Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

We always Stage big releases even those the night before so it’s easier for the opener

Monday Night on the way to closing huddle at store close we would wheel up the new release fixture for Tuesday morning so it’s ready for store open the next day

Funkos go the same when there’s dated for a certain day

Our stockroom is even organized to where all street dates of product are easy to find
The collectors were lined up outside the store for that stupid Pop today. They were pissed when they found out that no, we did not prepare ahead of time because it's a crap toy and our electronics TM showed up half an hour late. Oh Well. 🤷‍♂️
Lol rip for them
The collectors were lined up outside the store for that stupid Pop today. They were pissed when they found out that no, we did not prepare ahead of time because it's a crap toy and our electronics TM showed up half an hour late. Oh Well. 🤷‍♂️
Easy with the salt bud
I love when they come the day after and expect us to be fully stocked on everything they want. You snooze you loose. Still today get people asking for Pikachu Funko. Does limited time not mean anything to you?
Funny bc we got 18 in but there was no line at 8am, just an ex tl. I sold like 5 in a 8 hour shift. Then they sold quickly after that
Saw this one kid at the event table with a pony tail, fedora, trench coat, socks/sandals and no his number if any of you ladies are looking for a man
Wow I was wondering the same think I should order it online before it sells out?
Speaking of Poke Pops, I went to another store in my city Tuesday and in addition to the big and little Bulbasaurs, they had 3-4 Pikachus. I was amazed. What do you guys think: Did this store get restocks of them? Or were the conspiracy theoriests right and they truly being hoarded in the backroom for however many months? 😆
Speaking of Poke Pops, I went to another store in my city Tuesday and in addition to the big and little Bulbasaurs, they had 3-4 Pikachus. I was amazed. What do you guys think: Did this store get restocks of them? Or were the conspiracy theoriests right and they truly being hoarded in the backroom for however many months? 😆
When I was working Wednesday we had 6 Pikachus in stock.
I know for a fact they were not in the backroom because we sold through our initial shipment.
Speaking of Poke Pops, I went to another store in my city Tuesday and in addition to the big and little Bulbasaurs, they had 3-4 Pikachus. I was amazed. What do you guys think: Did this store get restocks of them? Or were the conspiracy theoriests right and they truly being hoarded in the backroom for however many months? 😆

We never have any Funko product in the back unless it’s street dated. We throw out the planogram (still tied) and merchandise it just like a VMG. Sure we may have to add shelves but we have gotten many compliments on it and we sell thru and get a lot replenshied as well
I have said that a million times! I refuse to take charge of it and get it dumped on me. It goes decode so fast it should be treated like VMG. The back room is going to burst with that crap & probably 90% is decode but they turn blind eye to it.
Anyone lately get bombarded with online only Electronics products? The last few trucks we’ve gotten multiple U boats worth of product that was a known online exclusive product not sold in stores but now we have them. We got the ok to build Amp Fixtures & store tie it to try to sell thru but did the DC really need to send over 100each of multiple dpci’s
Anyone lately get bombarded with online only Electronics products? The last few trucks we’ve gotten multiple U boats worth of product that was a known online exclusive product not sold in stores but now we have them. We got the ok to build Amp Fixtures & store tie it to try to sell thru but did the DC really need to send over 100each of multiple dpci’s
Kind of for my store, though all I've seen so far has been stuff we can only do as online item tickets.
That's the DPCI for the Galaxy Buds. (You're welcome btw, I posted that on the discord) meaning we'll get them in at some point

Apparently had them up at some point
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"May the post here help you as you run your new position as a Tech Consulting at Target."
How soon do you think itll be until the mobile plus thing rolls out company wide? I'm glad I'm leaving soon, seems like it would be a headache.

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