Archived Leadership Status for TM in development advice

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Jun 21, 2011
Hi all! So glad to have this site as a resource and I visit often. My questions today center around me seeking advice for training tms on selling attachments, I made it one of my 2 activities for my leadership status that my ETL had me make and she has tasked me with training and building excitement around AAR. I recently started a game called "Perfect Package" after some input from another TL here on the site and while we haven't sold one yet, a few tms have told me they have come close. Any electronics gurus or TLs that have used or are willing to share some AAR training techniques that they have seen people really take to? Any advice would be appreciated! Also what is the culture in your store around NOP merch? We currently pull and flex every 2 weks and it is driving some sales in our store! Thanks a million for all the advice in advance!!
Clearance & discontinued items are the best way to increase sales. Communication is the 2nd important part to all tm's'.
FWIW, the guys in our store made up a key ring of index cards. Each card had a major purchase with all the possible attachments listed below.
Easy to make & update.
Honestly its very difficult. I lead an electronics team thats top 100 and climbing in AAR YTD.

One thing I have is a binder to track service plans, accessories, redcards and all. A basic spreadsheet for the categories. Good to share with the team to see who sells what and who is pulling their weight.

I analyze the AAR report and the Electronics Champion News/Sales AD and share that with my team. I make sure everyone is aware of the sales and what attachments they can get and are very easy. I usually will role play a sale with them.
Also set a goal for your team to reach, I shoot for 5 ESPs, 10 attachments and 2 redcards per day.

Offer competitons like your perfect package to the team. My favorite is for total ESPs in a week or on busy weekends in the day. Even with redcards in electronics too. Offer giftcards or that weeks movie release or other incentives, food ave lunch or starbucks coffee.
Thanks guys! ElectronicsFastService, that is a great way to continue to follow up! I just started roleplaying with the team today in face on some of our struggling categories and the team has been also starting to sell some perfect packages and getting excited! We have utilized many of our NOP iteams and noticed that while we haven't sold as many accessories this year as last year, when I ran the SCCR report for sales, I found that we have actually had a 4 percent increase in the dollar value of our attachments over last year and during the week of Black Friday we had a 40% increase over Black Friday 2012! I also recently handed out challenge cards to all the ETLs in our store to go head-to-head for one hour vs a core tm in electronics between now and Christmas Eve, if the ETL loses they have to buy the tm lunch. It seems like it's generating some buzz around AAR, I even challenged our STL, I figure at the worst it shows the ETLs that I'm serious about AAR and want everyone on board!
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