Archived Logistics i need ur help

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Aug 14, 2013
Hey guys im in need of your help...after our early morning transition our store has been making alot of changes like custom blocks..time instocks..autofill pull in the mornin...push offload slow process etc... Which has impact us drastically.. The main reason is because we are running the process with 7tm to offload..push the entire truck durin open hrs( 1-9)..backstock and zone..any suggestion:spiteful:
3pm fast offloaf w 7 tm..push entire reshops..cafs....and 4am takes care of autofill pulls and push only
Have each TM push, zone, work reshop and CAFs, then backstock an equal share? Maybe put two in a heavy area? Doesn't sound possible in 7 hours.

Edit: 1 - 3 I guess they'd be working reshop and CAFs.
In another thread you said you get 7 trucks per week and they average 1800-2300 so I don't know how this is possible.

Thats correct..I am struggling to come out clean..ive explain to my stl that it is impossibke to finish w 7tm...ive 3 zoners that just do reshops..1+1.. cafs and repacks from truck push...then zone..nd I have 1 person to backstock
I'm thinking you need to give us some more details on your whole process, because I'm confused. Are you a 4am, 6am, 7am or possibly overnight? You said 3pm fast offload w tm, if were looking at 3pm unloads lord help us all.? You say your a low volume store but your getting 7 trucks a week 1800-2300 on average, lot of freight for a low volume store.

3pm fast offloaf w 7 tm..push entire reshops..cafs....and 4am takes care of autofill pulls and push only

Also why is your logistics process doing reshop, working cafs, or zone (this depends on what timeframe you are). I don't know of any logistics process that does reshop, or works the cafs or zones other then what were responsible for zoning. Reshop is salesfloor if your doing that your hurting your productivity. Your other thread you put in you are Br, Salesfloor, Instocks TL, perhaps you need to take a step back from one of those (cough, cough, salesfloor) and concentrate on your task, especially if your having issues with coming clean.

But anyone here would be happy to help you but we need more info.
Sorry for not providing exact details..I have 7 tm to unload ..from 330pm to 5 from 530pm to 930(same tm) r expected to finish the push and backstock from truck..but im only able to finish 60% of the workload..from 930 to 1130 I have to focus on reshops and zone for core departments..430AM comes in to finish push left..pkus pull autofill..push and I stated before there has been alot of changes in our process that have impact our store drastically
Sounds like your a 4am store, I'm assuming the powers that be assume unloading at 330pm is a good idea to get a jump on the truck. First off, its not a good idea, second if your struggling to get done when the early morning crew comes in then its not working since a lot of the work load is done already for them. It makes no sense to have 7 people unload and work truck plus the closing teams normal duties.

Quick run down:
you should be unloading at 4am, 1 hour to unload and if you cant meet that goal you need more people unloading(review best practice, it will help), after unload 30 minutes to finish bowling whatever departments you are going to work before store opens. Wave stock the truck when store opens you should have a clean floor and working off flats and tubs. Your team should be able to get out close to lunch or shortly after depending on truck size, time of year (BTS is a killer) and size of team. Now your repacks you can have a repack wave, or a person to break out repacks and stage in aisles to be worked with freight either way works but usually one way works better for different stores.
4am process for backroom, they should be doing the autofills, backstocking the blackline from the truck, and then backstocking what the flow brings back. Depending on how many people you have and how quickly they get done they could even be on the floor helping the flow team to push (my team generally does toys).
Your dayside backroom should be pulling cafs and some stores have them work them as well, it depends on volume and staffing. The salesfloor should be dealing with reshops.

I hope this helps but honestly as long as your unloading at 3:30pm, and trying to push the truck, reshops, cafs and zone your just making it more difficult on your team and yourself. If you choose to continue to do that then like I said when the 4am comes in they don't have unload so technically they are already starting an hour ahead, if they cant finish or their struggling real bad then you either need more people or its poor leadership.
Thanks backroomdude for your input.. I have explain to my etl about the lack of man power but to him its just an excuse...
Nomoretrucksplz...I didnt knw this forum was an english class..obviously english is not my first language.. I just want to knw if there are other stores working similar process because the team is expected to follow timeliness according to rwt during open hours and im being hold accountable for not finishing the task..
It's not obvious to us, some people are just lazy when typing. Didn't mean to offend.

At any rate, how many people do you have in the morning? Is it a full team then? It makes no sense to not only have so few people, but have them do tasks that don't even belong to flow team in general. Why isn't sales floor doing pulls and reshop? Why isn't backroom doing backstock?

I can't imagine getting a 2000 piece truck done with 7 people. Your ETL sounds like a kid fresh out of business school with a basket full of nonsensical ideas. The worst ETLs you'll see will operate on the idea that you simply have to work FASTER, rather than attempting to improve the process that throttles the team in the first place. The only thing I can offer is to ask your ETL to switch to an actual best practice process or at least ask to not do other teams workload along with your own.
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Thanks backroomdude for your input.. I have explain to my etl about the lack of man power but to him its just an excuse...
Nomoretrucksplz...I didnt knw this forum was an english class..obviously english is not my first language.. I just want to knw if there are other stores working similar process because the team is expected to follow timeliness according to rwt during open hours and im being hold accountable for not finishing the task..

Your welcome, but no, no one else is running a 3pm unload nor anything similar to what your doing. You have a severely broken process and yea an ETL that is a complete moron, not to mention your STL if they cant pick up on this. Logistics is the backbone of the store if it fails the store fails. I really hope your ETL wises up to what they are doing wrong because if not to put it bluntly your screwed.

If Target decided to start doing this across the board I would let them know where to stick this job.
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