Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

dude our AP is such Nazis about locking the isle. Preremodel, Electronics had its own dedicated backroom. 01E. had its own locked door.

Remodel happened and electronics moved to the back backroom moved to the back too.

In Q4 SD said "Hey just leave the cage open"
me: "okay"
ETL AP "Hey why is the cage open"
me: " SD said to keep it open"
ETL AP "ok. keep it locked. I'll talk to him"
SD: "why is the cage locked"
it was so annoying.
We have 01E too, with its own door too, the closing mechanism is broken completely. It's weird.
Our's used to lock, but they say a vendor broke it and they never fixed it. It is rumored that they have said a locked cage hurts their OPU numbers because they have to wait for someone to unlock it. We do have cameras and the likes and a internal locked cabinet for expensive apple products.
Our stock room is 15 seconds From the floor so we can unlock it. But like why can't you draw keys to let yourself in if your so concerned with pick time.. that's atleast my stores logic.

As for Ap being very ontop of the cage? We had someone litterally walk into our backroom, grab a random box from the cage and walk out a emergency exit.

Litterally gone in 30 seconds while the tm was in the locked back room 10 feet away
Does anyone know how displays work internally at Target? Does the manufacturers pay Target a sum of money to take them from box stock, or is Target paying for that? There's a Samsung tablet I would love to have (with permission!) that they removed as a display and just has been sitting in our desk.
Our stock room is 15 seconds From the floor so we can unlock it. But like why can't you draw keys to let yourself in if your so concerned with pick time.. that's atleast my stores logic.

As for Ap being very ontop of the cage? We had someone litterally walk into our backroom, grab a random box from the cage and walk out a emergency exit.

Litterally gone in 30 seconds while the tm was in the locked back room 10 feet away
Flex has two sets of keys, plus all the leads do as well, people just don't want to utilize the resources they gave access too.
Does anyone know how displays work internally at Target? Does the manufacturers pay Target a sum of money to take them from box stock, or is Target paying for that? There's a Samsung tablet I would love to have (with permission!) that they removed as a display and just has been sitting in our desk.
Id be friend your PML
Does anyone know how displays work internally at Target? Does the manufacturers pay Target a sum of money to take them from box stock, or is Target paying for that? There's a Samsung tablet I would love to have (with permission!) that they removed as a display and just has been sitting in our desk.
Ask your PML and you could buy it at the display model discount.
The Samsung tablet is running a custom ROM that prevents teenage boys from throwing gang signs and loading porn on to it. It can be tricky or impossible to remove it without being Samsung. Make sure you can remove it. Things become tricky if it's a demo model target pays for vs a retail box you can mark down.
The Samsung tablet is running a custom ROM that prevents teenage boys from throwing gang signs and loading porn on to it. It can be tricky or impossible to remove it without being Samsung. Make sure you can remove it. Things become tricky if it's a demo model target pays for vs a retail box you can mark down.
I forgot about that, I wish the ipads did.
My iPad does. You can take pictures but you can't delete or add programs, you can't add an account , you can't do anything destructive. It should run a screen attract mode like the phones but half the time it just stays off.
I'm going to have to start checking the mobile bands on everyones phones before a prepaid activation because the mobile POA just let through a phone with a SINGLE 4G band, so it would never register on the network. 😠 I trusted you POA!
TCL trying to be shady by using a new SKU to hide price increases. They all went up by $80 with the 75" going up by $400.

And they say inflation is /only/ 9%.

Getting really goddamn tired of being taken out of my SCHEDULED department to do another one that other people can do while a department only specifically trained people can do just has work pile up and never get done. I'm honestly just done caring at this point. Feel like just doing things slowly in tech and letting it pile up as much as possible so they're forced to make us do what we're meant to do on any given day, but they still won't anyways. Screw the handbook I guess. This job was so much easier 2 years ago which is not how it should work.
Getting really goddamn tired of being taken out of my SCHEDULED department to do another one that other people can do while a department only specifically trained people can do just has work pile up and never get done. I'm honestly just done caring at this point. Feel like just doing things slowly in tech and letting it pile up as much as possible so they're forced to make us do what we're meant to do on any given day, but they still won't anyways. Screw the handbook I guess. This job was so much easier 2 years ago which is not how it should work.
This is specifically not allowed according to workbench. (Even scheduling Tech before the store open is not allowed) But they don't care. I'm doing the bare minimum as well at this point, pay me more and maybe I'll think about doing other departments jobs. (I'm talking about you General Merchandise entertainment.)
I found out the reason why its been happening and like, I get it, but its still ridiculous because its been going on for basically almost a year. I haven't been able to properly do a major zoning or inventory audit for a very long time
back when we had the classic POS. it would auto log you out after every transaction. Very annoying but it didn't matter. Now in electronics instead of logging you out, the log-out timer is set to 1 minute.
Had this. Caught them in the act. Got to yell at a guest that day. Felt good
I almost started yelling at one today. I'm SUPER busy today and this guest wanted me to sell and activate a prepaid phone. This is how it went down.
Me: "Hey I can sell you any device but just letting you know I can't activate it."
her: "well whys that?"
*i explain I'm not the mobile person and how they aren't here and will be here tmrw*
her: well get me your store manager.
Closing Tl said the same thing.
her "well I'm a customer"
Closing TL: "yes you are."

Then her son comes by and now shes the sweetest person. Very annoying.

but back to the cashcard thing. Luckly that's when they implemented the new security thing where if you're logging in from another store you need to reset your passcode.
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