Archived Latest You've Stayed After Closing?

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So if they live on the state line, that's 10 miles round trip (likely more). Let's say they get 25 miles to the gallon for that trip, average. If your gas is around $4/gallon, they spent about $2 in gas. So they would have to spend $100 just to break even on the price of gas alone. If they spent another $50 on top of that, they saved exactly a dollar.

I remain unimpressed at the idea of driving to a different state for that. But if it gets you all the business, then good on you.

Straight? Is that legal?

I once did 38 hours straight, as did most of the rest of the ETL staff. We were prepping for a huge visit. The STL paid to cater all the meals we were missing. Not enought money in the world to ever talk me into doing that again.
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