Archived Loa Return

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Nov 30, 2014
Question: etl logistics here..been on loa for 5 months for surgery. My store brought in a brand new etl (who was a pmt) from 50 miles away. When I return in a few u think ill be shipped to another store?
Question: etl logistics here..been on loa for 5 months for surgery. My store brought in a brand new etl (who was a pmt) from 50 miles away. When I return in a few u think ill be shipped to another store?

You could be. Were you on FMLA? If so, then this is job protected but not position protected. If you have been replaced in the store and head count for ETLs are at its peak, they can technically send you to another store within reason of driving distance (look into this cause some companies say up to 50 miles is reasonable). Another situation - if your position has been replaced, ETL-log, but there is an ETL GE open, then they can offer you that.

No matter what, if you were on FMLA, you will get an ETL position and same pay. Just may not be a location or assignment you want.

Now if you were on medical or personal leave, because you didn't qualify for FMLA, then this is a different story. These leaves are up to the company to decide the exact wording, except in situations of pregnancy. You could lose an ETL position all together and be forced to be a TL. This however is more unlikely if it was classified as "medical" leave. If it was personal leave and you were a poor performer or high conflict employee; then pretty much - good luck in the job market.

Hope this helps.
Thanks guys! I was always told I didnt qualify for FMLA because I didn't work for a full year. However since I was first on STD, I reached the 1 year mark and was told by Target HR I qualify for fmla. Im really curious to see how it plays out
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