Meant to pay for candy bar

Jan 27, 2024
I grabbed a snack for my break but ended up getting side tracked from my break. I ate the candy in the back not thinking and didn't pay for it. I realized after we closed, now I'm paranoid that I'll get in trouble. I don't know if I should pay for it and then tell my Manger, I'm worried being honest will get me to lose my job I've only had for 2 weeks.
Just pay for it self check tomorrow and tell no one. Keep the receipt.
If AP pulls you in you have your receipt for proof and they can check camera to see you put it back
AP won’t tho, they’re not gonna bust someone for a buck 50. They’ll watch you to track more theft to get you for a bigger amount.
there are laws about theft and food, they won't do anything about a single candy bar. I'm not saying to do it again or anything, but don't worry about it. its good you have it on your mind and are concerned about it, but you can go through sco and scan another one and pay for it like above said. i wouldn't tell anyone about it, tbh. its not a big deal, you're safe 🙂 just be more careful next time!
Well I went in before my shift tonight and payed for it aswell as told my manger about it. I felt like it was the right thing to do. They thanked me for my honesty and then told me "see you later when you come in" so sounds like it's all ok, But still worried.
Well I went in before my shift tonight and payed for it aswell as told my manger about it. I felt like it was the right thing to do. They thanked me for my honesty and then told me "see you later when you come in" so sounds like it's all ok, But still worried.
Don't worry, you're good.
Well I went in before my shift tonight and payed for it aswell as told my manger about it. I felt like it was the right thing to do. They thanked me for my honesty and then told me "see you later when you come in" so sounds like it's all ok, But still worried.
In the meantime ap now has you on their radar.
You're fine, AP will only get you when you steal enough for them to arrest you. I had a really bad habit of buying my lunch on the floor and paying for it later but often forgetting, so I started to take pictures of the UPCs of my lunches to make sure I remembered to pay for them. Once I paid for a week's worth of lunches at one time and that's when I said okay I need to stop this and never did it again. Pay for it right away now no matter how big the lines. Your honesty is great though, good for you man, that always goes a long way.

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