Archived List for department numbers?!

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Mar 10, 2019
I'm trying to redo my aisle boards, can anyone explain to me how to find a list of department numbers ?(like a cheat sheet I can use to help me out)
From our back room thread.
3 - CHEM
7 - BB01, BBo2, DIPR
8, 80 - elec, belc, scty
9 - SEA1
12 - MM2
22 - WMNS
30 - IFUR, BB02
36 - ?GIRL?
37, 52, 63 - HB02
40 - MENS
47, 69, 82, 88, 91 - SPRT
49 - HB01
51 - SEA1, SEA2
52 - HBO2, COSM
53, 54, 240 - STAT
55 - CNDY, HCDY(class 0 - holloween, class 3 - xmas, class 7 - valentine's day, class 8 easter)
56, 59 - MM1
57, 58 - BATT
60, 62 - BEDS
64 - BATH
65, 70, 74, 200 - HOME
67, 68 - DOM
69 - LUGG
71 - SNCK
74 - LAMP
74, 249 - FURN
77 - SHO2
77, 93, 96, 98 - SHO1
81 - OFCE
82 - BIKE
83 - PETS, PET2
84 - SEA2
85, 92 - HIPA
86 - TOY1
87 - TOY2
94, 245 - PHAR
203 - BEV1, BEV2
204 - TOY3
207 - ELEC, SCTY
212, 231 - GRC1, GRC3
231, 261 - GRC2
234 - BUCK
240 - SEA3
253 - PAPR, CHEM
284, 83 - DARY
286 - CNDY, LIQR
Boys = 46, 76
Girls = 32, 202, 205
Boys/Girls Basics = 36
Boys/Girls Sleepwear = 75
Boys/Girls Active (C9) = 39
NIT = 30, 33
RTW = 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 259, 282 (there are more but that's some...)
Women's Swimwear = 238
Women's Outerwear = 283
Women's Active/ C9 = 214
Men's = 40, 42, 43
Men's Active (C9) = 41
Men's Outerwear = 281
Accessories = 61, 90
Women's Shoes = 96
Boys/Girls Shoes = 93
C9/Converse/Men's Shoes = 98
Seasonal Shoes (Slippers/flip flops) = 77
20 is sleepwear
21 and 29 are RTW
206 and 217 NIT
44 mens
24 accs
26 watches
90 sunglasses
215 jewelry
22 and 23 ling
25 socks
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