Archived minimum hours you can work

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Aug 18, 2018
Hi! I start school soon and It will be hard for me to work after school. Do you guys know the minimum amount of hours target accepts you to work or is there none?
Have you considered going on LOA?

an Education LOA is easy to obtain. I have done it. Ask your Salesfloor ETL or ETL HR to help you along in the process. They will probably print out a paper, then get approved it by your HR and STL.
If your store is more of a pain, try working one day a week, specifically a weekend day. They would be willing to keep you if you want to do it that way.
Hi! I start school soon and It will be hard for me to work after school. Do you guys know the minimum amount of hours target accepts you to work or is there none?

Do what is best for you. We have plenty of school age TMS that come in literally after school and work 5 hour shifts. If they need it off they swap shifts or request it off. If this still not possible even with 2 days during the week and weekends. Then I'd see about educational LOA.
At my store having weekend only availability would be fine. We need more staffing on the weekends, and having weekend only TMs gives scheduling flexibility for the team when someone needs a weekend off. Your supervisor may agree to schedule you for only one day each weekend, but if they do please work your schedule. It really ticks off supervisors (and your peers) when you are only scheduled for one day and don’t show up. Not saying that you would do that, just letting you know the likely reaction to people who do. Good luck.🍀😊
We have a tm who is a teacher during school season he works one day a week 4hr shift. He has been with our store for many years and stepped down from a team lead but they still work with him we have another whose other job lets him only work 1 day for 4 hrs as well. Its up to what you want, what your cross trained for, and hownflexible your store can be. Talk to your hr as suggested an loa may be a good choice
We had a bike builder that I’ve mentioned on here before in the past that used to work 3 hours a week on Wednesday nights only. He quit, sometime during this past fourth quarter, but I don’t know when.
Thank you! I have only been working here a month because the hiring process took longer than expected so I don't want to already go on a LOA because I want to work. But, I go to a very competitive school and I'm going into my hardest year where I will have up to 4 hours of homework a night so, I won't be able to work that much. What would you guys do?
Thank you! I have only been working here a month because the hiring process took longer than expected so I don't want to already go on a LOA because I want to work. But, I go to a very competitive school and I'm going into my hardest year where I will have up to 4 hours of homework a night so, I won't be able to work that much. What would you guys do?
Education should always come first.
What exactly is an educational LOA? I get it but I'm not sure I 100% understand it and I want to be clear.
I'm a student and work around 15-20 hours a week. Most of it is on the weekends with like one or two four hour shifts during the weekday and I find that I still have more than enough time to procrastinate on whatever assignments I have to do.
I'd work weekends if I were you. Even as a student, you are gonna want some $ and something else to do other than academics. Ask if you can do 2 4-6 hour shifts on Sat/Sun.
This. If you’re asking the minimum, just go on LOA. Targets not going to accept a 3 hour availability— they’ll just hire someone who can work more.
New hires they won’t go so low for availability but they’re usually willing to work with people who have been around.

I’ve been working 5 hours a week for the last two years at my store. Works out well and no concerns. It is hard to learn though. I have no idea how to use Zebras these days (target will have to rip my PDA from my hands before I give it up).
3 hours on any given shift but 12 for the week, a must. You'll also probably not be on anyone's favorite list.
3 hours on any given shift but 12 for the week, a must. You'll also probably not be on anyone's favorite list.
We have plenty of TMs who work only 4 hours a week - are you rather saying your availability must be at least 12 hours a week? If so I didn’t know that 🙂
3 hours on any given shift but 12 for the week, a must. You'll also probably not be on anyone's favorite list.

My store regularly schedules TMs for two 5 hr. shifts for the whole week, even when their availability is rather open and they want more hours.
Thank you! I have only been working here a month because the hiring process took longer than expected so I don't want to already go on a LOA because I want to work. But, I go to a very competitive school and I'm going into my hardest year where I will have up to 4 hours of homework a night so, I won't be able to work that much. What would you guys do?
Work weekends only.
We have someone with availability only on Saturdays. I don't know if it's all day or limited hours.
I'm available 6-10 pm Thursdays and all day Saturday. But I started out with almost completely open availability and have been winnowing it down as the needs of my primary job and my family have changed. I don't know if I could get away with cutting back much further and remain employed.
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