Archived Mannequins

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I was told the mannequins increased sales in softlines by 4%, in the end it could be a good investment.
I have heard other stores say the same thing. As someone pointed out, when people can SEE what the outfit looks like on a body they are more inclined to buy it. In fact, I was told that the areas connected to the mannequins sale much much faster than the other racks around them. It's like prime real estate (sort of like the endcaps in hardlines). We are currently in the process of putting ours up. >< We don't have as many people as this project takes and of course the DTL HAS to visit the day after the set. If they were intelligent they'd wait a few days to let us finish smoothing out the "wrinkles" that we're going to have with so few employees trying to do such a big job.
Stores setting this month. Has any one got their mannequins? I'm less then a week away from from set date and I still haven't recieved anything. Could it be from port shutdown?

Possibly... but make sure you do all the prep work prior to. This means knowing all the salesfloor locations for POGs in all departments for that week and making sure ALL convertibles and tables are properly labeled. (Due to adjacencies requiring more or less convertibles over the years we ended up with convertibles from one department in another. For instance we had men's department convertibles in women's and boys.) Then all POGs for the week of your set date should be tied and dropped to the backroom and someone should pull them before the set team comes in for that night. It will save you time.

Our STL borrowed a TL from another store who has been going around to manage mannequin resets in our area. This is her fourth reset. She came in the week prior to the set and removed all the fixtures from the floor that were not needed. (You lose several quads in RTW to make room for the runways for instance.) Then she put all the fixtures on the floor pad in the correct position for the mannequin adjacency a few days prior. We had weird holes on the floor (where the fixtures would go) obviously but we could speak to that. Also you have to have someone take down the boys/girls wall prior to the contractor coming in. What I mean is that you have to remove all product from both sides of the wall and take all the shelves out and the bars/face outs off and remove the signing so it is bare. The contractor will not do that part.

If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them. We are finishing up our reset tonight.
My only problem with the mannequins is that I can't think of a proper phrase to walkie when the mannequin is stripped.

"Um, SLTM,LOD,Hardlines4, anybody? We got a naked body in girls."
Lol whenever I have to undress and redress a mannequin, I just ask another SL tm to come to whatever area it's in. Then I tell them why I called them when they get there. I'm glad this situation has still never come up on a day when it's just me in SL. So thankful.

Oh and the items on the mannequin definitely sell faster in my store than the other stuff. I imagine it'll be the same in other stores. Only time that doesn't happen is when something isn't flattering on the mannequin. It doesn't happen too often, but it's happened enough to notice it.
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Our mannequin project happened a few months ago. An outside team came in about an hour before closing to start putting them together. Apparently some parts were missing for one of the displays, so we put what we did have on a pallet, while we waited for the remaining parts to be delivered. We waited...and waited...and waited. Two months later (at least) I think someone decided to just cut our losses and throw those parts away.
We're starting our mannequin set tomorrow. I've been removing all the racks from the sections for the last 2 days and I'm going in tomorrow on what was supposed to be my day off to finish RTW and men's. I'll be glad when it's all done but it's so time consuming especially it just being me (my TL called out Monday for the snow and had today off).
Stores setting this month. Has any one got their mannequins? I'm less then a week away from from set date and I still haven't recieved anything. Could it be from port shutdown?

So I was told we only got our mannequin shipment a few days prior to set. They say it's because most stores do not have much room to store them so they send them closer to set date. Do know that they may short you supplies. We just finished our set but they did not send us enough stands for everything. So we will have to wait to put the legs on the men's/women's jean walls until we get more of the stands that connect them to the base.
If I had to pick between Autons, Daleks, Weeping Angels, or The Silence, I would go with the Autons. Definitely.
Lol, they aren't all bad. The kids legs without torsos creep me out though.
My only problem with the mannequins is that I can't think of a proper phrase to walkie when the mannequin is stripped.

"Um, SLTM,LOD,Hardlines4, anybody? We got a naked body in girls."
I'll look forward to this. Lol.

I'm most excited we got the dog. But now my dog is gonna want a spot bling collar...sigh.
Lol, they aren't all bad. The kids legs without torsos creep me out though.

I'll look forward to this. Lol.

I'm most excited we got the dog. But now my dog is gonna want a spot bling collar...sigh.

I so need to sneak my dog(he's 70lbs of muscle) to take a picture of him and Spot.. And no target collar for him, he has more collars than I have shoes.
I so need to sneak my dog(he's 70lbs of muscle) to take a picture of him and Spot.. And no target collar for him, he has more collars than I have shoes.
Almost 90lbs of muscle for mine. And red is his color.
It happened to me, yesterday. Someone asked for a mannequin garment and no one was there to help me. I asked for anyone over walkie. No response. Then I just went to do it myself and when I found the girl again realized it was only a tabletop torso so I had no trouble doing that alone. I did hit myself with an arm when it popped off, though lol. I'm so bad at the arms. I can never get them off when I'm trying, but if I'm lifting a mannequin so someone can remove the pants, the arms pop right off.
It happened to me, yesterday. Someone asked for a mannequin garment and no one was there to help me. I asked for anyone over walkie. No response. Then I just went to do it myself and when I found the girl again realized it was only a tabletop torso so I had no trouble doing that alone. I did hit myself with an arm when it popped off, though lol. I'm so bad at the arms. I can never get them off when I'm trying, but if I'm lifting a mannequin so someone can remove the pants, the arms pop right off.

I hope you dressed it right away. 😀

Guys, we can't have naked mannequins in our store. It's not brand.
Also, as far as having the wrong convertibles in the wrong sections couldn't new number's be used? Some of our tables are pushed together and the numbers are on the wrong side so no one can see them. Why can't I just put new letters/numbers on them?
Having the mannequins and fixtures makes the department look way nicer, even when unzoned. Our area was a mess but everyone was oohing and ahhing anyway. We didnt have the right stands but they all seem to fit each other..

Now if only we got feet for the shoes so our displays werent tossed everywhere lol..
Having the mannequins and fixtures makes the department look way nicer, even when unzoned. Our area was a mess but everyone was oohing and ahhing anyway. We didnt have the right stands but they all seem to fit each other..

Now if only we got feet for the shoes so our displays werent tossed everywhere lol..

yeah that wouldn't matter, people would take the shoes off the feet.
Also, as far as having the wrong convertibles in the wrong sections couldn't new number's be used? Some of our tables are pushed together and the numbers are on the wrong side so no one can see them. Why can't I just put new letters/numbers on them?

You can. Just remember not to repeat anything that is already on the floor. What I did before our mannequin reset was to walk the floor and copy down the numbers in every dept assigned to the walls and every convertible and table that was already labeled. Then I made a list of numbers in use and then from there I labeled the rest with what wasn't in use. Labeling is easy. You can use a portable printer. Go into the labeling app just like you would label anything else and all you have to do is put in the letter and number. Like in RTW for us the dept is H... so I would put in H23 and hit "print". Do know that any unavailable numbers for your store will be denied by the printer. So if the printer lets you do it, then the number is valid. I need to finish going through our departments to make sure everything is labeleled and all the new fixtures that can POG have labels too. Working on it. 🙂

PS: Oh, and for those tables we got rid of... I took their numbers and put them on the new feature tables that took their places.
RightArm, everything off the back wall in both girls and boys? Ours aren't back-to-back.

Sorry I didn't see this in time. Actually I don't know since yours are not back to back. Do look at the M1 (the map of where everything is going) If the dept has a back wall it probably is going to get overhead lighting and will have different fixtures. Good idea to take down the jean wall anyway because if it is like ours it's going on a denim bar. But at this point you may already know that. 😉
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