Archived Mannequins

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We didn't have to remove anything from our back walls other than a few signs, and maybe a few straight bars. It didn't affect anything shelved.
So, our store finished the mannequin reset awhile back.

When I was doing P/C I realized they had dressed two of the torsos in clearance shirts...on purpose. Um, hello? We can't sell the clearance products if it's on a mannequin. Regular or sale, okay. But not clearance. At least now I know how to take the arms off!

Also, it is a PITA once you realize that a mannequin is wearing something that you just marked clearance. You have to stop what you're doing and strip the thing, then figure out what may look good instead because we can't have half nude mannequins hanging around. Even if they do have nice abs!
My store did that reset back in October. It was about 3 days of overnight shifts. Total hassle but it looked nice when they were first set.
So, our store finished the mannequin reset awhile back.

When I was doing P/C I realized they had dressed two of the torsos in clearance shirts...on purpose. Um, hello? We can't sell the clearance products if it's on a mannequin. Regular or sale, okay. But not clearance. At least now I know how to take the arms off!

Also, it is a PITA once you realize that a mannequin is wearing something that you just marked clearance. You have to stop what you're doing and strip the thing, then figure out what may look good instead because we can't have half nude mannequins hanging around. Even if they do have nice abs!

When they set our C9 wall all of the torsos were set with clearance shirts. I drove the wave over the other day and stripped them to mark them down again. The softlines TL was hollering at me but whatever.. lol
I took off a top layer from a man mannequin the other day (he was wearing a buttonup over a long sleeve tee) and juuust noticed the man mannequins skip leg day lol. They're super buff and broad up top.
Anyone having problems with their mannequins leaning? Driving me bonkers. I think we need to put something under the foot that's not on the post to keep them upright. 😛
Shims from the hardware store work nicely.
Our PMT (formerly SFT) painted them to blend in with the base.
Anybody have the SAP number for mannequin touchup paint? Its been requested and I don't relish the idea of digging through months of placed SAP orders to try and find the number if it was ever actually found....
Have the reset in 3 weeks helping my mentor and the SFTL with the overnight reset what can we expect? Is it gonna be like the comestic reset all the old stores did last year with the contractors doing the bulk of the work??
Have the reset in 3 weeks helping my mentor and the SFTL with the overnight reset what can we expect? Is it gonna be like the comestic reset all the old stores did last year with the contractors doing the bulk of the work??
I didn't get to play, but it was all hands on deck for TLs, people from other stores came to help, and our DTL was in quite a bit. Along with a bunch of contractor people.....
Also, as far as having the wrong convertibles in the wrong sections couldn't new number's be used? Some of our tables are pushed together and the numbers are on the wrong side so no one can see them. Why can't I just put new letters/numbers on them?

You can get sticky label holders somewhere in your signing room, they are in packages you just cut how many you need and stick them on the side you need. I have taken to keeping a sheet of them and some blank labels with a sharpie and mark the blank tables as I do my In-Stock scanning. Probably not brand, but if you write them neat and clean they probably won't say anything.
For those of you who have already gone through the mannequin ordeal; tell those of us who will soon be going through it what you wish you had known. Anything that you would have done to better to prepare or tips you figured out to make things easier etc. How much is done by the contractor and how much did the team have to do?
Put the paper strips in the decorative hanging rectangles BEFORE you hang those suckers! Also, you might want to make sure you stash the touch-up paint (looks like white nail polish) somewhere logical and post a note on its location somewhere else logical.
I should hope that everyone does these overnight... Bring plenty of caffeine, fruit, and carbs. If you can convince an ETL to requisition the stuff to make sandwiches, that is also really nice, simple, and inexpensive.
Bottom line, though, WORK SAFE. Pay attention coming down ladders, especially at the last step or two (which were the most commonly missed ones when I helped...), and work in groups of 2+ people if at all possible.
You can get sticky label holders somewhere in your signing room, they are in packages you just cut how many you need and stick them on the side you need. I have taken to keeping a sheet of them and some blank labels with a sharpie and mark the blank tables as I do my In-Stock scanning. Probably not brand, but if you write them neat and clean they probably won't say anything.

I have put sticky label holders on both ends of all of the tables and convertibles at my store. That makes it easy to put the location and POG header facing out. You can print up location labels with the label function on a PDA (& I assume My Device). When in the label function just put in the location you want and click print, you'll be asked to name your batch and then you can go to a computer with a printer and print off your location labels.
I have put sticky label holders on both ends of all of the tables and convertibles at my store. That makes it easy to put the location and POG header facing out. You can print up location labels with the label function on a PDA (& I assume My Device). When in the label function just put in the location you want and click print, you'll be asked to name your batch and then you can go to a computer with a printer and print off your location labels.

Who has a printer? And time to print a batch. If soft lines and POG can't be bothered they get what they get. I need to know what table is what.
Anybody have the SAP number for mannequin touchup paint? Its been requested and I don't relish the idea of digging through months of placed SAP orders to try and find the number if it was ever actually found....
I try to look up on workbench. The only thing I found about the white paint is not to throw the bottle away🙁
You can print up location labels with the label function on a PDA (& I assume My Device).

I could never figure out how to do it on the PDA, but it's very easy on the MyDevice. Search for the aisle number, then hit "see promo signs." There will be a link to print the aisle number barcode (I can't remember how it's worded without a MyDevice in front of me).
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