Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

How long does it take some of you guys to do Tune In ?

Kinda asking

We use to have it all tied set pulled all non street dates pushed and street dates staged for the next day all in a 8hr shift but that was before everything couldn’t start til store open & with the recent revisions that are crazy with the amount of moving it’s taking almost 2 days to fully have it all done
I slanted the shelves and put up fencing. Now it’s a contained mess. It’s a mess but at least it’s not on the floors.

We just grabbed some plastic totes off the floor and threw everything in those lmao

How long does it take some of you guys to do Tune In ?

Kinda asking

You mean New Releases?

If I wasn't doing a detailed fix-up, it would probably take a lot shorter.

I spent 7 hours fixing kid's books yesterday (because nobody's done that section in ages). This includes the EXF, audit, pull, and push. I spent an hour fixing all the adult books yesterday.

Took me a total of four hours today to push out the new books and movie releases, EXF the adult books, EXF all movies, audit the rest, pull, and push.
Side note: Our electronics stockroom is full of repacks because our STL did some magic and either summoned MIRs or got people to actually do the backlog.

There's approximately 20 repacks of processed MIRs that need to go out.

And the WACOs are still ridiculously full.
So, it takes me a very short amount of time because I don't touch books, nor movies. Books isn't up for debate and I'm pretty sure most stores are not having Electronics TM's touch that area at all with Modernization. However movies I feel is TBD. According to my STL, movies is to be zoned by Hardlines, set by hardlines, and new release pushed by Hardlines. The replenishment from SBT that gets sent to our receiver is to be given to Electronics TM's to push however, assuming because it says to push immediately.

If this is my store doing it right or wrong, I'm not too sure of, besides books. Nowhere is books mentioned in the Q1 guidelines sheet for Tech.
So, it takes me a very short amount of time because I don't touch books, nor movies. Books isn't up for debate and I'm pretty sure most stores are not having Electronics TM's touch that area at all with Modernization. However movies I feel is TBD. According to my STL, movies is to be zoned by Hardlines, set by hardlines, and new release pushed by Hardlines. The replenishment from SBT that gets sent to our receiver is to be given to Electronics TM's to push however, assuming because it says to push immediately.

If this is my store doing it right or wrong, I'm not too sure of, besides books. Nowhere is books mentioned in the Q1 guidelines sheet for Tech.
Wow, I'd love my store to go this route, however, in my store books DVDs and music is all still on us electronics tms in addition to the mini playland/ toy section they added by entertainnent, even though we were told when they added it that we'd never have to touch it. Tune in takes at least a full 8 hour shift for us, and usually half the next shift too.
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Wow, I'd love my store to go this route, however, in my store books DVDs and music is all still on us electronics tms in addition to the mini playland/ toy section they added by entertainnent, even though we were told when they added it that we'd never have to touch it. Tune in takes at least a full 8 hour shift for us, and usually half the next shift too.
At the absolute least that toys shit should be knocked out of your job after that April 1st meeting. It's very clear we don't touch that, as every department is E2E.
I saw the movie vendor, once. They took 2 pictures after pushing 1 box & left. Wait, what about the rest of the movies?
Wow! Yours actually pushed a box? Ours takes pictures twice a week and leaves. They have absolutely no idea how to use their scanner and app. Calls to their supervisor go unreturned. They complain about the technology they have to use, their company, and how hard their life is. I don't care. Just learn your equipment and job, then do it!
Our SBT vendor told us she is given 2hrs per day for 3 days a week to work on movies/cds she does push movies and or even sets planograms when we need the help tho she is ditzy
Our movie vendor is a really nice "hippie grandma" with very long gray hair. Haven't asked but she was definitely at Woodstock. One of the Coke vendors is also cool, the rest are morons and the Pepsi vendor always makes sure we have zero on hands whenever Pepsi goes on sale
We have a Vendor but all she does is audits the new releases and pushes NECA.
Our movie vendor is a really nice "hippie grandma" with very long gray hair. Haven't asked but she was definitely at Woodstock. One of the Coke vendors is also cool, the rest are morons and the Pepsi vendor always makes sure we have zero on hands whenever Pepsi goes on sale

Hey, at least the on hands are zero. Our Pepsi vendor has a habit of saying he delivered stuff that he never did. Don't discover it until someone orders it online. Oh, it says we have 34 12 packs of mini diet pepsi on hand. Nope, we gots none of that. I bitched him out in the backroom a couple of days ago when two orders in a row contained crap he said he delived but never did. Then I told our market TL so she bitched him out some more.
It's been an interesting couple of weeks with the changes. I used to do the revisions and Plano for all of electronics/entertainment but with the split they made, my usual partner was moved into hardlines (we are a mobile plus pilot store, and they were unable to get comfortable in the role anyway) so now I do electronics and she does entertainment. I see alot of people saying they don't zone books and movies but that kind of sounds like a cop out. Closers should always walk through it for reshop at least!

Our movie/CD rep has came in once a month since their introduction and she has no idea what she's doing so we still do all of that. Actually the rep zones incorrectly when she does, by pushing all the movies up against each other so eventually they are an entire label off.

Our Target tech team was the worst, usually 18-20 year olds who are made the "manager" of it on hire, but almost all were incompetent, sketchy (many theifs), or thought they were soooo awesome (even though the guests complained daily). But now that it mixes with us and that we took over it's been pretty smooth, tons of guest compliment cards for our electronics team and such.

We do pricing for our own department now which has been making things a bit better as well (previous pricing team didn't have keys or were pretty meh about it and missed clearance was at 75% in my department)

The rest of my team has been helping with transitions as well to learn plano, and honestly it's the best way to teach your team how to care about how the set is supposed to look for their zones, understanding they would have to fix that giant pain in the ass every time.
I did Entertainment for 12 years. It was my baby. I did everything.

I had to step down because I’m now a parent and my child is my main priority/job now. It’s a blessing because I don’t have to worry about people fucking my area up, but also I hate to see how they are treating the person that currently does it and trying to have them do a shit ton of things non related to entertainment like they TRIED to do to me.

Now I work in electronics 3x a week, and I’m trying to jump ship because I still end up doing more than the people that work back there with open availability. Also, I’m just tired of electronics.
As someone who is intimately involved in the tech world, gaming world, and a gotta find a passion for your department. I work full time (40hrs) in electronics and I mostly dislike the people I work for and with, but I adore bringing my knowledge to guests who need it...and the pay. Let's be honest some of us are overpaid for the simplicity of our job

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