Archived Meth use at work

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Aug 24, 2015
Hey everyone! This is my first post and I'm also new to target (2 months) working on the sales floor in hardines at the busiest and largest Target in this half of my state. Forgive me if this is in the wrong section, I was not sure if I should put it here or "I'm lost".

Let me begin by explaining what is going on. Another TM who I am friends with and I know very well (since we were kids) is struggling. He has been working there about the same amount of time as me on the sales floor in hardiness as well. To get to the point; over the past few months he started doing crystal meth (really potent ice, not the hillbilly stuff). It is now at the point where he is doing it every few hours all day and night, and he looks notably sick and unhealthy after being awake for 5 days straight then comes to work for a 15 hour shift he chose to take.

He has been doing the meth right before work and during his breaks in his car. Recently he has become more risky and is going to our lockable bathroom in the backroom every couple hours to do "key bumps" (snorting a bit off the end of a key). He comes right back to his work and gets things done a little faster but for a half hour or so he is sniffling like he's getting sick(That's what he tells the LODs in case they thought he had been putting shit up his nose). I have noticed he's lost some weight and the meth makes him sweat in obscene amounts to the point where he had to wipe sweat off his face every 5 minutes until he was covered again in sweat. Other than those strange behaviors (pale, sweating, what he talks about, quick unnecessary movements, mumbles to himself sometimes, not eating during lunch, etc). I know this is all true because he is so paranoid he only feels safe telling me as I am a recovering addict (opiates/heroin).

He is a really nice genuine person to every guest and the rest of the team. He even is able to do his job at a satisfactory pace. He's never been late, or called in once to miss work. He's even received a few outstanding service guest survey cards filed out for him. He has done some dumb crap while at work, like dropping things more often because he's shaky. He was talking nonsense to the LOD one day to the point where I had to pull him away with a dumb excuse. Other than that he does not physically appear to be high and his mental faculties are totally there too

Let me get this part straight, I will not voice my concern/snitch to anyone about this at target or people I know because it's not my place to do that. However, if I see him becoming hostile, aggressive, unsafe, or unable to do his job at all i will have to say something if no one else does first. He told me today his fear of getting randomly drug tested, the paranoid thoughts of the LOD or security team watching him on the cctv and observing his every move so they can build a case against him. Or that someone might have noticed that his dealer is coming to the store and selling him the drugs in the middle of an aisle (he left money on the shelf, dealer leaves meth in baggie on shelf behind something).

First of all, I have been giving him every resource for help that I can. Every time we talk I try to get him a bit closer to seeking help. I'm living proof you can survive and work without drugs, he will get help only when he wants to and is ready. Until then, to keep his paranoia from overwhelming me every day I told him I would find him some information on how target works if they suspect you of getting high at/before work.

So my question is this. The way he is behaving as I described above, would any of the leads notice? What about security? Is there someone watching all the employees on the cameras? I'm not quite sure how your target works, but at my store the drug test was waived for everyone after the conditional job offer, so I assume my store's adherence to the drug free policy is pretty loose. If they think he's high on meth at work everyday will they do anything if he's getting the job done well? Sorry for the long post but I can't bear to see the horrors of addiction and see what I went through happening to a good friend. Being able to provide him with some advice from all of you would help me in sooooo many ways and help him To hopefully get his state of mind to something less paranoid. He needs the job now more then even at. 9 an hour 40 hours a week on top of his two other jobs, he needs it. Being married with child on the way can get expensive on top of a meth habit.

Thank you all again!
Lesson of the day: DON'T DO METH!! (or I will murder the cutest animal you can think of)
Out of the many ways to spot a meth addict, it won't be long till someone notice him. It isn't like smoking where you can quit after awhile, It's instantly addicting and according to my knowledge it kills the nerve that tells us we're aren't in pain, without that high users are in constant pain. It's a do or die situation for him, some users are good at hiding it because it's easier in the beginning so it's not long till somebody notices, giving the fact that you said he's using pure crystal.

Your friend shouldn't have a job, he needs immediate help since he's in the early stages. You might think you're being a "good friend", you're not helping the store by covering it and it might cost you your job.

I told him I would find him some information on how target works if they suspect you of getting high at/before work.

That's a big no-no.
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Of course the leads will notice. It's going to get worse and worse, and fast. Guests will notice. I get guests who complain about the most petty things about Team Members. If a TM has even the slightest accent, you better believe there's a guest whom has complained about it. I've even had guests complain about someone not smiling, even though they had an obvious facial deformity. Being a meth addict is not going to be something he can hide. Eventually someone's going to point it out, and they're not going to sugar coat it or be discreet.

Do not handle this through Target. Why on earth would you snitch on him via the Team Leads or LODs? Handle this outside of work. You said you knew him well, so get him help. It doesn't sound like it's gotten so bad yet, if he can still handle a job. But it can get bad fast. Do your best to help him out. Hopefully he'll respond positively. That's the best you can do. Otherwise he'll either quit or get fired and continue to go down that path of drug abuse.

You really should report him. You might think you're being a snitch but you'd really be helping him. Sure he'd probably get fired, but Drug use is NOT ok in the workplace. What if another TM or Guest got hurt because he was under the influence at work? Just because you're a recovering addict doesn't mean you shouldn't report him.

Sometimes drug addicts need to hit rock bottom before they can realize they have a problem.
I just have to point out the irony of a post inquiring about a "friend's" use of meth by someone named Speedfreak.

You Your friend will get noticed. That stage of addiction doesn't go unseen for very long. Working 3 jobs around the clock will ensure he never kicks the habit (and is how most meth users start in the first place). His best bet is to quit one of the jobs and try to find some form of welfare benefits for his child (Food stamp, WIC, whatever) to help make the difference. Then try to kick the habit.

However, I have never known a meth addict to stay clean. Ever. I grew up surrounded by drug users and every single meth addict I have known either relapsed or got hooked on something else.
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You really should report him. You might think you're being a snitch but you'd really be helping him. Sure he'd probably get fired, but Drug use is NOT ok in the workplace. What if another TM or Guest got hurt because he was under the influence at work? Just because you're a recovering addict doesn't mean you shouldn't report him.

Sometimes drug addicts need to hit rock bottom before they can realize they have a problem.

Is it possible to take a LOA for that kind of stuff? I assume no. But I once worked with someone for a different company whom had got into drugs. She took a LOA for a few months and then came back sober. Though of course this was a smaller company, maybe she had some deal worked out with our boss.
Is it possible to take a LOA for that kind of stuff? I assume no. But I once worked with someone for a different company whom had got into drugs. She took a LOA for a few months and then came back sober. Though of course this was a smaller company, maybe she had some deal worked out with our boss.

I think it depends on the circumstances. If they are using at work -- most likely No.
We had a SLTL take a medical LOA because she was battling alcoholism.
She wasn't drinking on the job (yet) but would come in hung over & was getting increasingly nasty when she was sober.
She came back for awhile but relapsed & quit.
Hopefully she's getting the help she needs.
We had a SLTL take a medical LOA because she was battling alcoholism.
She wasn't drinking on the job (yet) but would come in hung over & was getting increasingly nasty when she was sober.
She came back for awhile but relapsed & quit.
Hopefully she's getting the help she needs.

Yeah I think the key factor in being able to take an LOA for substance abuse is the condition that you aren't using on the job... Then you become a liability for the store since it's happening at work -- AKA you're fired.
If he gets ahead of it, goes in and tells them he has this problem, doesn't say he is using at work but that he needs time off to go to rehab, it's just like if he had to take time off to go to the hospital for a major injury.
The trick will be staying clean when he comes out and the main thing for that is cutting ties with all the people and places that led to the original problem in the first place.
If you come from a family of addicts that can be a real problem.
Nothing like going to a family dinner and having little brother try to get you high.
I have too many friends who have gone through this with booze and drugs.
I just have to point out the irony of a post inquiring about a "friend's" use of meth by someone named Speedfreak.

You Your friend will get noticed. That stage of addiction doesn't go unseen for very long. Working 3 jobs around the clock will ensure he never kicks the habit (and is how most meth users start in the first place). His best bet is to quit one of the jobs and try to find some form of welfare benefits for his child (Food stamp, WIC, whatever) to help make the difference. Then try to kick the habit.

However, I have never known a meth addict to stay clean. Ever. I grew up surrounded by drug users and every single meth addict I have known either relapse or get hooked on something else.

I think I explained my username earlier to someone in chat. It's not "speedfreak" as in obsessed with stimulants. I actually hated the one time I took an adderall because I have such bad anxiety. What it is supposed to mean is that I have a tendency, at target in particular, to try to get everything done at the same time. I don't have the patience sometimes for tedious tasks so I try to fly thru them. The other day the LOD called me a speed so I figured that was a term at target. Speed is a term used right? I also drive way too fast, eat too much too fast, walk super fast, you name it I like it fast ;-). But, you can decide for yourself if it is me or my buddy it doesn't much matter to me just need some advice.

Anyway, thank you all for the helpful replies! I've actually been actively trying to get him into an inpatient treatment that I went to when I got off heroin that is extremely good and have researched every other one as well, ones that are state run if you dont have insurance. I agree that he shouldn't be working, it is SO easy to injure yourself or someone else if you are even the slightest bit unaware. I can't force him into treatment, and if he were forced into it he WILL relapse right when he's back out. If someone needs to get sober they have to do it for themselves yourself, not because you lost your job or your parents are making you do it or whatever the case may be, seen too many die coming out of treatment they were forced into.

Either way I've been talking with his family recently, in the next couple of days we are going to have "dinner" which I guess you might consider an "intervention with food provided." I understand I can't cover for him, I'm going to tell him this and make sure he knows that if he tells hr now that he has a problem shit will go down much smoother for him, instead of getting caught down the line at work where if he's got drugs on him the police will come and arrest him, get fired, have a criminal record, etc. My bottom line is going to be something like this: if you don't get some help for your own sake, your wife, unborn child, family and friends you will lose your job because I'm going to be the one who tells the STL what you're doing. Thank you for the advice all, it's probably not a good idea to give him this info now that you mention it. It will just make him hide it more if he knows the leads and the guests are going to notice. Good thing is he knows he needs to stop, but can't. If he has to hit rock bottom to get clean, I'll at least happy that he will live. I had to get two class B felonies to hit mine, not a good road.

I want to help, but I can only help so much, after that I am enabling him by covering it up. I'll keep you updated on what happens in the next couple of days (if you care). I thought it might be informative for some at the least 🙂 Thanks again!
Actually, addiction/alcoholism is technically a disability, but ONLY if you are not actively using. I wonder if he got clean for a few days and had quantitative drug tests to prove its clearing his system, if he would be protected by law... Hmmmmnm
Actually, addiction/alcoholism is technically a disability, but ONLY if you are not actively using. I wonder if he got clean for a few days and had quantitative drug tests to prove its clearing his system, if he would be protected by law... Hmmmmnm

You would never be "protected" from being fired over using on the job.
Well if he doesn't tell them he used on the job, that hes trying to get clean and hasn't used in 4 days he is protected unless they have solid evidence or proof he was using at work 4 days prior or before that
If he has access to powered equipment its a HUGE issue..

Agreed. He has 0 access to heavy equipment fortunately, but unfortunately that doesn't make me feel any better about the risk to his and others safety. We don't even have those cart pushers (which we should). Unless you consider a flatbed cart heavy equipment (they ARE really hard to steer and not hit anyone). He could still easily hurt himself or someone else with even those box knives we use. Hell, he could hurt someone else by dropping his drugs on the floor and what if some kid comes along and thinks its pop rocks? WTF THEN? He obviously doesn't think of these scenarios where being blitzed at work can wrong super bad super fast. I will be clearly taking some action to get him some help. I don't know what its like to be on meth, but it sounds insane and doing any job on it sounds impossible.

Also, I think I know why he never backs up at the registers anymore. I bet he sweat all over a guest's groceries and they complained. Or gave the wrong change, let merchandise go unpaid for....
My friend needs help, I may not be doing it "right" but I am trying to do what I can from experience. He is a grown adult and will make these decisions no matter what I do. If he wants to get clean, he will be able to get the help he needs and do well. If he doesn't, there is not a damn thing I can do about it. I can only provide my support, I am not his parent I am his friend. I draw on what has been taught to me through NA, my outpatient rehab meetings, my sponsor, reading NA or any addiction literature, and talking to other addicts. No one can help him unless he helps himself, so at this point in time there is no "right" way to do this. I will definitely check out the Team Member Life Resources though, I must have missed that in orientation. Thanks for the advice!
Your friend needs help and you're not doing it right. Check out the Team Member Life Resources and see if there's anything that could help him.

Couldn't he just take a personal LOA?

He could take a personal LOA sure.

He could even take an LOA if it was for drug rehab, but if they find out you're using at work, you're termed.
Only a moron would smoke meth at work. Do that shit when you get home!!!
Don't even do 'that shit' at HOME!
It's highly addictive & you can't do 'just a little' like pot.
I've seen a few friends' kids get caught up in that web & it never ends well.
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