Archived Making batches with Move app glitchy lately?

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Nov 26, 2017
Lately, making POG batches will either not show up or it deletes itself while pulling. I tried closing the app to refresh it and sometimes it works. Other times, I have to manually go into management to create the batch because making a batch after tying doesn't alway work.

Anyone else notice this?
Last week my salesplans dropped in the PDA instead of Move. The batch option when tying is what it first was when we got the MyDevice.
We've had the same issues. But I've got too much to do to play nanny with Target's equipment and functionality problems. Tie the pog. See if a batch drops in. If not, I audit it. Move on. Unless I'm told specifically to do it differently. They want more audits anyway.
Hold down power button on the Zebra for a second until the pop up appears. Make sure airplane mode is turned OFF. This has been the cause we've seen when only one line shows up one the main scanning page in MyWork and it's causing major issues in our backroom. No idea how airplane mode kicks on, but it's getting worse and worse lately.
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