Losing Health Insurance

Feb 28, 2024
I have been trying to keep my hours under the 24.5 for the past year so I would not get the health insurance. During open enrollment the computer allowed me to sign up for the health insurance. The next day I get a letter in the mail from the Benefits Center saying I am going back to part-time status and will lose my health insurance. So why was I allowed to sign up? Has anyone had this happen to them? If I am offered Target health insurance I can't sign up on the exchange, which is what I want to do. I have called the benefits center numerous times, they have opened a ticket and investigated but have not actually let me know what the resolution is even though it says resolved. I have an awful feeling because I was able to sign up, and had to deny coverage, that the exchange will consider that I WAS offered coverage even though I didn't qualify. I don't know what to do anymore.
Everyone gets some form of benefits from spot like the Ltd. That's why you would still get the letters in the mail and such. I'm assuming the exchange is similar to mass health for cheaper insurance options for individuals that are low income. You are denied insurance from spot so it won't effect you for that. I will say though be careful because I was in a similar situation with mass health a lomg time ago and I was right on the edge of qualifying and my income was considered too high and my health insurance was much higher then spots.
I would not recommend purposefully trying to stay under benefits as spots health insurance is fairly reasonable. Maybe you are lucky with the exchange and that's not the case for you but I don't have any experience with that program.
Also I forgot to mention do not under any circumstances tell them you purposefully worked less to not get health insurance that will look real bad.
I have been trying to keep my hours under the 24.5 for the past year so I would not get the health insurance. During open enrollment the computer allowed me to sign up for the health insurance. The next day I get a letter in the mail from the Benefits Center saying I am going back to part-time status and will lose my health insurance. So why was I allowed to sign up? Has anyone had this happen to them? If I am offered Target health insurance I can't sign up on the exchange, which is what I want to do. I have called the benefits center numerous times, they have opened a ticket and investigated but have not actually let me know what the resolution is even though it says resolved. I have an awful feeling because I was able to sign up, and had to deny coverage, that the exchange will consider that I WAS offered coverage even though I didn't qualify. I don't know what to do anymore.
  1. Just because you qualify doesn't mean you have to enroll. You can be 25+ and not have insurance.
  2. Why did you sign up if you didn't want it?
  3. Were you on an exchange plan in December?
  4. You can sign up for exchange coverage even if you qualify through your employer, but you lose the tax credit if the employer plan is considered "affordable".
The threshold for an employer plan to be considered "affordable" is if the lowest premium is no more than 8.39% of household income. For Target's lowest premium plan (the HSA) it's $27.36 biweekly, which would mean it's considered "affordable" as long as your household income is greater than $326.10 biweekly.

Check your paystub for the last check you received for 2023, should have your average hours at the top. End of the year is what they use to calculate benefit eligibility.

Is what's offered on the exchange that much cheaper than what Target offers?

If you go onto pay and benefits, what does the website say about your eligibility?

Can we see the letter (block out anything personal obviously)

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