Archived lockers

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We still have quarter locks at our store! I honestly can't remember the last time I used one because I have always been in work centers where I share an office. They are most often just used by TMs to store their purses, and if you have a purse chances are you have a quarter somewhere in there...

Back in the day you were supposed to keep your phone in a locker too, but now Target pretty much encourages you to have it on the floor and use it to help guests.
I don’t trust those lockers at my store. Especially when you can just jam a flathead screwdriver and pop them open.
We got analog lockers fully after remodel. Before that we had a mix.

They were hella buggy, though, at first. There were calls every 5 minutes to come unlock them. I got in the habit of locking it and unlocking it immediately (without closing the door) to make sure that it would actually unlock again, after getting burned a couple times.
The one plus about the analog ones is that you can just keep using the same locker every day by keeping it locked, since it doesn't automatically unlock like the digital ones did.
Fuck everyone who does this. 70 lockers, 100ish TMs working each day, 250 TMs total; we don’t have enough for people to be ‘claiming’ them permanently. When I have a TM complain about lack of lockers I start opening them and resetting all the empty ones (I relock any ones being used without changing the code). One time I unlocked 30 empty lockers. It was funny hearing early morning logistics bitching the next morning.
Fuck everyone who does this. 70 lockers, 100ish TMs working each day, 250 TMs total; we don’t have enough for people to be ‘claiming’ them permanently. When I have a TM complain about lack of lockers I start opening them and resetting all the empty ones (I relock any ones being used without changing the code). One time I unlocked 30 empty lockers. It was funny hearing early morning logistics bitching the next morning.
My store finally just assigned lockers for those who use them every day, but we also have far more lockers than we have TMs. Only ones that get reset are the larger sized ones that are supposed to be for people who walk/bike to work and need space to store extra clothes or a helmet (not that anyone walks or bikes to my store).
We have battery ones (about 30) and a whole bunch of regular you-bring-your-own-lock ones that the people who've been there a while seem to have been assigned or use religiously.
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