Morale is almost rock-bottom at our store. I can't ever recall morale being this bad in the 3 years since I started. Softlines TMs are dropping like flies, the new e2e grocery rollout is sucking hours out of every department, and already posted shifts are being cut. Our new BRTL was promoted without consulting our ETL-OPS, how I don't know, which completely passed over our best TM who would have made a much much better TL. So now we're losing at least one, probably two, of our best BRTMs and our BRTL is pretty much useless. And now myTime is being used to generate Backroom's schedule, which is giving us completely retarded shifts (8 pm to 12 am? A four-hour closing backroom shift? With a 2 hour coverage gap between 6 pm and 8 pm? DO YOU EVEN WANT US TO COME CLEAN?) Even worse, apparently overnight has been clocking in unscheduled TMs while the rest of the store is having their hours slashed, and when questioned about it, they just said that they would take the write-up. There have been murmurings about a hotline call from a few of our TLs. I know of at least two of our TLs that will quit if this isn't resolved soon.
It also doesn't help that we are being constantly reminded by our ETL and BRTL that our jobs are going to slowly disappear as more and more departments go end to end.
I myself have already sent out a few applications elsewhere. It's really a shame, I like my job and I enjoy working in the Backroom. And it's not even as if our backroom is running poorly either, aside from the foibles with the recent e2e grocery rollout we come clean almost every night and aren't running into a lot of problems but poor management decisions and a complete lack of any kind of support are killing our store. A little over half of our backroom team is looking to leave in the next month or so, although I doubt that all of them would leave if the hours start to go up as people leave. Even still, our backroom could be severely crippled come next month if even half of the people who are talking about leaving do.