Archived Latest rumor at my store

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Oct 18, 2012
At my store, we have been getting the feeling that we will open at 8 AM Thanksgiving morning and stay open until Black Friday close. The ETL's were discussing it on their break today in the break room and almost nearly confirmed it.

Also, I overheard HR doing a pre-screen for job applicants before they set up an interview. One of the questions that was asked was if they were available to work on certain days. One of the days was Thanksgiving Day...

Has anyone else's ears picked up on any information?
Oh and if they do open at 8am I'm sure it will be with a skeleton staff with 4 hr shifts so they don't hAve to pay much time and a half. Just enough to make sure employees think they are getting something
8 am??? That is pure craziness..... I hope all stores do not do this. Spot really doesn't care about families anymore does he if and if he does this. Let's just say if they do this storewide I can bet there will be alot and I mean alot of ticked off team members and there will be petitions because thanksgiving is supposed to be spent with the family not with Target and yes I get it is retail yadda,yadda,yadda but thanksgiving was always a time for families much like christmas and imagine if they ruined that just imagine how many people would be upset about that.
Funny -- we have been overhearing that at our store too. While I don't mind opening at 8pm and staying overnight, I will not be in any earlier than that. If I have to open the morning shift on Thanksgiving Day, I may just tear all my hair out.
We won't know operating hours for Thursday and Friday until November 1st, at the earliest. Corporate always plays their cards close to the vest, and doesn't announce until other retails have.

I doubt we'll see all day Thursday. Maybe limited hours, say eight to four, then black Friday opening at, sigh, eight pm.
Since I'm in charge of Black Friday plans I have a bit of knowledge on the subject from a ETL standpoint.

1) Yes, that was a idea that was tossed around in a all STL meeting about a month ago. Target (as most of us know) competes with Walmart and generally opens a hour after them. This reduces the blow back from the "family" people who make a huge stink about how we are ruining the holiday. (Personally I don't give a shit, but I hate my family). The idea was that Walmart may be doing a all day event, in the theory that if they do it, the people who want to shop can shop before T-Day dinner. There is multiple issues with the 8AM all day and night idea though.

- Staffing
-- No store has enough staff to do a 38 to 40 hour stint. Well some might, but we are looking at multiple overtimes, multiple split shifts, multiple melt-downs.

- Crowd Control
-- You can open at 8AM thats fine, prepare for utter chaos later though. By opening at 8AM you MAY have a line, but probably wont be as big as say a 9PM line. This causes a issue, because past the first few hours of black friday, people don't want to line up. The shit is torn down. What happens at 9PM when the lines are tore down and everyone is just going crazy in your store? FAMILIES HAVE MADE BLACK FRIDAY A TRADITION I know that my sisters LOVE going out after diner and go shopping and have for years. Other families do it too. "Screw Football" say the women, we are going shopping....they wont say this at 8AM though when they are preparing the Turkey. (sorry I'm looking at statistics, not trying to be sexist)

- Time release product
-- AINT NOBODY coming at midnight to get some TV's that were gone by 8:10AM. Ya dig? You would have to have time release product, which seems really annoying. Your losing out on sales by getting rid of everything by 9:00AM

2) I believe the idea was scrapped except for certain regions which may have been doing a "all day" thing. Most stores were thinking (and this was the big rumor) 5PM for opening. I actually made my TENT plans around 5PM. I can assure you that this really pissed people off, but there is a legit chance of 5 or 6pm.
I just heard we are taking a truck on Black Friday! How the hell is that going to work?!

A ton of stores got assigned a truck on Black Friday. I know that we are not refusing (so we are taking it) but we are a Ship from Store pilot and we need all the help we can get for Cyber Monday. I talked to other stores and they are going to refuse it.
I haven't heard anything at my store(for some reason all the etls seem to gather in the backroom to gossip...they tend to forget that voices carry back there so you pretty much hear everything ) However, it wouldn't surprise me if Spot does open at 8 am On Thanksgiving...if not this year its only a matter of time .
At my store we have by the time clock a list of working holiday incentives. I noticed on the list you get paid extra such and such amount if you work from noon to such and such on Thanksgiving day, not sure what to read into it.
I'd happily come in at 8 AM. And those TM's that want to petition or strike, yeah, I'll take their hours too.

I would do a 8-4 or so and come back Friday to open Pfresh..that would be a hell of a lot better than having to come in at 6pm working late and being there Friday
I heard the 8am rumor at my store.

I won't be there for it... no way, no how, no matter what is not aligned in the stars for me to go to in place of it....
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