Archived Just when i thought my hours were getting better :(

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Jul 13, 2011
after months of 20-25hrs a week i had three 35+ hour weeks, then BAM shot down to 18-20 hours a week for the next 2 weeks :/ love how target taunts me with hope of money then kicks me in the nuts
I dont bother looking at my schedule hours since 90% of the time they are set, but days when I'll be on Flow it'll read 4am-9am you sure as hell know you arent getting off at 9am. So If my schedule for the week says 25hrs. I usually clock out with around 32-35.
I'm a little "on the fence" about my "new hours". I've been primarily scheduled for daytime hours, which is great because it means I'm home at night with the family, but it also means I have to work with my LEAST favorite person. The ONE night I'm scheduled during the week just happens to be the ONE night she is too??? Part of me wonders if I did something to piss someone off, but another part thinks its because I'm the only one who can "play nice" with her??? It's a blessing and a curse,I guess...
Hours were cut big time for flow this past wed we are a 4am store unloaders start 330 every1 else 4am once the truck was unloaded and seperated on "pallets" via departments sections and isles they were told to go home no push was done besides the hangwear of softlines of which dayside was told to push we have a truck Friday with wednesdays truck still sitting there and the store canceled sats truck to move to Monday for a double but they expect us to be done n out by no later then 8am
Not only are my hrs crap but now I'm given crappy shift times, including every weekend, while the part-timers get every other weekend off.
Yeh, I should be glad I have a job & yadda, yadda, yadda - but I'd sure like to spend a weekend with my kids now & then.
It seems like every time that you start to get a set schedule they change it I think that is becouse they make it so it is hard to do anything else is it like that everywhere?
TM's in HL and SL have been telling me that their hours have been cut so that we can get people in for training.
So they are stuck training the people who are taking their hours.
Gotta love Spot.
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