Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

We keep getting hours scheduled for Tech demos, but we aren't an E&E store, and since we have no working demos available, it does make more sense to use that time for something that will actually increase sales. You know, like pushing the truck, doing revisions, etc.
It's funny how many thousands of fools have tried to cop a big piece of MSFT's consumer market share and every single time consumers keep buying Windows like nothing happened. Unless you can ship your non-Windows OS with a seamless, built-in emulation layer that can run any Windows executable out of the box, your OS will be doomed to marginal hipster niches forever. Some have tried to make Linux popular but who the fuck would use GIMP over Photoshop on purpose?
It's funny how many thousands of fools have tried to cop a big piece of MSFT's consumer market share and every single time consumers keep buying Windows like nothing happened. Unless you can ship your non-Windows OS with a seamless, built-in emulation layer that can run any Windows executable out of the box, your OS will be doomed to marginal hipster niches forever. Some have tried to make Linux popular but who the fuck would use GIMP over Photoshop on purpose?
Reading this made me feel old. And not a good old. Like.. an old old. I understood each word you said, just not the order in which you used them.. 😕
Anyone else have those guests in Electronics that consistently buy as as many Switches, Apple products, and calculators as they can all off of one account on the target app with high value gift cards? Anyone know how to curb their buying power?
Anyone else have those guests in Electronics that consistently buy as as many Switches, Apple products, and calculators as they can all off of one account on the target app with high value gift cards? Anyone know how to curb their buying power?

Are they using the Target Wallet? If so check to see if their is also a TM Discount on their as well if so we can ask for verification purposes for actual TM discount card and ID. It’s part of the handbook to where we can ask for verification if we don’t recognize the said TM. There is a thing going on to where I believe it’s gone as high as possible per possibly FBI. But verification of the discount if they are using that could deter them. We had a group come in a few weeks back and 1 by 1 over a few hours span they tried but each time we asked for I’d and physical card they couldn’t produce it so no sale since they didn’t want to take it off the Target Wallet and didn’t have the physical Giftcards either.
No TM discount but weve started asking for the physical gift cards and they show up with a huge stack of gift cards ready to go. All high balances.
My store has two people who will regularly buy all of our 84+ CE's when they go on the $99 sale. We let them buy all of them if we have a shipment coming in the next day or two, and if we don't we give them like 50-75% depending on how much we have. Leadership and AP agree a sale is a sale.

I'm not the biggest fan because we aren't getting any actual money from the transaction, but we're making sales and getting payroll partly because of people like this. It's not like the giftcards can be charged back or anything, and if they did scam somebody to get them it wasn't my store so.
Asian "gang" in our area. Young Asian couple, sometimes with a couple of toddlers along for the scam, come in and would use the the wallet feature in the Target app. Loaded on it would be the gift cards and TM discount. At first we were limiting them to one of each product, then we asked at which Target they worked. They said they didn't, so we asked who did. They would say a sister-in-law in another state. We told them only employees and their spouses and dependents could use the discount so they would have to take the TM discount off the wallet. Of course, they decided they didn't want all those Apple products then. They tried to come in different times of the day trying to catch new TMs, but AP was always able to shut them down. They ditched the couple and sent in some older gentleman to work the scam but we shut him down also. Haven't seen them in a few months but I wouldn't be surprised if they were back in Q4.
With our remodel, we recently went from the circular camera electronics boat to the two parallallel counters with the registers on the main aisle side. Since then we have had numerous guests come into, walk right through, and otherwise act like this is just another guest area. Do any other remodeled stores have this problem, or are the guests at my store just incredibly clueless? If you have this problem what have you done to try and keep guests out of there?
With our remodel, we recently went from the circular camera electronics boat to the two parallallel counters with the registers on the main aisle side. Since then we have had numerous guests come into, walk right through, and otherwise act like this is just another guest area. Do any other remodeled stores have this problem, or are the guests at my store just incredibly clueless? If you have this problem what have you done to try and keep guests out of there?

Our electronics TMs typically park a reshop 3 tier to block off one of the entrances to the boat.
It's funny how many thousands of fools have tried to cop a big piece of MSFT's consumer market share and every single time consumers keep buying Windows like nothing happened. Unless you can ship your non-Windows OS with a seamless, built-in emulation layer that can run any Windows executable out of the box, your OS will be doomed to marginal hipster niches forever. Some have tried to make Linux popular but who the fuck would use GIMP over Photoshop on purpose?

I use GIMP on Windows because it's free.
With our remodel, we recently went from the circular camera electronics boat to the two parallallel counters with the registers on the main aisle side. Since then we have had numerous guests come into, walk right through, and otherwise act like this is just another guest area. Do any other remodeled stores have this problem, or are the guests at my store just incredibly clueless? If you have this problem what have you done to try and keep guests out of there?
My store went from glass cases to the grey and black boat to the newer all-white boat.

Normally it's not too much of a problem at my store. During 4th quarter last year we had an issue. So we had a sign that said "Target Team Members Only" sign. That seemed to work for us.
We're the last store in out district/group with the old camera boat. I wanna die

I Remember that boat when we had it up until it’s last day it was literal falling a part and the PML at the time did all that he could do and was allowed to do. On its demo day in time for the new white one since we got skipped on the gray & black counters the contractor took the screws out of one section and the whole boat collapsed. We were all in cheers even the leaders were to since they knew how bad the boat was.
Anyone else have those guests in Electronics that consistently buy as as many Switches, Apple products, and calculators as they can all off of one account on the target app with high value gift cards? Anyone know how to curb their buying power?
They’re resellers and can easily be limited. Target reserves the right to limit any purchase with their household limit policy. The limit can be whatever you want within reason or just not at all as target clearly states they do not sell to resellers. We banned target tech from selling Apple watches at my old store because he sold 57 Apple watches to some reseller and his reasoning was he didn’t think the policy applied to him since he’s not a target employee..... :///
Target: Drive sales profitably by delivering what guests want.
#1 New York Time's Best Seller: How to be a MLM Mom and Stay Healthy With Keeto Diets Using Your Air Fryer (Coloring Book Edition)
Also Target: 5,239 on hand.

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