Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

Anyone's store actually have people working in toys, sporting goods, or seasonal on non truck days or is electronics still playing bitch to those areas too?
I'm the bitch in the morning. Even when they get to toys later in the day we are still helping with guests and calls. God forbid the TM working toys could even clear the Call Box at the boat if need be. 😠
Anyone's store actually have people working in toys, sporting goods, or seasonal on non truck days or is electronics still playing bitch to those areas too?

Yep every day at night our department covers toys/inf hl/sporting goods and every non truck morning I do as well.

Also what the heck is with our new hire making 13.50 when I'm still at 12.50 and those raises are 2 months off
Yep every day at night our department covers toys/inf hl/sporting goods and every non truck morning I do as well.

Also what the heck is with our new hire making 13.50 when I'm still at 12.50 and those raises are 2 months off

PG35 is going to be $13, so I have no idea where he got the extra 50 cents even if the new paygrades have taken effect...... which they haven't. I would call bullshit unless he transferred from a different state where that was already his pay.
Anyone's store actually have people working in toys, sporting goods, or seasonal on non truck days or is electronics still playing bitch to those areas too?

It is entirely dependent on your floor layout. Toys is in another region of the store so I never have to go back there. Seasonal and stationary is what I need to look after.
It is entirely dependent on your floor layout. Toys is in another region of the store so I never have to go back there. Seasonal and stationary is what I need to look after.
This is true.
Saying "easter eve" has given me a stroke
If the guests didn't act like it was Christmas, I wouldn't refer to it as such.

Lots of OPUs for the Switch and games for it though.

1 call about airpods so far, but I'm only two hours into my shift.
We must have been blessed by the hour gods because for some reason the past week we've actually had 1 person in each block. Even the random ones like pets, or seasonal. And things actually get done, huh, figure that.
You guys have any problems with gift card replenishment? My store has been out of the playstation and xbox cards for a while.
Haha, I wish. You know sometimes Ive been shopping at other Targets that have some and think to myself "You know if i just grabbed a bunch and took em to my store it wouldn't really be stealing" 😂 but obviously I havent done that.
Full moon had the crazies out in full force today. All my phone calls were about AirPods. One guest in person asked about them, and then said she had some coming in the mail anyways. So why ask?
Oh and what's funny is when we're out of stock in store but have them online and I tell them, they immediately don't want them anymore. "No, it's ok I'll just check back." Bruh, you could have them in 2 days instead of coming in every week asking.
We had the same issue our video game gift cards the smaller amounts more specifically we have a hard time keeping in stock Blackhawk has been the worse for this through are whole district all we had left for a week before Easter was $100 cards for PlayStation Xbox and Nintendo and everyone wanted $25
Because of the game fortnite and I am surprised they havent came out with $10 cards specifically for vbucks they would probably make more millions than they already do.
If you mean the Game Download cards, PlayStation vendor came and removed them. Should not be used anymore.
I mean the plain playstation and xbox gift cards of varying amounts, as well as the PS Plus cards. We havent received those in a while.

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