Archived Missing the "Old" Target

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Boy I wish you worked at my store. Twice in the last week I've gotten my ETL-GE out of a bind by staying later and haven't heard one syllable of gratitude. Like, what's really the point if they're acting like they expect these things to be done for them? It's starting to really get on my nerves.

And, yes, this ETL is very new, fresh out of college, and typically a non-entity until they want to crack the whip on redcards with threats of PDDs.
There was one month recently where I had to stay close Deli after working a mid four times. Plenty of apologies from my TL (who works only mornings) but not a peep from the ETL. The STL even had the gall to ask the LOD why I couldn't just stay when I finally started refusing to stay more than 30 mins after my shift. It's not good for your sanity when you walk in each day not knowing if you're going to be expected to stay several hours late with no help.
There was one month recently where I had to stay close Deli after working a mid four times. Plenty of apologies from my TL (who works only mornings) but not a peep from the ETL. The STL even had the gall to ask the LOD why I couldn't just stay when I finally started refusing to stay more than 30 mins after my shift. It's not good for your sanity when you walk in each day not knowing if you're going to be expected to stay several hours late with no help.

Exactly why I work a locked down schedule. It's not that I won't help but they came to expect and depend on it.
Ours is still up, goddamn it!

Fuck them - give me more hours!!!

Stores love to hire new people, they can give them 20 hours and keep hours down. No benefits for a year. They will be desperate to pick up shifts when we have call outs and we can brag about our shiny hiring numbers... all while screwing over our faithful long time employees.
I don't GAS about benefits. I want HOURS.
But if your hour avg goes up high enough, they are required to give you a packet about benefits whether you want it or not.
You can decline the benefits but, as far as corp is concerned, they don't want to risk someone possibly taking advantage of them.
You are truly from another era of spot. It gives me hope to see someone keeping the old ways alive. I've had ETL's in the store who were deathly afraid of breaking a nail so they were hesitant to pick up a box. But they weren't hesitate to say "I didn't go to college so I could do push." Most of the ones who float through the store now are only killing time till they find a new job or THINK they will get promoted. Nothing like golden days you sound like you come from. Its a different era now and no one will stay long enough to truly develop a sense of pride in the store (that's not faked). This is just one of many, many jobs they will have in their lifetime so they don't become vested.

I hope you can inspire some of your peers!

I really am trying to inspire them but they are stuck in their ways, my friend! I was at the store today at 6AM to do work center related tasks. Finished at 3:30 ish. The closing LOD (fresh out of college) was complaining about how big the 3 oclock pulls were so she was just whining the whole time. I rallied the troops and we got it done. I helped push out tons of reshop and super zoned opportune areas in Toys too. There's no better way of earning the respect of the people who work for you! See it through their level! The job is difficult sometimes but together we make it easier.

The LOD thanked me but no one else...She asked me why I helped; I smiled and responded "Because you needed it!"

I thanked everyone and just got home a bit ago.

I love my job so I try to keep myself sane. Staying is not too bad as long as you're having fun. So I try to have as much fun as possible with everyone at work!

Hopefully it's contagious and my ETL peers start doing the same. Good luck everyone!
Sad part is I have seen all of these things. Now the HRETL is only talking to people they hired, like they are human beings. Team members that were hired before the current HR tend to have problems getting more hours, talking to HR has become futile and the only ones that get held accountable.

Fast- in our store doesn't exist
Fun - what is that?
Friendly - too many people are stabbing their fellow team mates in the back so that they look good

At one time I took pride in my store and my position, that started going down hill when receiving / reverse logistics became just another team member position
Target has really come a long way down! I do still shop at spot but I can never find someone to help me or they are very rude. I spoke with several etls I am still friendly with and learned they never found someone to replace me in over a year. sheesh.
I am not rude, and I will do my best to make your visit enjoyable.
Happy Guests insure my paycheck.
I don't think I've seen the "We're Hiring" sign come down since I applied. That was four months ago...
I swear the store I used to shop at before I started working at my current store has had that "We're Hiring" sign outside the door for like 2 years.
I swear the store I used to shop at before I started working at my current store has had that "We're Hiring" sign outside the door for like 2 years.

The truth is Target is always "looking for talent." HR is told to have immediate needs (oh our Starbucks TM quit, we need another) but also proactive needs that are never truly filled ie: (we can always use another good flow team member) or (our cashier is going back to college in January, we may need another)
Haven't been around long, but dusting was a thing that was taught to me by my awesome trainers, and I was the last hire in my work center. Having moved to another work center, everything everywhere is filthy. Nothing like handing an item that you helped a guest find and getting a nice cloud of dust as part of the Target shopping experience.

It's not that the TMs don't want to it, it's more that everyone's left finishing the work of the person before them, and it's a cycle that gets deeper as the days go on and the hours get slashed to the bone. It's just barely sustainable and wouldn't take much for it to go completely off the rails.
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