Archived LOA

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Hello all, i've been lurking for a while now but i've finally made an account!

I've been at target since October but i recently got an opportunity to travel out of the country for school (and the possibility of studying abroad). I've mentioned it to HR and I'm supposed to talk about it sometime this week. I was going to ask for a month but I'm afraid that will seem like too much but I just wanted to be sure i had enough time to settle and arrange everything in hopes of being accepted as an international student for next semester.

What should i expect? Is a month too much? Has anyone else gone on an educational LOA? What was the process like? I am very nervous!

(Sorry if this is in the wrong section, again, i am new to this!)
from targetpayandbenefits:
Leave of Absence Policies
A leave of absence may be granted if you need time away from work due to illness, personal emergency or other compelling personal matter. If one of these circumstances requires you to be away from work for an extended amount of time, you must be placed on leave of absence.

During your leave, your employment status will not change and you will retain eligibility for benefits (if applicable) for up to 180 days.

A number of factors will be taken into consideration when approving the leave including:

  • Your eligibility as outlined in the Target guidelines
  • The leave type requested
  • The reason for the request
  • The effect the leave will have on work requirements and staffing in your department

Please work with your HR team or leader to determine if you are eligible for a leave and the type of leave that best fits your needs.

Leave status begins when you are away from work on the:

  • Third scheduled day for distribution and headquarters nonexempt team members
  • Eighth calendar day for distribution and headquarters exempt team members and all store team members

Note: These are guidelines only. Depending on the reason for the leave, it may begin on the first day you miss work.

You should contact the Target Leave and Disability team at the beginning of your leave if it is anticipated that it will be longer than three days for distribution and headquarters nonexempt team members or eight days for all other team members.

School is up to 1 year.
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