Archived Less and Less Hours Everyweek? i thought holidays gave us more hours?

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We can barely get anyone to interview for the seasonal jobs here. Everyone who wants full time is getting it right now.

We had 8 interviews scheduled yesterday and only half of them bothered to show up. But the economy is better here than in more areas, so there are lots of jobs available to choose from.
Our new stl says his goal is to have everyone working only 17-20 hours a week. Good, responsible tm are leaving weekly since they can't pay their bills. The bad ones stay since they don't like working much any ways....
They moved me from 22.5 hours a week to 38... I have to fix that. My hours cap is set at 25.
I do believe that hours are based off of sales and sale predictions from last year, as well as sales from two weeks prior.. those all go into effect when hours are posted for making the schedule. Then, those hours (in one lump sum) are divided out into workcenters, for instance cashiers take the sales last year on that day by the 15 min increment and tell the schedule system how many people are needed each 15 min to cover the sales predicted for that day this year, and hours are given accordingly.
I am in the top 10 in my store by cashier speed & redcards, it doesn't mean ANYTHING. Believe me.
Our store is always messy cause in=stocks should NOT zone anymore -- so I touch NOTHING!!!!

The few times I have helped out Instocks I have been told the same thing, but HOW is it possible to do your instocks job correctly if you have crap scattered all over the place, items that should be only in the homespot on endcaps where it doesn't belong , merchandise overstocked into the next best location... things like that?! I just don't get it. . . 🙁
The few times I have helped out Instocks I have been told the same thing, but HOW is it possible to do your instocks job correctly if you have crap scattered all over the place, items that should be only in the homespot on endcaps where it doesn't belong , merchandise overstocked into the next best location... things like that?! I just don't get it. . . 🙁

Don't try to figure it out. It will just keep you up at night if you do. Just fake it and it should all work out.
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