That may be true, but the fixture room has the only PC to print signs for TM(s), at least here, and so unlocking/locking/unlocking that... oh that ain't happening.....
Again, I see the "trash" that accumulates in ours from all sorts of things.. and our PC team uses it to "park" their carts of crap as well which makes it even more of a mess... but as above, this is the place to print signs, create TPC's etc. for our TM...
And at least on truck days I can tell you who would have to run to unlock/lock/unlock that thing.. and that plain and simply ain't happening, Period. Our original POGTL (It was NOT PPTL, then) was pretty adamant about beating in PUT IT AWAY, PROPERLY! OR ELSE! BAWWAHHAAA! 🙂
Exactly! They would be pile up in carts, tubs, flats, and probably just thrown on the floor! I know if I had to wait around for that process of unlock/lock/unlock.... KABLAM! Dropped on the floor! No TM has time for that crap! And I am not running back and forth for this unlock/lock nonsense 20x a minute. Nope, ain't happening.
Bingo! You want to watch a flip out in action, leave crap in the fire alley(s)... It is now mantra here that this stuff has to be checked, often. You better not be the person who lets their team block the fire alley(s) for anything... Absolutely bad idea... The Fire Marshall here is a jerk, regardless of what the law is, it has to be 100% CLEAR 100% of the time. Period. They would probably have an alarm setup that would trigger an alarm at the station to send a truck if they could! Park a flat there for a second to move something.! EEEENN...OOOTTT.. Truck 51, respond fire alarm Target... Trust me they would here....