Archived Mobile Pushing Too Hard for Digital Services?

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Good evening everyone. First time poster here other than intro. I've been a mobile employee for over 2 1/2 years now, and recently our DM has been pushing us to get Direct TV and Comcast way too much. He's even going so far as to affect our numbers in the monthly rankings (Ecosystem). This is causing a lot of issues as a whole with multiple employees. First of all, not everyone is allowed to even have Direct TV or Xfinity where they leave around here (HOA'a and apartments don't allow them.) Even asking as many people as possible, we get a lot of "we cut the cord" or "it's too much". But the way our DM is pushing this is what's also causing the issue.

Anyone have ANY suggestions for this? Any help is appreciated. And I do want to note our mobile numbers have gone down since this, and another thing too, there's no way to even track if the person actually signed up for the service even if they said yes.
I'm surprised that people still have DirectTV and other similar services, what with Hulu and Netflix being around, how is that still a thing?
Mobile would get $40 for a Direct TV signup and $40 for a Triple Play signup on Xfinity
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