Archived Miles Walked per Shift

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23k (about 13 miles) on a normal day and about +29k if my mid calls out. I'd kill to have all the fill groups in the main back room. There's currently a stockroom in every corner of the store.
In a 6 hour GSA shift, I easily get 10,000 steps. And I normally forget to wear my fit bit until I'm heading out the door for work. Over the holidays, there were a lot of days that I hit 20-25K steps with just a 6 hour shift.

When I first got my fit bit, I was a cashier and it was super frustrating!
Depends what I'm doing. Usually around 8-10 miles a day. If I'm working backroom 13-15 miles or more.
I had a cashier shift a few days back and forgot to switch the fitbit to my pants and ended up with 7k steps from moving my arm. I know I didn't walk that much lol. I have 300 steps right now and I've only been out of bed twice.

Yesterday I hit 10k with it in my pants in a 5 hour floor shift shift, though. That's above my average for so little time, but I was the only person in softlines at all so I was everywhere.
On a typical day (SF) I walk roughy 25,000 steps
Last month during a 10 hour shift I walked 41,000
It's worth noting my Sunday shift was only 5 hours. I have no idea how I got my steps up that high, lol.
Starbucks makes me hit about 5,000 steps for a four hour shift, almost 8,000 steps some days for a closing shift because I walk in circles because our hideyhole is poorly planned.

Guest Service depends on how many people need photos and flexible fulfilments.
My trusty old pedometer wore out so I was using one the GSAs used to use when they used to have a "get a move on" competition.
I did 9216 steps in a 6 hr SB shift; lots of steps in a 3'x6' space with a few longer stretches pulling my supplies.
Probably like 100. cashiers collectively groan.

One of the GSAs is super into health and wears a fitbit, I should ask her.
My Cellphone (or Smartphone) has pedometer in it and I usually average 12,000 to 15,000 steps a day. I'm usually with Plano or Hardlines. It usually varies depending on my workcenter and if I have back-up cashier more than usual! 😛
13k cause i was running all over the store for reasons that would out me if anyone else from my store were here. that's a lot of calories burned.
My feet...

Temporally working in one of the .com DC's I walked about 20miles a day lugging a 6ft long metal cart behind me for 12 hours 6 days a week for 3 weeks.

Good times : )
8.5 hour shift as cart attendant to a large target connected to a mall with 3 parking lots I have to walk around in comes out to....many miles.
I wish the builders of the pyramids could log into this thread!
over 19,000 steps today which was 8.6 miles in a single shift..... boy do my feet hurt. 😛 pfffft
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