LDR Leadership Role

Jul 13, 2021
I was recently asked to start training for a "leadership role" in service and engagement. The name of the actual shift is LDR. Is there an official title for this? Or is it just taking on more responsibility without a pay raise?

It seems like the job is to be the team lead when the actual team leads aren't there, but I can't seem to figure out if there's an actual job title for it or if it's on the same level as all the other non-tl team members.
This: "Or is it just taking on more responsibility without a pay raise?"

Are they doing the "on the bench" BS?

You need to know whether you will be made a TL with the associated pay and benefits within three months.

If they don't give a timetable you could do take the job for three months and if they don't promote you I would look for a suitable position somewhere else.
It’s probably you functioning as a GSA. Different stores use different tags but the gist is the same: you are the leader in charge when GSTL is not there. And there is no difference in pay. Sadly and very irritatingly.
It’s probably you functioning as a GSA. Different stores use different tags but the gist is the same: you are the leader in charge when GSTL is not there. And there is no difference in pay. Sadly and very irritatingly.
What does GSA stand for?
GSA = Guest Service Advocate. Thanks to moderization. Front end is advocates. Beauty, Style and Tech are specialists. GM,Market, Inbound and Fulfillment are experts.
Yes but no. It’s not the same as just working GS. GSA under old terminology indicated you were functioning as a leader, thus the step up in pay. Modernization did away with the pay raise but many stores still utilize certain TMs as GSAs to fill the gap in coverage.
Yup. And in the old system, the supervisory role was called an attendant. Doesn't sound any better than advocate really, lol.
It just depends on if you see yourself working at target for the forseeable future, and what to eventually become a team lead. At first you will be doing more work with out extra pay (the team members who run the front at my store in tl absense get 40 hrs a week, that is an incentive for them). We just promoted a service advocate to service and engagement team lead, this team member "ran" the lanes for the past 6-8 months proved she was ready, was receptive to feedback, and built relationships with the current leadership team. When the position opened every etl/tl in the building voted for her... so her extra work with "no pay" paid off.
We have a lot of cross-trained advocates that do GS, Drive-ups, Cashier, SCO and Line Busting. SCO is closest to GSA of old. But that's cause they can change funds and usually call for back-ups.

Leads only observe and guide. They don't do any actual ringing of sales up front or back-up. Something about being supportive and keep the front moving so they don't need to call for backup.

You get enough cross-training, no "leaders" are needed. Gaps are filled by any available body.
LDR is probably just the shift tag they are going to use, and those are store-specific. Sounds like they just want someone to be point-person for the front end when there is no TL or ETL available. You will likely still be scheduled as a checkout advocate or service advocate (more than likely for opening or closing shifts). If you're interested in moving up in Target, say yes, because it may at least give you a chance to show off your leadership potential. But it is not a recognized leadership role, so don't expect a pay raise.
This is your opportunity to show what you can do, if you want to advance, it’s Up to you. If you can manage people and make positive changes there may be an offer in your future. increased pay does not come often, you will have to wait for that.

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