Locker size?

Oct 28, 2019
I just started work and pretty soon I’m going to have shifts after school I was wondering if there’s any place in target I could stash my backpack? I saw the lockers and they look a bit too small but I didn’t get a good look at all of them. Are there bigger ones somewhere else or a different area I could leave it? I just want to know in advance so I don’t show up to work with nowhere to leave it.
I would imagine it depends on your store? Mine has a bunch of small ones but there are also a few larger ones, they're all in the same area though. Is there anyone you might be able to double check with on your next shift before you have to work after school?

I know that a lot of TMs just leave their bookbags on the floor in our back area. There are cameras covering the room and HR is right there, though. I'm not sure how much it varies between stores.
All our lockers are in one hall, smaller on the right, bigger on the left. There are ones big enough for a bookbag. Alternatively you could ask a TL to put in in their office, or in a locking file cabinet or something maybe.
The stores I have worked at have a coat rack with a shelf above it or by it that everyone puts larger bags on.
You should definitely lock it up. As much as you think you could trust co-workers that they won’t steal your stuff, unfortunately theft is common at my store.
My store has primarily small cube lockers, about 10" square. There are about a half dozen double-height, but they are marked for handicap access. There's also coat racks and shelves, and there are cameras in that area.

HLM, you're assuming that they have a car and the store isn't close enough to the school to walk. Our high school is about 2 blocks away and we have a lot of students that come to work straight after classes.
Try your team lead or ask a team lead if you can keep it in their office. I know last year during black friday I purchased some expensive items during my break and they let me keep my stuff there with my name in black marker on the bag. It was safe.
which department do you work in? it varies a little bit. but generally, you'll pick up the calls from your myDevice no matter where in the store you are.
Ask your trainer those questions. You should get a zebra. There is a phone app on it.

The problem at my store and i'm sure at a lot of stores is that there are not enough Zebra's. I sincerely hope that there are more coming in for the upcoming holiday's. If not the sales floor will not have any at all because the SFS/OPU team members will have all of them.

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