first. I'm regularly scheduled 6hr shifts, and getting to exf and audit is not possible. I usually push my time until minutes from compliance, then come back and quickly hit the last vehicle. My super is willing to extend me all the time, too, so I push P1 if my stuff is done...we don't have much of an emphasis put on audit or exf, at least. I think the plano thing is going to come back and bite us, because when I push the other items of p1, i'm not doing any plano. I'm sure I'm forgetting a duty or two in there, though. It's exasperating to try and think back lol.

Anyway, have they talked to you about zoning as you go? If you just do the 4ft shelf you're pushing to, they can tell where you're working. If you get to do the same section each time, you can sort of expand around that a little, especially on days when the push is light. I know not all stores are the same, but that's the advice I can come up with (that's probably not helpful). They had the former price change woman "teach a class" on price change one day, that was helpful. She also is an advocate for "ask me if I'm here. it'll be faster if you can just get the answers instead of floundering around or doing it wrong". They also point out to my fellow truck team peeps that I'm a good resource for plano stuff, so if you know your former plano team members when you get to that part, they'll probably be helpful.

I'll stop rambling now, sorry for the long post lol

Once a week I do the sport goods through chemicals. Then its toys the rest of the time. I am absolutely expected to zone toys and the other aisles i am assigned to. I am hoping with time ill get faster.
I work at a low volume store and ours is the same way. At night there is one hardlines closer to zone all of hardlines. Typically a TL asks me to help out and I absolutely will. Majority of the time I find my TL and tell them I’ll take care of my area (I’m in beauty so there’s not much to do) and help with any other areas they need. I typically will do 3 aisles to try and help out.

And I recommend going to a TL. Or other TM and asking about pushing and pulling batches and auto fills. Tell them you didn’t have to do that at your previous store so
You have no idea how to
Once a week I do the sport goods through chem...assigned to. I am hoping with time ill get faster.

You said something about 12 weeks left, I suppose lol. I know toys is consta-thrashed, but how about the other section? GL, I guess.

--> as for breaks, on the days I skip my break, I'd be more stressed if I took it. I'm usually skipping it because that 15m is enough for me to finish and I don't want to extend, or can't. I take 10m breaks frequently, but then I'll also stop and talk to coworkers and have a laugh on slow days. It balances out.

--> I don't close, but we are a lower volume store, so I imagine we have the same single TM on the floor. Our night leads are fantastic, though, 2 of my favorite people in the store. I'm bummed that I don't get to see them much anymore, and I know the HL guy is supportive, but I don't know their duties. All I know is he'll ask out beauty team to push whatever's left of HBA if they get a chance.

I'm noticing that my store is super laid back compared to others. I know we're smaller, so I wonder if it's because of that or if it's just the area I live in. I mean, I didn't see any angry people during targageddon and only had to deal with like 3 during Q4 lol
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