Archived Largest store in east coast - opening 7/27

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MMB with the lighted gons and Elec with the carpet was a nice touch. 3 Target Mobile TMs (in black) and 5 Target TMs (in khaki) were all hanging out at the boat just talking... for about 10-15 minutes... for no apparent reason.
MMB with the lighted gons and Elec with the carpet was a nice touch. 3 Target Mobile TMs (in black) and 5 Target TMs (in khaki) were all hanging out at the boat just talking... for about 10-15 minutes... for no apparent reason.

So...a regular day in electronics then?

If I don't break up a pack of TMs just chatting at the boat at least twice a day, I'm pretty sure we have fresh TMs working the floor. Our vets know when AP is in office, checking monitors. Almost scary how they know his patterns.
Here's a fun fact...

There's an iPad running a locked down browser that lets guests browse the Camera section. There's a button on the bottom right of the page called "Team Member Login". I typed in my old numbers, for a laugh, and it logged me in and let me change the website address. I quit almost two years ago, FYI.

I tried again, with random numbers, and it said "Invalid", so it's not like it takes any old number.

Anybody else with an Electronics iPad kiosk that can try it?
The reporter says it's 135,000 sq feet. I've worked in bigger targets. East Coast must have small stores.

I think they're normal sized haha.
Everyone else just has giant super stores. I'm pretty sure there's a super one in fla, though. A coworker said that after a vacation. But maybe we're counting fla with the south. Idk. I've never seen a super target. Been to a super walmart in rural pa, once.
MMB with the lighted gons and Elec with the carpet was a nice touch. 3 Target Mobile TMs (in black) and 5 Target TMs (in khaki) were all hanging out at the boat just talking... for about 10-15 minutes... for no apparent reason.
Ahhh, to be a new store with nearly unlimited payroll the first year.
MMB with the lighted gons and Elec with the carpet was a nice touch. 3 Target Mobile TMs (in black) and 5 Target TMs (in khaki) were all hanging out at the boat just talking... for about 10-15 minutes... for no apparent reason.
Ahhh, to be a new store with nearly unlimited payroll the first year.

Then they cut it to the bone
KoP mall is more of a weekend tourist mall so the Target probably gets more busniess then. That whole area was a traffic nightmare and I avoided it when I lived closer.
Find any good deals?

Just some 50% off Kcups, which are a rip-off to begin with.

KoP mall is more of a weekend tourist mall so the Target probably gets more busniess then. That whole area was a traffic nightmare and I avoided it when I lived closer.

Interestingly enough, when they first started planning the Target it was to be part of the mall. Would probably get more traffic (but have less space) if it was true. The market section is killer though.
Just some 50% off Kcups, which are a rip-off to begin with.

Interestingly enough, when they first started planning the Target it was to be part of the mall. Would probably get more traffic (but have less space) if it was true. The market section is killer though.

Major loss by not being a part of KOP especially with the new expansion they're doing, Target would have been the perfect anchor for that mall. Hope they change their mind down the line and pull a springfield.
Major loss by not being a part of KOP especially with the new expansion they're doing, Target would have been the perfect anchor for that mall. Hope they change their mind down the line and pull a springfield.

I work extremely close to Springfield with my other job and love having two Targets less than a mile away on the same road from each other. I do wonder if the old one is going to close one day, I think it's a B while the mall one is an A+. Knowing this company's way of cutting, I can see them closing the old one and only transferring a few TMs to the mall.

On the topic of Philly area Targets, Cheltenham is another dead Target. They expected it to be pretty busy when it opened in 2009 but I think it's a C or maybe a low B. It's pretty much in a hidden spot and with ShopRite, Burlington, and Home Depot right there plus Walmart down the road with that huge plaza, I can see why it doesn't get enough traffic.
1809 - the NE Philly store is also a deadzone. Year by year, it keeps dropping in volume.

1256 - the Abington store does decent business.
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