Archived Meth use at work

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Agreed. He has 0 access to heavy equipment fortunately, but unfortunately that doesn't make me feel any better about the risk to his and others safety. We don't even have those cart pushers (which we should). Unless you consider a flatbed cart heavy equipment (they ARE really hard to steer and not hit anyone). He could still easily hurt himself or someone else with even those box knives we use. Hell, he could hurt someone else by dropping his drugs on the floor and what if some kid comes along and thinks its pop rocks? WTF THEN? He obviously doesn't think of these scenarios where being blitzed at work can wrong super bad super fast. I will be clearly taking some action to get him some help. I don't know what its like to be on meth, but it sounds insane and doing any job on it sounds impossible.

Also, I think I know why he never backs up at the registers anymore. I bet he sweat all over a guest's groceries and they complained. Or gave the wrong change, let merchandise go unpaid for....

Take your stand of what you want to do report/don't report that is your choice, but under NO circumstances do you cover or lie for him. Let him know this, he is on his own with this daemon... You get asked if you believe he is using? "Yes, I do believe he is using."
You sound like you're on meth.

I hope I'm not on meth. I sure don't remember doing anything like that 🙂. If I even took a sudafed for a fucking cold it would pop up as a false positive for amphetamines on the drug tests I'm required to take 3 times a week... I would be in jail. For taking a decongestant. Yes, really.
Update: he is no longer working for target. He did the right thing and asked for a LOA to go to inpatient rehab, however he was fired because by using drugs at all even at home is grounds for termination. I was told that is legally justifiable to terminate him. He probably going to need some time anyway to recover before he is ready to take on the stress of working, it was probably for the best. I was not asked if he used at work, or any questions for that matter. He was asked though and said he did not, they believed him as they had no reason to think be was taking them AT work. They thought he had been up for days from not sleeping and that's why he looked like he was high at work and acting strangely. He's finally going to get the help he needs, willingly. And we no longer have a tweaked out employee at target (at least my store). I can't wait to be able to have my friend since the 3rd grade clean 🙂 even though he will be a different person when he's clean, its better then him being a different person on meth. That was bad!

Thank you all for the wonderful advice and suggestions. They helped me and him in the long run.

Anyone have a suspected tweaker/hard drug user at their store? I'm curious now about how much this goes on
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